Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 106

106 Just One Kiss

“I said, NO!”

Lucien broke the kiss and elbowed Ronan in the ribs. He then spun around and landed a kick on the man’s stomach.


Ronan barely managed to block Lucien’s foot.

The Alpha pursed his lips in displeasure. He glared at his fated mate who refused to cooperate.

Lucien straightened his clothes and scowled at Ronan.

“Please conduct yourself properly, Ronan. This is my pack house, for Goddess’ sake!”

Ronan rolled with his eyes. “It was just a kiss. What are you getting so worked up for?”

Lucien pulled his collar together to hide his neck away from Ronan’s scorching gaze.


“You and I know that it is never ‘just a kiss’ with you, Ronan Silverback. If you come here to mess around, please return to your room instead.”

Ronan chuckled. He raised both his hands in surrender and walked toward the couch.

“Fine. Let’s properly discuss what to do tomorrow, then.”

Eyes full with distrust, Lucien chose to sit at the farthest end of the couch.


Ronan pulled at Lucien’s arm, forcing the latter to sit on his lap instead.

“Is this how you conduct a strategic meeting before an upcoming war?” Lucien grabbed Ronan by his jaw.

Ronan shrugged. “Maybe. You can sit on my lap every day. I don’t mind.”


Lucien pushed himself off Ronan’s body while the latter roared with laughter.

“Alright, let’s talk serious business,” the Alpha steepled his hands together on his knees.

“Do you mind if I appoint myself as your second-in-command?”

Lucien chuckled.

“Who else if not you?”

Ronan smiled. “If it is anyone but me, we will have a problem.”

“I will handle the representatives from the other packs. What you need to do is gather your pack members and get them trained. I am not sure about your pack’s readiness when facing the Night Prowler Pack, but I do hope that Deacon did not go into war without adequate preparation.”

Lucien nodded. “I will find out.”

The Alpha held up four fingers. “Four days before the war begins, the representatives from other packs will arrive for strategic alignment.”

Two fingers went down.

“Two days before the war begins, we must depart to the warring ground. To prevent cheating, the location of the war will be disclosed only shortly before the departure.”

One finger went down.

“It usually takes at least one day to reach the war site. We have one day to build camps and revamp our strategy when necessary. And then the war starts at 10 AM sharp until it ends.”

“That means,” Ronan gave Lucien a look. “You have two whole days to select the pack members to join the war and train them properly.”

“Sure. I will do that.”

Ronan’s eyes softened. He reached out and pinched Lucien’s cheek, earning a glare and a smack from the latter.

The Alpha leaned back at the couch rest and crossed one leg over the other languidly.

“You can rely on me a little more, you know.”

“I can take care of my pack just fine,” came the answer.

Ronan shook his head. The man was so stubborn. If it were any other person, Ronan might just be appalled by his arrogance.

“Come here,” he said, his voice heavy with desire.

Lucien scooted back on the couch and gave Ronan a suspicious look.

“What for?”

“What else? I want a kiss.”

Lucien stood up from the couch immediately.

“It is late. Please leave, Alpha Ronan.”

“One kiss,” Ronan begged, rising to his feet nonetheless. “One kiss, then I will go.”

Ronan pursued Lucien for so long and only got a “yes” today. He still could not believe it. It might just be a beautiful dream. When he woke up, Lucien would be gone again, off to a place far away with another man. Ronan’s heart ached terribly whenever he thought that way.

Lucien did think that Ronan looked too pitiful, but he did not dare to relent. If he gave Ronan an inch, the greedy Alpha would want a foot. One kiss could turn into many. Many kisses could turn to... Goddess knew that it was not easy to get Ronan to stop once they were already doing it.

“One kiss. I promise,” Ronan repeated his request.

“Fine. One kiss.”

Lucien let Ronan wrap him in a tight embrace before tilting his head slightly upward and inhaling the Alpha’s calming sandalwood scent.

One of Ronan’s hands was pressed against the base of Lucien’s neck while the other one was draped around the latter’s back.

Lucien lifted both of his arms and put them on Ronan’s shoulder, hugging his neck while the two men lost themselves in each other’s eyes.

Their lips were locked in a tender kiss, so tender that both men wanted it to last forever.



Soft moans escaped their throats while they indulged in each other’s lips and caress.

When it became too much for Lucien, he tried to break the kiss but Ronan did not share the same idea.

Every time Lucien tried to pull away, Ronan forced him to prolong the kiss.

Ronan was naturally greedy. It was just one kiss, but no one said how long the kiss was supposed to last. For the Alpha, it meant that they should kiss until one or both of them passed out due to lacking oxygen.

After indulging Ronan for as long as he could, Lucien bit hard into Ronan’s lip and forced the Alpha to stop kissing him.


Ronan pulled away when he tasted blood.

Lucien opened his bedroom door and pushed Ronan out mercilessly.

“Good night, Alpha Ronan,” he told him with a flat tone before closing the door on Ronan’s face.

The Alpha stood there in a daze for a while.

A silly smile spread on his face a moment later.

“Good night, Lucien,” he spoke to the door before he made his way to the guest room.

Unbeknownst to him, Lucien was sitting on the floor while leaning against the door. Ronan’s kiss turned his feet to jelly and caused blood to shoot up to his head.

“Damn it,” the man cursed in a low voice.

If he could not wake up early tomorrow, then it was purely Ronan’s fault.


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