Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 105

105 The House Guest

“Good night!” A little girl bade goodbye to her playmates as she rushed back home.

“Byeee, Nana!” The other kids waved at the little girl’s back before they all dispersed to their own houses.

Not long after, Nana’s mother went out to take out the trash. When she walked back to her apartment, she caught sight of Alice Clearwater who was leaning against the window in her apartment on the upper floor.

The woman swallowed her nervosity before she greeted the elder woman.

“Mrs... Mrs. Clearwater, good evening.”

Alice tilted her head slightly to look at Nana’s mother.

“Good evening, Clara.”

Nana’s mother almost cried from happiness. Alice Clearwater knew her by name! Truly, Alice was the only Luna that Clara respected. Too bad that the Clearwater family had to take the fall back then. It was the one thing in the history of the Silent Walkers Pack that young Clara regretted the most.

According to Clara, the ascend of Deacon Clearwater as the Alpha was a terrible decision. She even voiced the exact same thing to her mother, word after word. Her mother then slapped her hard across the face and warned her from speaking ill about the currently reigning Alpha, ever again.


Clara had bitten her lips in resentment and held her tears back then, unable to say a single word in return.

And look at what Deacon Clearwater had done! The Silent Walkers Pack was thrust into the worst predicament ever, left at the mercy of the Night Prowler Pack. Clara kept screaming in her heart that she knew it. She knew it would happen. Deacon Clearwater was not suitable to lead a pack!

If only Lucien Clearwater had taken over as the Alpha instead. But he just had to lose his wolf and disqualify himself entirely from being part of the pack, let alone becoming the next Alpha!

What Clara didn’t expect was Lucien Clearwater’s return to clean up the mess that Deacon Clearwater left after the war ended.

It became quickly apparent that the string of bad luck had not ended for the Clearwater family. Everything that could go wrong already went wrong without a single fail.

Clara heaved a sigh as heavy as the dark cloud that hung over the pack house that night.

No wonder Alice Clearwater did not care to even take some meal. She was waiting for her children to come home, and it broke Clara’s heart.

Alice waited for hours by the window, only going in for short periods of time a few times. By the time night settled on the pack house and all pack members prepared for bed, she had yet to change into her night attire.

Clara made a point to go out of her apartment one more time to check up on Alice Clearwater.

“Mrs. Clearwater, good night!” She said.

“Good night, Clara.”

The younger woman went back into her dwelling, praying in her heart that Alice Clearwater’s children might come back soon. Not long after, the light in her apartment was extinguished.

Alice Clearwater saw the lights in the pack house disappear one by one. Soon, the only section that was still illuminated brightly in the middle of the night was the small apartment where the Clearwaters resided.

It did not matter for the elder woman. Even if it would take the whole night, she was still going to wait.

Alice Clearwater’s gaze was trained at the pack house entrance for what seemed to be an eternity until finally two beams of headlight appeared in the darkness. By the time the car pulled before the pack house, Alice Clearwater arrived at the ground floor.

She ran out and hugged both Annalynne and Lucien who climbed off the car at the same time.

“Oh, my babies,” she breathed into their shoulders as soon as she held them in her arms. “You are finally back.”


Lucien gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. After the trio disentangled themselves, Lucien took his mother by the elbow and led her to Ronan, who stood some distance away, not wanting to disturb the family reunion.

“Mom, Ronan came back with me. There are many things I need to tell about the hearing and trial today...”

With a charming smile on his face, Ronan pulled at Lucien’s waist and stopped him from speaking further.

“Lulu, it is late. Should we not talk about it tomorrow? We still have some time.”

Alice’s jaw dropped open when she saw the open display of intimacy. She was even more surprised to see Lucien being so obedient. What was going on? Did she miss something? It seemed that she missed a lot.

Alice sneaked a glance at her daughter, who gave her an I-know-as-much-as-you-do-Mom look.

“Right,” Alice Clearwater agreed with Ronan.

“Welcome to our modest settlement, Alpha Ronan. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.”

Alice assigned Ronan a guest room in their apartment and suggested that they all retreat for the night. By that, she meant that everyone but Lucien and herself should go to sleep. Alice had a lot of questions on her mind, and all of them were pertinent to the Alpha of the Infinite Eclipse Pack.

Not fifteen minutes after she went into her bedroom, she came out again and marched toward Lucien’s bedroom. Alice Clearwater swallowed hard and raised her hand to knock at Lucien’s door.

Before the first knock even landed, she heard something that gave her goosebumps.

“No, Ronan...” Lucien’s sweet, satiny voice was heard coming from inside his bedroom. “Don’t... Ah...”

“Sssh, baby...” Ronan’s seductive voice rang out in retaliation. “Just relax, will you?”

Drowsiness and exhaustion drained like water from Alice Clearwater’s body. She did not wish to listen more to what was going on inside Lucien’s bedroom.

That night, Alice Clearwater could not sleep even a wink. Not because her children were not home yet. It was because of the house guest who was doing unspeakable things with her son under her roof!


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