Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 530: Speed up the plan

Chapter 530: Speed up the plan

A long time passed and the golden ray of the sun could be seen in the east, the two girls were spent and motionless, lying on the grass.

Wang Yu's dead body had been taken away by the Shadow Warrior, both Senjas didn't know and didn't care where they had taken him, while the teenagers had been secured somewhere else.

"What are you going to do with the teenagers?" Senja tilted her head and looked at the girl beside her.

"Those kids will be fine after the effect of the medicine that had been fed to them wear off. I will bring them with me."

Actually, their plan to lure Wang Yu to come wasn't only to kill him. Due to his personality, they knew that he would bring them out as well.

Those teenagers would be used to fight against Xiao Jun in the war, hence, to lose them and Wang Yu, would be a great blow for Modama's side.

"After I settle the matter, I will catch up with you." She said, giving a big smile at Senja.

"Alright. I will be waiting for you." Senja grinned and stood up, she dusted the grass on her clothes before reached out her hand to help the other girl stood up as well. "Thank you for what you have done. In the end he is still your father." Senja grimaced.

However, she shook her head, "No, he is no longer my father since he killed grandfather."

It was only elder Dam who had treated her well, even thought he was not always around, but it was only him that she thought as a family, hence the moment she knew her grandfather was killed by him, she couldn't accept it.

Gong Xu and she didn't want to involve in the power struggle anymore, but it was an exception.

She wanted to fight them! Those people who had made her life miserable!

The Emperor.


Her stepmother and her daughters.

Her father.

They have to pay for what they had done.

"I will convince Gong Xu to come." She said, extended her arms for hug.

"Alright. Wait news from me" Senja hugged her back tightly. "I will go first."

With that, they let go each other and smiled contentedly.

This wasn't a goodbye, with the war was brewing around them, they would meet again in the battlefield.


The progress of the war was heated by the news of Wang Yu's death.

No one knew what had happened to him, but his body decayed abnormally fast. The moment Xiao Wu Xie, who was assigned to find out about what had happened in the Mountain Sui Sword Sect, found him three days later, Wang Yu's body hardly could be able to recognize.

This news infuriated Xiao Zi and Modama greatly.

All the breakable things inside the study room had scattered on the floor as a result of his outburst, at the outside of the door, all the servants and eunuchs knelt with their face touch the floor, while their bodies trembling frantically, scared of their Emperor's wrath!

In the other side, Modama didn't show his anger with the way Xiao Zi did, however his eyes flickered with bloodlust.

There was nothing that he wanted to know now, except the person who had killed Wang Yu. Not only they had killed him, but that person had taken three thousands teenagers as well, that they had cultivated for years for this moment purposes.

With the missing great amount of teenagers and the death of Wang Yu, this had successfully ruined the whole plan! Their roles were very important.

Currently, Xiao Jun and Xiao Tianyao's troops had besieged Q city the first district. Their victory was only a matter of time.

Naturally, their victory was part of their plan, they would take over those cities again in the end. Nothing to worry about if everything was running according to their plan.

However, this incident was the unpredictable variable. Who would have thought Wang Yu would be death and their exclusive troops would missing.

"This is not good!" Xiao Zi shrilled in agitation, panting after he vented out his rage and screwed up the whole room. "Jun will take over the city soon and we will not able to get it back!"

Xiao Wu Xie rooted on the ground, too scare to talk. He wasn't like Xiao Wang Wei who was calm and compose, the pressured that he felt from the situation turned him dumbfounded. That was why, he didn't suit the role of the crown prince after his brother died.

But, Xiao Zi didn't have any other choice, he didn't have another son to inherit his bloodline.

The moment he knew Senja had killed his capable son, he really wanted to end her life right there and then. If it wasn't for the sake of their long planning scheme, he would have started a war long time ago.

He couldn't be reckless now, especially with Modama in the picture.

Xiao Zi had been suppressing Modama's power by let him assumed that the Black Sword Clan's heirloom was with him, when the fact he didn't have any idea where that item was.

He had significantly assigned Wang Yu to find their clan heirloom to the extent as far as to kill Elder Dam and took over Black Sword Clan, however that stupid man still couldn't find the token of Shadow Warrior, instead, he failed him with the news of his death and the missing of their troops.

"What should we do now!?" Xiao Zi roared, his chest heaved heavily.

He glared at his useless son who couldn't find out the culprit who had killed Wang Yu. Xiao Wu Xie shivered under his father's wrath and resentment.

Modama who was leaning his old body against the wall beside the window, spoke through his gritted teeth. "Tell that person to speed up the plan to kill the two Elders."

For now, this was the only way to weaken Xiao Jun's strength.


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