Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 529: Shocking move!

Chapter 529: Shocking move!

The light of the moon was blocked by the white cloud, giving off an eerie vibe with the appearance of those mythical guards. However, her eyes shone brightly, flickered with hatred and revenged. Her black night hair was fluttered by the harsh wind that suddenly blew past them.

Senja looked at her father with murderous intent.

Wang Yu turned around to kill his daughter upon hearing her last comment, but stopped himself when he saw his daughter eyes.

The indescribable chill and murderous aura emanated from his daughter that made chill ran down Wang Yu's spine when his daughter stared at him, he shivered involuntarily.

A moment later, the sound of swords being brandished filled the air.

His daughter lunged toward him with sword in her hand and a serious expression on her face as she knelt on the ground and swept the sword, aiming his feet.

Wang Yu was shocked to know his daughter knew martial art, but agile enough to jump back and avoided her attack.

Senja was in utter shock as well to find out the other Senja had snatched the sword in her hand. Surprisingly, she knew how to fight! Senja was elated to know this. She reached the dagger on her leg and joined the fight.

Both Senjas' eyes were similar to eagle, coldly predicted Wang Yu movement and attacked his opening. Their motion were complimented each other, as though both of the girl have been fighting alongside each other for many times.

It was hard for Wang Yu to fighting now, ever since he lost half of his sight and mourning over it, he had not yet adjusted with his condition. Fighting the two of them drained his energy greatly.

The thunderous clashing sword ignite some sparks in mid- air with reverberated sound akin to a beast. Their swords' velocity was surprisingly fast and accurate.

With Wang Yu current condition, he lost his footing when the purple girl swept his leg and his daughter leaped from behind her and was about to stab him, aiming his chest.

Wang Yu warded off the attack before he fell back ward and gave Senja the opportunity to cut off his fingers. Blood oozed from his missing thumb and forefinger that caused he lost his gripped on his sword.

Ignoring the pain, he rolled back avoided his daughter attack.

Both of the girls stopped to chase after him as they saw Wang Yu was groaning in agony a few meter away from them, grieving over his fingers. He was armless without his sword.

"B*TCH!!!" His voice boomed indignantly, suppressing the pain and the realization of his predicament. He glanced at his back and saw the Shadow Warriors remained unmoved from their last position, holding down those teenagers who had fallen unconscious.

His left hand reached his waist and with trembling fingers he pulled out the token from his pocket. "Both of you will die!" He hissed under his breath viciously while putting the item on his lips.

Just like that, the melodious sound resounded in the dark night, inviting the night birds to sing along with the beautiful sound.

However, it didn't take long time before the sound abruptly stopped and replaced with a coughing fit. Wang Yu fell on his knees again, started coughing without any sign he would stop soon.

Senja looked the girl beside her who looked very calm and compose. "You smeared the token with something?" Senja asked curiously.

"Poison." The other Senja replied sonorously, there was no any sign of fear or regret.

Despite her mind started to play all the terrible things that Wang Yu had done to her which some of them almost cost her life, she looked at her father with face that devoid from any emotion.

Wang Yu's face had turned purple as he clutched his neck and opened his mouth widely, desperately trying to gasping the air with no avail. He extended his bleeding arm toward his daughter, trying to say something, however there wasn't even a word that could be formed at this time.

The airway in his throat was blocked and was nothing that he could do to breath, if anything it was only worsening his condition. His body was jerking violently by the lack of oxygen.

Wang Yu's current condition reminded Senja about the way she had killed Wang Yu before, she had made him to stop breathing, who knew, that the story repeated. In Senja's mind, Wang Yu had died for more than once, so it wasn't a surprise to see him died again.

Actually, Senja was relieved that they managed to remove him sooner. Wang Yu wouldn't be a threat anymore.

"For what you had done to grandfather" She halted, her voice trembling with emotion. "You deserve this" The child who long time ago couldn't even looked at him right in the eyes, now was the cause of his death.

The agony that Wang Yu has suffered jolted his whole body and knocked the last remnant of his strength. With eyes wide opened and an audible shrieked from his throat, he didn't move anymore.

Meanwhile, both of the girls looked at the poor dead body in front of them coldly.

The other Senja walked forward steadily, approaching her dead father, not to give him the last respect as a daughter, but only to retrieve the token. She bent down her body and wrapped the heirloom with handkerchief before secured it inside the small red pouch.

She walked away again without giving a second glance to the man who had abused her countless time in the past.


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