Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 524: I have a condition

Chapter 524: I have a condition

Senja woke up early in the morning, she changed her clothes and freshened up. Afterward, she opened the curtain that divided her space.

There was only Sheng, who was enjoying his morning tea while Uncle Su and his twin was nowhere to see.

"Uncle Su said; 'the person who you are looking for is in nearby village. You have to cross the hill in the north, she will be in the first building that you will see. It will take half day to reach there' that was what Uncle Su said." Sheng reiterated monotonously.

"Alright." Senja replied while pouring tea for herself. "Where is him now?"

Sheng shrugged, "I don't know. But, Xun is obviously with him."

The morning sun crept its way up and illuminated the surface of the tent, giving some light to both of them while they enjoyed their conversation.

"Who is Senja you are looking for?" He locked his brows together. "The same name as you." He mumbled.

"Hmm." Senja didn't elaborate further only munching the cake on the table.


When the afternoon sun shone brightly, Senja arrived at the big hut with vast yard which bordered by fence that Uncle Su had mentioned. Dismounting her horse, the girl walked along the road.

In front of her was a big hut with a back to the river. The hut was big enough to accommodate around thirty people and Senja didn't know why the other Senja chose to live here instead of stay with Gong Xu at the sanctuary.

From afar she could see her, trimming a bonsai in front of the hut with solemn face, she was exactly like Senja, but upon seeing her closer, the difference between the two of them was clear to see.

The other Senja who was looking at her visitor has a solemn look on her face with traces of seriousness and serenity. She looked exactly like a noble daughter from respected family, meanwhile Senja with her purple hair akin to a free spirit from a magical character that jumped out from a myth.

The other Senja smiled at her that she reciprocated sincerely.

"What bring you here?" She asked softly when Senja had stood in front of her with her horse poised sturdily behind her.

"This," Senja took the small red pouch from her waist and extended her hand to her. "This is what brought me here." Senja gave the pouch to her.

Her brows lock together as she opened the small red pouch curiously.

With a soft thud sound, a white translucent token landed on her palm. Her eyes widened as her lips shut tight, she scrunched her face as thought she was fighting with the rage of emotion inside of her.

"Grandfather gave this token to Tianyao for him to protect me, because he thought I was you." Senja explained when she looked at the moist on her eyes. "Tianyao said, only the true heir from the Black Sword Clan that could use it, hence this token has no use for him. Moreover, this is the memento of Elder Dam. We think it is only right to give it back to the right owner."

There was a long silence that engulfed both of them, like the golden hue of the sun set that shining on them.

"Thank you." She said softly, without averted her eyes from the item in her palm. No one knew except her, how precious this item was. "I really appreciate it."

"I am relieved that I come here." Senja said, remembered the way Gong Xu had refused the heirloom. "I met Gong Xu before, but he refused to let me give the token to you."

The girl lifted her head, pouting. "That childish man!" She grumbled.

Obvious enough that both of them were not in good term, but Senja didn't want to dig their own matter, she had another important thing to accomplish as well.

"Actually my purpose to come here is not only to give this token to you, but I wanted to ask for help."

She put the token inside the pouch and secured it in her pocket. She gestured Senja to follow her as she led her to sit on the couch in front of the hut while the horse that Senja brought along was enjoying the grass beneath his hooves.

"What do you need?" She asked eagerly, the smile from when she saw the token had not faded away yet.

Senja slightly taken aback by her question, she didn't think that the other Senja would be very welcome like this. Hence, gladly she told her about what had happened in the dungeon with the children and also about Gong Xu rejection to help them.

The other Senja was listening attentively, but her expression didn't give away what was inside her mind, whether she wanted to help or she would give a cold shoulder like Gong Xu did.

After Senja finished told her everything, she waited patiently for her to make the decision.

The golden color of the sun was casting their shadow longer as the moon started to rise on the sky. This place was very peaceful and the tranquility that emanated from it suited the other Senja's personality perfectly.

"I will help you but with one condition." She said finally after fell silent for long time.


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