Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 523: The longing in his voice

Chapter 523: The longing in his voice

Having Elder Zhong as traitor was already disastrous enough, added that to another random person who was still roaming around freely without anyone notice them.

"Possible." Gong Xu nodded. "That's how he worked all this time." Somehow he sounded distant and unease when he talked about Modama, he was his father after all.

The warm wind blew from the direction of the Q city as the profound silent engulfed both of them. As senja raised her head and saw a little bird chirp around in the vast sky, she remembered information from the past.

It said that the two elders died because of poison. The person who had poisoned them must be the same person who had given the elixir to those children to keep them insane.

What a cruel method to use children in this dreadful situation.

"You must have a way to cure them right?" Senja nudged Gong Xu before she talked, so he would read her lips.

"I have." He replied immediately.

"Help us then."

The wrinkled in his brows gave Senja a sign that it wouldn't easy to ask for his help.

"Why I should help them?"

"Why you don't want to help them?"

Senja answered his question with another question that made him groaned in exasperation.

"Don't you see? I have become deaf because of him. This is enough reason for me to not help him."

"I asked you to help those children, not him."

Ignoring Senja's statement, his gaze turned cold when he added. "Not to mention about what he had done to my sister."

"That was your father doing and you know that clearly. You were there and you couldn't stop your father too. You are at fault as well." Senja snapped icily at him.

Xiao Tianyao had gone through a lot of hardship and blamed himself enough about this matter, thus she wouldn't let anyone blame him more than he had done to himself. Not even Gong Xu, despite her intention to seek his help.

The eyes that gazed back at Senja were indescribable and without word, Gong Xu stood up and started to walk down the hill with a pocket of herb plants hanging loosely on his belt.

The afternoon sun shone brightly casting a long shadow from Gong Xu retreating figure, at that point, Senja knew that her approach was failed. Gong Xu was overly sensitive regarding the matter about Luna, he seemed didn't want have anything to do with his past life.

Looking at how he had secluded himself in this Q city all this time and didn't bother with power struggles that involved his father, showed how much he resented his past life.

But in contrary, the fact that he was also there when they reached the Mountain Sui Sword Sect to save those children reveal another side of him that still cared about those children, but not cared enough to get himself involved.

Senja lifted her head and gazed the clear sky above, apparently she needed to think another way to make Gong Xu helped willingly.


"Do you know where is Senja?" Senja asked Uncle Su.

The sun had long set down when finally the twin found Uncle Su and dragged him back to the tent. At that time, Senja had been waiting for him in the entire afternoon.

After the exchanged with Gong Xu didn't run smoothly, she decided to talk with Senja instead. But, no one knew where she was, as Gong Xu came to the sanctuary not together with her. She wanted to ask Gong Xu about this, but hundreds percent sure that guy wouldn't spill anything.

Maybe she had approached him in the wrong way and picked a wrong topic, but to think about this again, she didn't start talking about Luna or Modama, she only needed his help about the children, but the subject extended to the sore area.

In the other hand, when the twin heard Senja question, their eyebrows furrowed tightly. "Who is Senja? There is another person named Senja?"

The two of them still didn't know yet about Senja's real identity and still thought that she was the granddaughter of Elder Dam. That was totally wrong and Senja felt bad because she had stolen the other Senja's identity and still blatantly let other people addressed her as the real one.

Senja ignored Sheng's question and looked at Uncle Su who was sulking because his attempt to escape was failed by the twin.

"Why do you want to meet her?" Uncle Su asked while tidying up his unkempt clothes. "She is bad." He grumbled.

He still pictured the other Senja in disapproving way.

"She is not bad." Senja retorted, even though she didn't quite understand why Uncle Su thought about the other Senja in that way. "Why do you always think about her like that?"

Uncle Su averted his eyes from Senja curious gazed, he looked at the dark night through the window beside him and remained motionless for long time before he answered begrudgingly. "She is the reason my wife and son died."

Senja blinked her eyes, the information didn't register well into her mind as she tried to comprehend what was the meaning. However, there was no other meaning than what he had said.

"She is the reason your family died?" Senja repeated while looking at the twin for affirmation.

Sheng who was standing near Senja, shook his head. "It wasn't you Senja, it was your father who had killed them." He whispered at her.

"If it wasn't because of my brother brought her to our place and gave her a shelter, she wouldn't know our position." Uncle Su continued, but his eyes had turned blurry as he was staring to the place or the memory far away.

Xun put his finger in front of his lips to hush Senja when she was about to ask another question.

"Don't" He mouthed. "Let him be"

Senja frowned and swallowed her questions.

After saying that things, Uncle Su didn't talk anymore and only gazing from beside the window, looking to the place faraway with longing and sadness in his eyes.

"Ye Qing will turn fourteen next month." He muttered to himself, there was a tinge of sadness and longing in his voice.

With that, the night went silently.


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