Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 510: Did he lose his mind?

Chapter 510: Did he lose his mind?

"Even though you lost two cities, you managed to conquer the war and ascended the throne, but the lost that you suffered was greater than only cities." Senja ended her statement.

The white clouds were floating on the sky and the warm sunlight fell on their face, not too dazzling enough to make them blinded.

Senja was waiting for Xiao Jun decision. What would be his judgement after he heard the plight of the situation that would be happen.

"I am not going to say that I don't believe your vision, but you need evidence to prove your accusation."

Xiao Jun didn't utterly believe with what Senja had said, but he still took precaution with the betrayal issues and this was enough for her. It was a good sign that Xiao Jun didn't directly turn her down.

"Give me time and I will show you the evidence."

"Hmm." Xiao Jun nodded in agreement. "How you can have this vision? I had never heard that the mind controller is able to have a foresight."

"First," Senja raised her forefinger. "I am not mind controller, and second," She raised her middle finger. "It cost me my ability to gain this vision." Well, Senja didn't really lie about this, she indeed lost her ability.

"You lost your ability?" Xiao Jun reiterated incredulously.

"Yes." Senja nodded to emphasize her word. "I am not yet tell all of this to Tianyao, so we need"

"No wonder you have not realized that I am here until now." The familiar voice that Senja has grown to fond was heard from behind her.

"Since when were you there?" Senja turned around abruptly and saw Xiao Tianyao was leaning his back against the tent pole with expression that devoid from any emotion.

Seemingly he had been there long enough to hear Senja's vision without her knowing.

As for Senja, she was used to rely on her ability to feel her surrounding and now she didn't have it anymore she needed to adept her senses again.

"Long enough," Xiao Tianyao approached her and Xiao Jun. "We will discuss this later. The elders keep insist to not wait for Moon Dew Clan."

Xiao Jun clicked his tongue looked very annoying.

"Where is Moon Dew Clan?" Xiao Tianyao stared down at Senja, since she had envisioned what would happen, she must have known one or two things about this.

Senja shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know where they are now, but Qi Xunyi would come with them as your back up." She answered truthfully. "However, when he came everything would be too late."

Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun looked at Senja and stared at each other with tacit understanding.

"Senja, for now go back to the tent." Xiao Tianyao patted Senja's head. "Jun, we still have another issues to be discussed, we will talk about this later."

Xiao Jun ran his finger through his hair agitatedly."Do you have another bad news for me from your foresight?" He asked in cynicism.

Senja pondered the answer of his question seriously before she talked with monotonous tone. "It supposed to be Qianru who tell you about this."

"Qianru?" Xiao Jun's expression turned rigid with the mentioned of Qianru. "What happened with my wife?"

"She is pregnant." Senja told him as her eyes turned softened. "Three weeks."

"Are you positive about this?" Xiao Jun's eyes like crescent moon when he was looking for any sign of lie.

"Qianru wanted to tell you by herself and asked Doctor Lin to keep this matter a secret, but she can certainly vouch for my word."

Xiao Jun staggered a step back, his eyes blinked rapidly, his lips slightly parted but there wasn't even a word that could be form.

A little while later, a smile crept on Xiao Jun's lips, a bright smile that could put the golden radiance of the sun into utter shame.

"Qianru pregnant" He hummed the word ecstatically. His heart soared to the sky with happiness and pride.

However, Senja next word crashed him to the ground ruthlessly.

"But, northern fortress would be attacked and Qianru would have a miscarriage." Since Senja had decided to tell them the truth, then she would not hide this matter either.

Senja didn't see it coming, but everything happen like a blurred image in her eyes.

Xiao Tianyao moved very fast that caused Senja stumbled and fell backward while he was trying to block Xiao Jun attack. His eyes burnt in anger, he was livid.

"WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME ABOUT THIS JUST NOW!?" He shouted out loud that attracted the soldiers nearby whipped their curious head toward them.

"JUN! STOP!" Xiao Tianyao yelled back at his brother, both of them struggled in battle of strength.

Their vein popped on their forehead as they tried to take down one another.

Meanwhile, Senja glared at Xiao Jun as she rose on her feet, dusted the dirt from her dress. "It's going to happen two months from now!" Senja shouted back at him, despite her voice wasn't as thunderous as the two brothers and lost its momentum, but the agitation in her eyes were clear to convey what she felt. "I will never leave her behind if it's not safe for her! Besides, I have taken precautions about this!"

The commotion that was going on attracted the attention of the soldiers, most of them within an ear shot range stopped what they were doing and paid more attention to the incensed young Prince. They stopped in their track and looked at the three of them in intrigued.

Xiao Jun clenched his teeth tightly, until Xiao Tianyao could hear the squeaky sound from his complaining molars.

Shoving his brother aside, Xiao Jun was about to take long strides away before Xiao Tianyao stopped him. "Where are you going?" He was taking different direction from the elders' tent.

"Northern Fortress." Xiao Jun said curtly without even glanced at him.

"Jun, you are not in your right mind now." Xiao Tianyao grabbed his upper arm to stop him as they glared at each other.

"Said someone who had run from his responsibility last time." Xiao Jun implied the moment Xiao Tianyao just walked away from their important mission when he heard about the attack upon Senja and Elder Dam on the border line.

His calm demeanor and jovial personality had evaporated into thin air at this moment, leaving the unreasonable man who acted out of his impulse.

The sound of the commotion that happened was too raucous to be ignored, hence the three elders were coming out from the tent and approached them.

"What happened here?" Elder Fu asked with bewilder expression upon seeing Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun in deadlock moved.

"Jun!" Xiao Tianyao warned him in dangerously low voice that only him who could hear.

They glared at each other again before he darted his attention at Senja behind Xiao Tianyao and asked with the same low voice. "Two months?"

Senja nodded, barely visible as the three elders trotted closer.

"What happened here!?" Elder Fu demanded, there was a tinge of anger in his voice. He didn't like the two brothers' behavior now, especially in front of their soldiers.

Xiao Jun swatted Xiao Tianyao's hand which clutched his upper arm and shoved him away. When Senja was about to relax, his thunderous voice echoed when he answered Elder Fu's question.

"She said there is traitor among us!"

Senja could feel her heart sank to her feet as her jaw slacked open.

**Did he lose his mind!?**


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