Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 509: Let's hear it

Chapter 509: Let's hear it

After Elder Zhong greeted Senja with warm hugged and hypocrites smiled, the other two elders did the same.

Apparently, the three of them were indeed in good term with Elder Dam and had seen the other Senja when she was younger, of course Senja didn't know about this, but her faade by having amnesia did really work.

They pardon her with her lack of memories about them and delivered their condolence.

The three elders were coming from the other three kingdoms. While Elder Dam was the representative of Azura, Elder Zhong was the representative of the Kingdom of Rockstone, Elder Chen from Zodasian Kingdom and the last Elder Fu who was originally coming from Xinghe Kingdom.

The four elders have their own alliance with each other, no matter what the situation or diplomatic relations between the kingdoms, the four elders were supposed to create harmony in the jianghu world.

So, that's why when the Emperor of Azura destroyed The Kingdom of Xinghe and teamed up with the mind controller to build their own army, they had become a threat and the four of them needed to straighten the matter.

Xiao Jun used this fact to deal with his own issues in the Kingdom of Azura.

In the end, both side the youngsters and the elders pursued the same goal and aimed the same target.

Unfortunately, Elder Dam had passed away and no one knew except of Senja that Elder Zhong has double crossed them.

"Senja, can I have a word with you?" Xiao Jun asked Senja to go outside with him after the warm greetings and the gloomy condolence for Elder Dam.

"Alright." Senja looked at Xiao Tianyao who was talking with Elder Zhong and followed Xiao Jun out of the tent.

Xiao Jun politely held the curtain and let Senja passed the exit first, after that he led her to the certain spot beside another tent, a few meters away from the previous one.

In the clearing, thousands of soldiers have been training and some of them stood guard on the perimeter, some running an errand and some more gave Xiao Jun and Senja bowed respectfully when they walked passed them. They were in high alert, ready to receive immediate order. It was a busy afternoon.

But, Xiao Jun found less crowded spot for them to talk and dismissed the soldiers nearby.

"Is Qianru still in the northern fortress? Everything is fine there?"

"Qianru is fine, everything is fine."

"Good." Xiao Jun tensed shoulder visibly relaxed.

"So?" Senja asked with arms crossed. "What is the urgent thing?"

She knew that earlier question wasn't his main intention to bring her away for interrogation. That could be the most important question for him, after all, asking about Qianru was the necessity. But that wasn't his real question.

"It supposed to be me who ask that question?" Xiao Jun raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

Senja didn't answer him immediately. She looked his eyes, weighing her options.

Xiao Tianyao was trust her without scruples, until at the point Senja wondered if she said she was coming from future she would believe her without question, but that matter was for later to think for.

Right now, Xiao Jun was asking her intention for coming to the military camp, and Senja didn't know if Xiao Jun could be trusted or he would deny her warning and blindly trusted Elder Zhong like Utara did.

She didn't want to rise a suspicion toward her, after all, Xiao Jun never truly trust her regarding her ability and mind controller thing. After what had happened to Xiao Tianyao's memories, they weren't really talk with each other, hence Senja wasn't sure if they were in good term now, even thought he defended her at the time Xiao Tianyao a little bit lost his mind.

Originally, Senja wanted to tell Xiao Tianyao first, but she didn't have a chance this morning because of his stupid reaction and their slightly misunderstanding.

"Your answer." Xiao Jun demanded.

He looked at Senja who was contemplating her answer and became impatient. She could tell lie and that was the last thing that he wanted to hear at time like this.

"Elder Zhong is a traitor." Senja blurted out.

If Xiao Jun wanted the truth, then she would say the truth, whether he believed her or not that was his choice. But, Senja would make sure to expose Elder Zhong betrayal.

However, a long time passed, long enough for Senja to assume that Xiao Jun started to formulate argumentation.

But to her surprised, with his usual calm demeanor the Prince asked her peculiarly. If Senja still had her ability, it would have been easy for her to assess his true intention.

"Why do you think that way?" Xiao Jun crossed his arms and stared down at her.

Xiao Jun was slightly shorter than Xiao Tianyao, but Senja still needed to stretch her neck to look at him straight in his eyes.

"I have this vision"

"Are you a fortune teller now?" Xiao Jun cut her off mid sentences, his brow taut but there was a hint of smile on his twinkled eyes.

"You will listen to me or you will not?" Senja sighed tiredly, it wasn't an easy task to talk with Xiao Tianyao's brother.

"Let's hear what you have." Xiao Jun compromised.

He looked open minded enough in Senja's eyes now, hence she divulge the important point of what would happen, or in Senja's case what had happened.

"Elder Zhong teamed up with Modama and The Emperor of Azura." Senja started. "He will poison the two elders, failed your plan by retrieved the two cities that you had taken down and" She halted at this point.

"And?" Xiao Jun's eyes slanted as he prodded Senja to continue.

Senja scoffed while her eyes darkened a few shade. "And killed Tianyao."

With that being said, Xiao Jun gave all of his attention to Senja's words as his eyes hardened.

Senja knew, the first line of her explanation didn't catch his attention, but with the mentioned of his brother predicament, he was fully alerted now. At least, they were in the same page in this matter.


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