Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 497: I find it!

Chapter 497: I find it!

When the first light touched her face from the opened window, Senja could hear their parents were having discussion on the bed.

Senja couldn't hear what they were discussing about, but she could make out two or three sentences from her father, that was saying; "She is my baby daughter.", "We will not know what will happen to her", and "I don't want her to go."

Seemingly, her mother was trying to coax her husband after she told him the entire story.

Senja was too tired to keep up with the conversation and slipped into a deep slumber once again, she was exhausted because she didn't have a good sleep these past days.

Only when she felt someone shook her shoulder and the light of the sun started to burn her face, she finally awake.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes and yawned widely, she looked at her mother was ready in her jogging attire.

"If you didn't wake up now, it will be too dark the moment we reach our destination." Her mother told her softly.

"Alright, I am awake now." Senja let a big yawned escaped her lips while stretching her stiffened body. "Dad is here?" She remembered her father mercilessly told her to sleep on the couch.

**What a father!?** She thought, feeling upset.

"Yes, I told him about this."

"And Dad believed you? Mom, did you manage to convince him to let me go?"

"If I believe you then he must also believe you and yes." Her mother said proudly to be able to wrap her husband around her little fingers. "He is a little bit sullen now, much better you don't bring up the conversation about this for a while."

With that warning their entire journey to the hidden cave was a pin drop silent.

Her father refused to talk to her and even to the extent he didn't want to see her. He walked two steps behind and kept a sulking appearance.

Senja many time wanted to talk to him, but her mother always shook her head and mouthed that her father needed time. Due to her mother was the person who knew their father better, so Senja obliged and bit her tongue.

The road to the hidden cave didn't change a bit except the overgrown plant along the way, everything was exactly the same. Not many people knew about this secret road after all and this part of the mountain was still untouched.

Fortunately, Senja still remembered this road and when they finally arrived at the challenging road, it was a path that required for the crosser to stick their back extremely close to the rock behind them.

"Wow! It's really challenging." Her mother hummed in happy tone.

At this point, Senja understood where they family has inherited the adrenaline junkies and reckless behavior.

With careful stepped Senja led the way to the hidden cave. She glanced slightly at her watch, it showed 1.42 p.m, it wouldn't be too dark for her parent to retrace back to their inn. There was almost zero chance for them to be lost with her father good senses of direction. Hence, Senja was grateful her father was there.

She wasn't really close with her father, but she would always admire him as a good husband, he never mistreated their mother poorly. The figure of his father gave an exemplary husband figure in Senja's mind.

She always wanted someone as affectionate as her father and she found him.

Now, Senja was merely trying to going back to him.

When they finally slipped inside the cave, the familiar surrounding greeted Senja. The stalactites and stalagmites were glowed by the ray of light from the sun, also the subterranean river that streaming quietly.

Her mother didn't stop to praise this place and said she would come back again here, the scenery before their eyes was very breathtaking.

Even her father was amazed with this place. His eyes flickered with amazement and appreciation.

Yun had told her the exact location where Riana had dropped the stone, due to only a handful people that knew this place and there were no any animal habitat around, the possibility of the stone disappearing was very slim.

And Senja hoped her luck didn't stop there, she needed all luck that she had.

She moved swiftly among the stalagmites that rise from the ground and ducked down to avoid the stalactites that hung above her head.

In no time, Senja managed to reach the place that Yun had describe. With heart thumping frantically, she swept her eyes on the ground, looking for the sign of the red stone nervously. It should be around there.

Senja crouched down and started to crawl, examine every inch of the ground beneath her with concentration.

And there, two feet away from her a glistening red color caught her eyes.

Her breath hitched with anticipation when she approached the stone and picked it up with her trembling fingers.

"Mom, Dad." She called out for her parents, her eyes fixated on the small stone between her fingers. "Mom, Dad! I find it!" Senja raised her voice to urge her parents to come quickly.


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