Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 496: The heirloom

Chapter 496: The heirloom

Senja remembered it clearly that she had been there with Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun when she encountered Modama for the first time, Xiao Jun had rescued many children from under Modama's control.

In spite of the plan to rescue those children was one of Modama and Elder Zhong plan to trap Xiao Jun, but to let children in such a young age to be under bad influence as Modama was a bad thing also. Who would have thought that the Elder would take the enemy's hand and stabbed Xiao Jun's back? Or to think that those children were part of the evil plan from Modama was a little bit too much, but the truth said the otherwise.

Modama had lost all of his conscience to think normally. He had no scruples to use children for his own benefit.

"Yun thank you" Senja hugged him.

"No, I am the one who supposed to thanking you." He hugged her back and kissed her head. "Even though we just know each other for a while, but I am very grateful to have a chance to meet you, Senja." He said sadly.

"We help each other." Senja concluded before she released his body. "I will miss you."

"So do I." He said sincerely.

Senja wiped her tears, there was too many goodbye for the last few days, but it would be worth it. Senja knew it was going to be worth it.

Modama, Elder Zhong, Wang Yu and Xiao Wu Xie.

Senja penned down their names in her heart and determined to make them pay for what they had done or they would have done.

She would come back and she wouldn't let the dreadful history repeated. Senja looked at the Mountain Sui Sword Sect with determination in her eyes.

"Black hair color look best on you." Yun complimented her.

"Thank you." She said modestly. "You look good in modern attire. You are quick to adapt in this era."

"Well." Yun ran his fingers through his white hair. "Riana help me a lot." He said sheepishly when he relived the moment he reunite with her.

"I can see that"

Both of them chuckled and smiled with relieved before Yun started to say his farewell. "Be careful."

"I will."

"I hope you will succeed with whatever plan you have."

"I will and I have to." She said confidently.

Afterwards, they hugged each other for the last time and Yun sat back on the grass while closing his eyes to feel the breeze of the north wind as Senja walked back to her car where her mother had been waiting for her with light step.

Such manipulative people like them needed to see how manipulative she could be and this time she would comeback for good.


Senja walked back to the car with light heart and determination in her mind.

She was thinking about a thousand possibilities and plans that could happen, prepared herself for the worse and gather the useful information that she had in her mind.

She entered her car and woke her mother who was taking a nap. She startled awake, but when she saw her daughter, her eyes glimmered with excitement.

"So?" She drawled with big grin on her beautiful eyes. "See? I told you to come!" She chirped.

"Alright, alright. Thank you mom." Senja hugged her mother, she would definitely miss her.

"So, what is it? Tell me" She released her daughter's body and looked at her deep in the eyes, all of sudden the atmosphere turned serious.

"There is a way for me to go back" Senja started.

"That's good news!" Her mother clapped her hands with glee.

"But, once I go back, I can't return."

Senja lowered her head as she felt her eyes stung with tears threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes. It was indeed hard to leave a family.

There was silence that spread inside the car, the only sound that could be heard was the soft engine from the car, when the silence was almost unbearable and Senja was about to say something, her mother beat her into it.

With heavy sighed she said. "I hope he is worth it."

Senja wiped away her tears and looked at her mother who was looking at her warmly. "This time is not only about him, but there are other businesses that I need to put it straight." When she said this, the four names that she had penned down before reappeared inside her head. "But, yes. He is worth a try."

With her daughter last words, her mother knew that this was it.

"Oh, my dear" Her mother hugged her daughter tightly as she stained Senja's dress with tears that streaming down like a broken dam on her shoulder.

Both of them cried in silence. There were no words between them that could express how they felt.

Her mother knew that one day she must let her children started their new life, but she would never have thought that her dear baby would start it first and she wouldn't be there to witness all of that happen. Not now and not later.

It broke her heart.

However, to see her spoilt little daughter finally brave enough to make a big decision for her life and saw the determination in her eyes, she was so proud of her. She knew her daughter very well, she was a spoiled and an arrogant girl who was pampered by her brothers, but once she had made up her minds she would strive for her decision.

It was rare to see her like that, but her mother knew this was one of those rare moments.

"Okay, enough with this emotional jet coaster." Her mother pulled away herself from Senja and wiped her tears. "You ruined my make up." She grumbled while looking at her swollen eyes on the rear mirror.

Senja chuckled upon hearing her mother complain. She didn't wear any make up, so she simply re- tight her hair that had come out from the hair ban. She didn't have time to dye her hair back into purple, but now a silly thought crossed her mind.

Would her hair still in black or it would change into purple once she returned?

"So, tell me how you can go back to that era?" Her mother turned to face her daughter after she made sure her make up didn't scare people out there.

"There is this stone that could bring me back and I must to find it."

"What stone?"

"The stone paradox of time."

Her mother gave a shrilled screamed and covered her mouth with both hands.

"Mom?" Senja looked at her mother in alert when she looked at her strong reaction. "What happen?"

Her mother shook her head and started to drive. "That stone is the one that your father had been looking for."


"Yes, that's a very rare stone and was an heirloom from the Xi clan that had lost for centuries." Her mother drove out from the parking area. "Some people said it held some magic. Now I know what kind of magic"

Senja looked at her mother silently as she talked carefully. "Mom, should I go to retrieve the stone by myself?"

Her mother didn't spare her a glance when she hit her daughter hard on the head. "Do you think that I will choose the stupid stone over my daughter!?" She snapped irritably and gave Senja a death glare.

"Alright, I am sorry. But, you didn't need to hit me. It's hurt!" Senja wailed and rubbed her head.

"It meant to be hurt to knock some sense." Her mother huffed. "Well, I have to admit it will be a pity that we couldn't get the stone. You know, the money is a lot. I will be rich in no time."

Senja looked at her mother with disbelief. "Mom, we are rich already."

Her mother chuckled when she heard this. "It's only human and their greediness, don't worry I can handle the temptations."

"Thank you." Senja rolled her eyes upon hearing her mother statement.

"So, where we will go?"

Senja pointed the same mountain that Yun had told her, "That mountain." Her arm was pointing straight to the direction in front of her.

"So, we will go hiking, huh" Her mother smirked. She was excited with the idea. "Let's go."


It took more than two hour to reach their destination with the traffic and all. But, when they reach the destination, the sun was almost set and it wasn't safe for them to enter the mountain, hence Senja and her mother stayed in the nearest inn and intended to continue it tomorrow.

That night, both mother and daughter pair was barely sleeping, they spent the entire evening talking about everything.

However, when they finally fell asleep and before the sun kissed the horizon the sound of someone knocking their room could be heard.

Beside Senja, her mother grumbled something incoherent and told her to open the door.

With time, the knock on the door increased and that started to become annoying. Agitatedly, Senja got off from her bed and staggered toward the door.

With so much force she yanked open the door and ready to lash out when she watched someone who was standing behind the door was actually her father.

He looked wise and was a handsome man in his late forty. He was also very tall, almost as tall as Lee with curly hair and his baseball cap nested on his head. He always styled this way.

"Dad?" Senja shrieked and with her father presence it was enough to wash away all of her sleepiness. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello my dear." Her father kissed her forehead before he proceeded to enter the room. He found his sleeping wife and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"Dad what are you doing here?" Senja scratched her head and looked at her father who was throwing his shoes and jacket before take a place beside his wife.

Her mother stirred awake, but then slept again when she sensed her husband beside her, snuggled into his warm embrace.

And without any scruples of their daughter presence, both of them slept next to each other.

"Dad! If you sleep there, where am I supposed to sleep?!" Senja tried to move his father, this place was originally belong to her.

"Sleep on the couch." Her father said sleepily. "I am jet lag, I spent twelve hours to come and meet you."

"Geez! You come to see mom, not me!" Senja complained, kept trying to push away her father from the bed. "Go and sleep on the couch! You are the man here."

Ignoring his daughter complain, he pulled his wife close to him and slept.

Finally Senja only could grumble and took a spare blanket to spend the rest of the night slept on the couch.


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