Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 492: Long time no see, senja

Chapter 492: Long time no see, senja

Senja opened her eyes slowly and turned off the alarm before it went off. She heaved a deep breath before she got off from her bed. Put her foot in front of her another foot, taking her step slowly.

The cold knob of her bathroom door reminded her that she woke up too early for a shower. But, the truth was, she didn't wake up too early, she didn't even have asleep to wake up.

Senja stripped her night gown while looking at the mirror. She was gathering her hair in one side of her body and turning her shoulder slightly to see her tattoo that adorned her right shoulder. It was three red leaves tattoo, the sign of the Black Sword Clan family member.

She got this not because she was one of their clan family, but she got this because of Grandma Riana told her to have one in her twentieth birthday, three years ago.

Grandma Riana was very adamant for her to have this type of tattoo and she couldn't refuse her plea. The things that she didn't know, this tattoo held a deeper meaning rather than only a mere art or a gift for her birthday.

Grandma Riana had planned all of this for so long.

If she had planned all of that from the beginning, she must have known the answer of her questions. She was the key of the swarm queries in her mind right now.

But she died.

She died five hours ago. Leaving Senja by her own to feed her wonder, marveling over questions with the beginning of; why?

Why me?

The girl raised her head and gazed at the dark brown eyes' girl who was staring right back at her on the mirror. The girl on the mirror looked very weak and dispirited, as if the hollow in her heart started to consume her. Her black hair draped in front of her chest to cover her nudity.

She walked straight to the shower and turned the faucet, Senja let her body soak under the mercy of the cold water. Hoping it could also wash away her tiredness and agony.

The only hope and the only person that could give an answer for her pile of question have gone. She has gone forever.

The information that Lee conveyed last night made her faith crumbled. She had high expectations and hopes when her mother wanted to help her, but fell apart when Lee told the news.

It felt like someone had pushed her into the dark abyss. Without grandma Riana where she supposed to find her answer?

Senja rubbed her face and turned off the faucet, she squeezed a bottle of soap and rubbed over her body.

She looked at the tattoo on her left palm which peeked between the soft bubbles. The constant reminder of him.

She showered quickly, brushed her teeth, and wore her bathrobe before she entered her room to choose black attire that fit for the funeral.

Her mother ordered Lee to find the location of grandma Riana funeral that Senja thought it was a waste of time. But, she insisted and no one could say the otherwise when she was acting like that.

Thus, here she was, wearing a black shirt with black jacket that she could find and completed it with black jeans.

It took her some times to find black color in her closet, she usually appear so bright and colorful, so black wasn't an option of her style. However now, she felt so comfy with this color, it represented her well.

She almost felt like she would attend her own funeral. She was so depressed now.

"Are you ready?" Her mother entered her room.

She was wearing short black dress with three- quarter length sleeves that reached half of her thigh with legging and boats in the same color. She looked younger than her age and ready to go.

"No." Senja said grimly.

"Let's go then." Her mother waved her hand, signaled Senja to follow her.


It took an hour ride to reach their destination.

Along the ride, Senja tried to catch up with her sleep time, but even the tiredness wasn't enough to let her go to deep slumber.

Her mother was doing like what she always do, singing and screaming along with the song that playing while she was driving.

Hence, when they finally arrived, Senja was exhausted, sleepy, spent and half deaf.

Grandma Riana's burial place was located behind the hill, on the lands she owns. She was rich after all. There wasn't anyone there, as though no one knew about her. No families, no colleagues.

**Does she die alone?** a questioned started to form in Senja's mind when she watch how quiet this hill.

Her mother asked the only person that they met after walking few meters, he was a teenager with skinny jeans and black tee, he pointed to the place on his left side.

After thanked him, Senja and her mother walked straight to the place that the boy had pointed.

As they walked closer, Senja could see there was someone there, crouching down beside the fresh earth mound.

His white hair made Senja heart thumping badly and forced her legs to move faster.

It was him. She was very sure about this.

When finally Senja reached his side, she was breathless and panting loudly that caught that man attention.

At the time he turned around to face Senja, she could feel as if the time stop, froze. She was petrified as her breath hitched.

"Yun?" Senja whispered softly.

There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes before it replaced with a warm smile. "Long time no see, Senja."


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