Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 491: She trusts her

Chapter 491: She trusts her

Hearing the knocked on the door, it didn't need another second before Senja dashed toward the source of the sound without even looking at the CCTV like she supposed to do.

Her heart thumping frantically as she could feel her hands shaking when she reached the doorknob.

She had been waiting this moment for three days since she returned.

Hence the moment she pulled the door opened and it revealed someone that she didn't expect she was shocked and flabbergasted, behind the door was her mother who looked at her with smiled on her worry expression.

"Senja." Her mother stepped forward and hugged Senja who still looked like dumbfounded by her presence at this time. "Lee called and told us that you are sick, because Mom nearby, so I come." She kissed Senja hot forehead and wrinkled her perfects brows.

Senja was the exact copy of her mother, from her eyes to her body shaped until her long tresses hair, both of them loved to color their hair. Like now, her mother actually dyed her hair with an azure color. Despite Senja was slightly taller than her, her mother was the image of herself in more mature version.

"Let's go inside, have you ate?" Her mother closed the door and locked it, oblivious with Senja lack of reaction.

Her mother dragged her inside and started to put many things on the tabled, she had bought a meal for her and medicine on her way home. She told Senja that her father was in the other Country to check on something. There was client who were asking about a strange stone and willing to pay dearly.

However, Senja's mind was elsewhere and wasn't able to catch up with her mother line of questions and her long stories.

She kept checking the clock on the wall and looking at the door back and forth.

12.05 p.m

And grandma Riana still didn't come.

"Senja" Her mother waved her hand in front of Senja. "Do you feel hurt somewhere? Why are you spacing out?"

Senja stared at her mother and shook her head. " I am fine."

"You are not looking fine for me" Her mother crossed her arms. "Tell me what is it? You act like this not because you are sick, but you are sick because you are thinking about something, right? Lee told me."

Senja bit her lips.

"You will not believe me even if I tell you" Senja pulled her legs and pressed them against her chest, defensive position when she felt skeptical.

"Well, try me." Her mother leaned her back against the sofa arms, crossed her legs and hugged a sofa pillow, waiting for a good story as if she was a teenager who was facing an overly troubled peer.

"Mom did you believe me if I say that I experienced a journey to the past era?" Senja asked her slowly and immediately felt stupid when she finished it. "Never mind" She waved her hand to dismiss their topic.

"No, no tell me." Her mother caught her hand and looked at her expectantly.

Senja didn't know why she couldn't talk about this to her brother, even with Sian, but she had a strange urge to tell her mother even though it was absurd to bring the topic about time traveling.

Probably, because it was a topic which involved a feeling that her brothers wouldn't understand from her point of view or it was because this topic was an object that only woman could understand, kind of heart to heart talk.

Somehow, Senja wanted to talk about this with her mother.

Thus, she started to narrate all the things that had happened to her, about grandma Riana, Yun and the war

She was pouring down all of her feeling and at the time the topic has reached the last moment that she spent with Xiao Tianyao, her voice was only a mumble, as if she was talking to herself.

To be reminded of Xiao Tianyao's pale face and his blood that soaking on the blanket also the meaning of the sound of the horn Senja wasn't able to continue.

She buried her face on her arms while the pain returned, it happened only three days ago and the feeling was still fresh in her memory.

At the beginning it was only a tear that fell on her hands, then a soft sobbing escaped from her trembling lips until it turned into a cry.

"Oh, my dear" Her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter's body while peppering kisses on her head. "Don't cry my dear"

"I love him mom I love him I miss him" Senja whimper, she lifted her head and hugged her mother as she felt the wound in her heart reopened.

The memory was flooding in her mind, as if she was watching Xiao Tianyao's frail image playing again in her head.

His weak voiced.

His cold skin.

The blood

Senja was crying uncontrollably in her mother's shoulder, maybe it was a mother feeling that she felt, but her daughter heartbroken cry affected her greatly. She cried along with Senja, as though she had suffered and had gone through the same horrendous experiences.

It was a mother's feeling after all

Senja had voiced out the aggravation that stuck inside. Her worry and pain. The feeling of missing someone was unbearable, moreover to know that she had only a very slim chance near zero to be able to see him again

And it took a long time before her tearful cry and torrents of howl ceased down. When she finally stopped and weakened to a snivel, Senja felt slightly better, yet she was far from being fine.

"Mom what should I do?" Senja clutched her chest to ease the pain.

Her mother sniveled and wiped her own tears. "We will find grandma Riana, first." She said firmly as she fished out her phone and called someone.

It took three seconds before someone from the other side of the device greeted her. "Lee, find Grandma Riana location." She ordered without a single 'halo'.

Senja couldn't hear what Lee's respond but whatever it was, it didn't please their mother as her eyes flicker with annoyance and her brows furrowed deeply.

"Lee, I will not ask you twice." She said in low tone dangerously. "If I don't get grandma location now, I will put viruses in your database."

There was a strong replied and a shrieked from Lee upon hearing his mother threat. He was shouting something between; 'are you really my mother?' and 'it is confidential!'.

But, like what their mother said; she wouldn't ask thrice, so she simply warned her son. "You have three minutes honey." And hung up the phone.

Senja chuckled softly when she watched the exchanged between her mother and Lee, she would surely miss them if she could return just if she could

"Mom" Senja propped her chin on her knees. "Do you believe me? My story?" She still puzzled by her mother reaction. She was too easy to convince.

Her mother put her phone away and faced her disturbed daughter as she smiled softly. "I don't have a habit to doubt my own children. Honestly speaking, your story doesn't make sense, but I have been travelling various places and there will always be mysteries in this world that have not been uncovered and hard to explain. We will find out after we meet with grandma Riana, alright" She reassured her daughter. Even if she had doubt of Senja's story, her daughter expression made her certain that she didn't lie.

"Alright." Senja gave her a sincere smile, the first real smile she has given after many days.

"Moreover," Her mother added. "I am not raising you to be a liar."

With this statement Senja raised her brows and pursed her lips, everyone knew that was not true. They wouldn't have a single job if they were being honest.

"No, what I meant is" Her mother cleared her throat awkwardly. "We don't lie to family."

"Alright" Senja kissed her mother cheeks. "Thanks Mom."

"You are most welcome honey." She returned the kissed. "But"

"Hmm?" Senja looked at her mother expression turned ugly. "What?"

"Did you just say that I have a son in law who is older than me by thousands of years? I want you to be with a mature man, but not that old." Her face scrunched with the thought.

"Mom!" Senja pinched her mother arms. "I said that, but that's not the point, alright? Moreover in that world we are only eleven years apart."

"Eleven years?"

"It supposed to be only four alright but I am younger there."

"Well" Her mother drawled. "He has a son"

"Mugi is cute and adorable little boy." Senja defended Xiao Tianyao's son, slightly frowned.

"No, I am not objected that" Her mother waved her hands frantically. "What I meant is you don't get along well with kids." She said matter of factly.


"I know, I know" She tried to avoid Senja's hand which still tried to pinch her. "But, he could be our ancestor Senja"

"Mom!" Senja cried, the idea wasn't feeling right when she thought about it.

"Okay, okay!" She stopped and took her phone when its flashed, indicating there was a message. "From Lee, I know that brat will find it in no time." She informed Senja with proudness laced in her tone.

"What he said? Where is grandma now?" Senja asked eagerly, trying to peek to the message.

But, before she could read the message her mother had lowered the phone as her expression turned bleak.


"Grandma Riana died an hour ago."


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