Psychic Parasite

Chapter 228: A Basic Armour

Chapter 228: A Basic Armour

Jyorta looked at a cloth armour, finding small wave patterns form on its surface. He noticed the same across all cloth armours, like waves on a lake when the wind blew over its surface. Only then did he notice the aura he was unconsciously emitting.

Jyorta hurriedly tried to retract his aura, feeling some difficulty in the process due to his anger. His anger made him want to unleash his aura in its entirety. Once he retracted his aura, albeit taking a minute to do so, Jyorta noticed the wave patterns on the cloth armours subside.

He then gazed at his two psychic arms, watching them hold a weapon each without trouble, rigid. He didn't experience any emotional disturbance. His anger raged forth, maintaining a constant level, like lava stopping at the brim of a volcano. It was churning within, but maintained a steady peak. It made him want to rend things apart, unable to express it for the time being, since he knew his position.

The blue soul in him overlaid the false persona, watching it take effect. But, the effect this time seemed slow, looking intent to take considerable duration. Jyorta used his body weight to push open the door, his actions rough.

As the door opened with a creak, he entered and arrived before an empty spot, placing his weapons on the floor before beginning to remove the suit. He placed it in the hanger, noting that the three drippings suits had become dry by now.

He picked his weapons, exited the room, and pulled at the door, expressing his anger with the pull. As the door slammed shut, a voice resounded in his ears, "Don't break the door. No one's willing to repair it."

"Sir, where should I apply to take these items with me?" Jyorta spoke, his voice lacking any respect, despite the respectful manner of speech.

"I have already noted the details down. You can directly walk out with them. What are you going to do about the armour? Select one now? Or pick one tomorrow."

"I'll pick one now." Jyorta nodded, arriving before a rack whose details had been pointed by the voice. It housed plain armours, the texture similar to leather but more elastic in nature. It covered the body from top to bottom, the visor made from a gelatinous mixture, outlining the eyes. The shoes were inbuilt while the gloves were thicker.

It was made from one seamless material, lacking the presence of any stitching. It seemed to have been cast in a mould. On its back was a semi-circular instrument, allowing a single chakram to be inserted. When placed into it, half of the chakram would peak at the bottom. Its mechanism was in such a way that when Jyorta prepared to pull out the chakram, it would slide out from below.

At the top of the instrument were five half-cylinders, meant to hold the spindles in place, with the arrangement stopping just before the neck region. The suit was white in colour but, based on the angle from which he viewed it, the colour changed. It also seemed to vary with the ambience. He determined its colour as white after gazing at it up close.

The colour variations weren't anything impressive but served to mildly consume the attention of opponents that depended on sight. In a battle, every bit of advantage helped. There were various suits, countermeasures against various situations, and Frenzy Beasts. The one Jyorta picked wasn't anything special, except for being the lightest.

It had satisfactory defensive properties but paled in comparison to heavy armour, the likes of which Tier 1 Warriors preferred. Not having the mood for anything else at the moment, Jyorta carried them to the exit.

Just when he was about to exit the building, Jyorta glanced at the lady slumped on the counter, sensing her boredom. After a shake of his head, he continued forth his way, exiting the building before heading towards the dorm.

Jyorta entered his room, locking the door behind him, and placing the key in its respective socket. He heaved a deep breath, sensing his emotions becoming normal. After a moment of thought, he refrained from removing the false persona, unsure if his anger would spike the moment he removed it.

He possessed a powerful aura, an accumulation through his training with the Tier 5 Artifact every day. Possessing the Trait of Resistance and the Trait of Recovery, he could continue to be under the effect of the Artifact's aura for longer durations.

This shaped his aura, enriching it to frightening levels. At present, his aura was already at the peak of Tier 2, even though his Nurturing wasn't even close to such a level. Even Rakh Veera, despite possessing the Trait of Dominance only had an aura similar to his level. Though, the time they spent in Tier 2 was also at play.

When Rakh Veera displayed his aura to Jyorta, he had been at Tier 2 for almost three months. Even though it was a short time, he had all the Traits presented in the pamphlet, placing his actual strength at the peak of Tier 2. Once he finishes his Nurturing at the Tier, he would surpass Amplifiers. It was one of the reasons Rakh Veera was proclaimed to become a pillar in the future.

The Trait of Dominance's sole effect was to amplify one's aura, imbuing in it a feeling of sovereignty. Any opponents with a weaker aura would be unable to resist the user of the Trait. Currently, after more than 8 months of being Nurtured at Tier 2, adding on the aura of the Tier 5 Artifact his body had soaked up with, Jyorta's aura almost matched Rakh Veera's.

'This is just one aspect I have developed to his level. If we actually fought, I would probably lose in a single move. There are still many things I have to learn. Even the field of Area Controllers is vast. There are many techniques I have to become proficient in.' He recalled the statement by the middle-aged in the training hall, 'I should begin thinking like an Area Controller.'

'Is this what it means to think and live in your field?' Jyorta derived from the memories of his past life, concluding, thinking of comprehending the related memory fragments again. He controlled himself from emitting an aura.

The walls of the dorm didn't filter aura, so the moment he unconsciously releases it, most students would be affected. That was the best way to blow his cover, rendering everything he had endured for the past 8 months a major waste. It would also implicate him with many problems, stuff he didn't desire to experience.

Jyorta placed the weapons and armour on the table, walking towards his bed and fishing out a bag from the cupboard overhead. He took out a rectangular box from within and placed the bag on the floor.

Sitting on the bed, he placed the box before him, seeping his psychic arm into it, activating a spherical barrier that covered him and the box. His other psychic arm gently lifted the lid, sensing a tyrannical aura impact him.

The aura was overbearing as always, making it difficult to breathe. His muscles shivered erratically, the pressure applying on the arteries increasing by a notch, amplifying the strain on his heart.

His face flushed red, his body shivered, the pain in his shoulder intensified. The psychic arm shivered, oscillating like an object on a vibrator, soon collapsing under the effect. It dissipated into psychic energy; lacking the force to hoist it, the lid fell, cutting off the aura.

Jyorta slumped on the bed, heaving ragged breaths. His body soaked with sweat, his gaze was murky, and the nerves protruding on his limbs continued to twitch. Fifteen minutes later, he got up, having recovered to a considerable extent, now able to walk.

He secured the box, tying the rope around it to prevent it from opening accidentally. Safekeeping it in the bag, he zipped it, placing the bag back in its original spotin the cupboard overhead his bed.

Picking up the basket, Jyorta placed a towel, a change of clothes, and other necessities. He picked up the key and exited the room. 20 minutes later, Jyorta returned, having taken a bath, and changed into casual wear.

7:50 PM, noticing the time, he rushed towards the cafeteria, unwilling to miss dinner. Thoughts clashed in his mind, thinking of his performance in the training hall. It was quite realistic. Also, the only reason he didn't have his skin peeled off his face was thanks to the psychic energy barrier.

It was one of the techniques he had been practicing since December, so he was quite proficient with it. That was why he could swiftly create it back then.

'Now, after unleashing my full strength, I have obtained valuable memory. Now, it is time to use my advantage and grow faster.' Jyorta smiled, having arrived before the cafeteria. He joined the queue, mechanically following the boy before him while embroiled in thought.

Taking a slip from the counter, he headed to the service section and grabbed a plate filled with food. There was a table near the service section, having an empty seat. After inquiring if it was available, Jyorta took a seat.

He then began to eat his fill, silently listening in on the conversation of the students seated around. Seated in a seat far away, hidden by the figures of other students was a petite figure. She glanced at him once, the expression in her eyes seeking to confirm something.

She then retracted her gaze, continuing to eat her food, joining in on the conversations around her, and letting out cheerful laughs every now and then.


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