Psychic Parasite

Chapter 227: Anger

Chapter 227: Anger


Jyorta mentally cursed, watching the Floating Spider fly his way. At first, the Floating Spider was just a statue. Followed by the clacking of its mandibles, its entire body began to look lively. It flew in the air, its speed of flight around five metres per second, faster than his psychic arm.

In normal times, Jyorta was capable of outrunning it. He wasn't the fastest student in his Batch, but he was still fast enough when considering only the Espers. But, with his limbs bound, he was unable to move; his only option was to roll on the ground.

Even rolling wasn't easy, thanks to his hands bound to his midriff, constricting his ability to bend or easily shift his weight. The Floating Spider made a dive towards his face, its clacking mandibles threatening to tear apart his flesh and gorge into the delicate brain matter.

The spindle flashed forward, rotating at a controllable speed. It aimed at the Floating Spider, closing in quickly by making use of the opponent's approach. The Floating Spider shifted its body, dodging the spindle by a hair's breadth, making the manoeuvre look easy. The spindle passed between its legs, unable to harm it.

Jyorta tried to move the spindle in response, failing to do so. This was a major disadvantage that Line Controllers and Area Controllers faced. They were unable to change direction in the air while attacking. Line controllers were only able to move their psychic arms in one direction, either forward or backward.

Before moving forth, they could be aimed in any direction. The moment they appear outside the head, the direction in which they move so will remain a line. Suppose the psychic arm seeped out of a Line Controller's right ear, it could only travel in that direction.

The Line Controller could only decide whether to move the psychic arm forward or backward. Suppose he wished to send it in a different direction, then he had to retract the psychic arm into his head, dissipate it, and form it anew, pointing it in the new direction.

Once formed, it could only move in the line it pointed while materialising. This was a major limitation Line Controllers faced. Being able to actuate in two directions, Area Controllers fared a bit better. But, they still faced a lot of limitations.

When Jyorta sent the spindle flying towards the Floating Spider, he had actuated both the directional actuation available to him. One rotated the spindle while the other moved it forward. This prevented the spindle from adjusting midair when the Floating Spider dodged it.

Had the spindle not been spinning, then he would have been able to move it to the side and intercept it. But, it wouldn't have been able to affect the Floating Spider. The greatest offensive power of an Area Controller was the ability to spin objects, increasing the cutting/drilling power depending on the weapons.

Also, he was unable to swiftly stop the spindle's spin and move it in response to the Floating Spider. It was a result of a lack of skill.

The spindle stopped rotating, now able to adjust its tip, pointing at the Floating Spider. It flashed forth, chasing after the Floating Spider, beginning to spin along the way. But, its speed paled in comparison to the Floating Spider's, unable to close in.

The Floating Spider had neared his face, on the verge of latching on. The chakram flashed out, arriving before the Floating spider, moving about as it blocked its approach. It was right next to his face, forcing the Floating Spider to make a big turn to go around it and reach his face, the target of its attack.

It was a simple case of mathematics application: the variation of arc length with respect to radius. With the point of his head as the centre, the Floating Spider had to move longer distances in response to the chakram's short movements. This effectively put the Floating Spider's faster movement speed in check.

A projective landed on his shoulder, raising a scream from him. It was painful, making the area of contact feel numb. For a second, Jyorta was unable to exert strength in the region, preventing him from being able to roll.

The psychic arm carrying the chakram dissolved, in response to his mental disturbance, allowing the Floating Spider to slap the chakram away and close in on his face. Jyorta stared with widened eyes as the Floating Spider landed on his face.

Its mandibles clacked once as it bit at his nose, failing to reap blood. A psychic energy barrier had appeared, forming a layer over his skin. It covered his entire body, preventing the Floating Spider from damaging him using its strength.

The suit covered most of his body, except for the head. This was why the Floating Spider had aimed there in the first place and chose to focus its attack on the area.

The Floating Spider clamped many times, trying to bite through his psychic energy barrier, failing to pierce. The barrier had been formed with his strongest psychic arm, able to actuate all the available force from any point. Every time the Floating Spider bit the barrier, it suffered the full brunt of his attack.

After the third attack, the mandibles of the Floating Spider snapped, flying off from the recoil. The snapped parts dissipated into psychic energy. A spindle arrived above him, hitting an incoming projectile like a cricket shot. The force of collision deviated the projectile's path, its destination now moved away from Jyorta. The rebound from the collision threw off the spindle, making it hit another projectile, the transfer of momentum changing its direction.

The second momentum threw off the spindle in Jyorta's direction. A psychic arm seeped into it, altering its direction a little. It didn't exert any force, since the flying speed of the spindle was greater than the psychic arm's speed.

Before it slipped out of its control, the psychic arm released its hold. Carried by its momentum, the spindle hit the Floating Spider, the momentum knocking it off, sending it reeling. The Floating Spider bounced a couple of times on the floor, soon hitting the curved walls.

It fell on the ground, finally having exhausted the momentum of the hit. Cracks formed all across its body, soon causing it to collapse and dissipate into psychic energy. Two projectiles crashed into the walls at different places, coming to a stop after bouncing once.

Jyorta's eyes were sharp, exceedingly sharp. Radiating from him was an overbearing aura, causing the spindles on the ground to vibrate. The four projectiles that had come to a stop on the floor rolled towards the wall, stopping after climbing for five centimetres against the inclined surface.

The chakram lying on the floor next to him began to slowly spin, making a revolution almost every three seconds. There was no force acting on it, nor was a psychic arm involved. It was through the aura Jyorta released, affecting the objects based on their resistance to the aura.

A psychic arm seeped into the chakram, lifting it, and bringing it before the handcuffs. The chakram spun as it cut into the handcuff, raising sparks in the process. The sparks fell on the suit he wore, unable to damage it.

Within three seconds, the handcuffs broke into two. The chakram cut through the binding that tied his hands to his midriff, proceeding to the one tying the knees, taking only a second to cut them. The control wasn't perfect but was to the extent even the suit hadn't been damaged by the chakram, not to mention causing him bodily harm.

Finally, the chakram cut through the handcuffs on his legs, this time only taking about two seconds. With the restraints undone, Jyorta sat up, heaving out a deep breath. His expression seethed with anger, his aura broiled around in response.

The projectiles further moved up, now positioned 8 centimetres above the floor. Despite the curvature at play, and force of gravity acting downwards, equilibrium had been achieved only at this height. His aura acted as a powerful force, moving the objects due to the resistances in each.

Jyorta closed his eyes, feeling mild pain in his forehead. He felt angry, unable to calm down. It was when the projectile had hit him, the pain was unbearable. Even now, he was still unable to feel his shoulder.

When the Floating Spider had landed on his face, his pride was hurt, and something in his snapped. More than the damage to his pride, his ego was stirred up. He felt anger at the fact that someone bested him so easily. Even though the opponent meant it as training, and was one Tier higher, he still felt angry.


He wanted to vent it out, vent all the anger. It was also most of his bottled up emotions exploding. Jyorta took in deep breaths as he stood up, albeit struggling. He glanced at his weapons, picking them up despite the struggle.

His two psychic arms shared the burden, carrying a weapon each. He arrived at a certain spot, glancing at the ceiling, "Take me up."

"O-okay," A voice resounded before a path opened in the ceiling. A psychic arm lifted him, sending him back. The path closed upon his exit. Jyorta landed on the floor, noticing the shelf with a type of cloth armour before him. He then walked in the direction opposite to what the purple arrow pointed, arriving before a door.

Within the hall where he had just trained, a door opened as a middle-aged lady walked in, sporting a look of confusion. "What was I doing?"

A blue colour flashed in her eyes once, disappearing within a second. Immediately, the middle-aged lady regained full clarity, looking around her in confusion, unable to recall what had happened. She noticed four projectiles rolling on the floor, their paths directed towards the centre, soon changing directions due to the irregularity of their structures.

They stopped along the way, the momentum behind them consumed, with one of them arriving before the middle-aged lady. She looked at the projectile before her with confusion, "Was someone practicing here? Strange, how come I didn't know? I am in charge of this place. There had only been three people today."

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by explosive sounds. The four projectiles exploded, spilling forth the coloured liquids within them. A psychic energy barrier appeared, preventing the splashing liquids from falling on her.

'They weren't damaged, so why did they explode?'


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