Psychic Parasite

Chapter 114: Cataclysmic Inferrer

Chapter 114: Cataclysmic Inferrer

The Caterpillar chewed the piece of the Brain Crystal it bit off, its expression of bliss intensifying upon each chewing motion. Two blood tendrils connected the Caterpillar to Jyorta, the place of connection being his nostrils.

As the Caterpillar chewed the Brain Crystal, a surge of energy gushed into his body, mixing into his blood vessels, enriching it. The energy was circulated in his body thanks to the pumping action of the heart, circulated within a matter of seconds.

Soon, the blood vessels were carried over to his brain, the extra energy infused into them getting absorbed by the brain tissues. The energy permeated through each brain cell; the energy transmitted had a slight decrease after each cell, showing signs of losses, the remainder finally approaching the Brain Crystal.

The Brain Crystal absorbed the energy like a vortex, showing no limits to the amount it could gulp in an instant. It was soon replenished to a certain extent, the process taking about 15-20 seconds.

The Caterpillar took another bite of the Brain Crystal, chewing it in slow motion, relishing the taste. The two blood tendrils expanded in size, experiencing another surge in energy. As they gushed into his body through his nostrils, Jyorta felt his heart rate accelerate, similar to when he sprinted.

The circulation of blood sped up, increasing the rate of the energy transmitted through the blood vessels, filling up his Brain Crystal. Two minutes later, the Caterpillar looked at its empty hands, sporting an expression of longing. It had finished devouring the rice grain-sized Brain crystal.

It then created a wine glass and a cigar, holding them in an arm each, looking sullen. It lifted the unlit cigar in its left hand towards its mouth, taking a puff, heaving a forlorn sigh, recalling its experience from a couple of moments prior.

Jyorta felt his body brimming with vitality, his Brain Crystal fully replenished with energy. He then dissolved the Caterpillar into blood tendrils, retracting them into his body through his nostrils, sporting an expression of disgust, his body faintly shivering in response to it.

Atika Light gave him a silent nod of approval, witnessing his actions, noticing the speed at which he deployed and used his Caterpillar. She stealthily activated her Skill, trying to gleam into his uniqueness without alerting him, also ensuring to not interfere in whatever he was planning to do.

Tier 4 SkillCataclysmic Inferrer!

It was the Tier 4 Skill she most cherished, unique only to her in the entire Marble City. It was using this Skill as the base that Rhachis Ancestor Light had created the Unranked Skill Deific Inference. Moreover, most of the credit in the creation of the Unranked Skill went to Atika Light.

Every Transformer in Marble City nurtured the same Tier 5 Skill, albeit with some minor differences between each of them. But, she was the sole exception, having nurtured a brand new Skill.

The entire purpose of the organisation, 'Grapple Force' was to nurture another Warrior who could Nurture the same Tier 5 Skill as her, if not a similar version. Moreover, Grapple Force was composed of the elites of elites from Tier 3 to Tier 5, always focusing on bizarre missions, research, and explorations.

If not for the fact that activating her Tier 5 Skill would cause a large commotion, Atika Light would have done it already. Having activated her Tier 4 Skill, she observed Jyorta's actions, her expression filled with wonder.

'He seems to be doing nothing other than sitting idle. The domain of the soul is quite mysterious.'

With his Brain Crystal brimming with psychic energy, Jyorta closed his eyes, taking the view of his blue soul, feeling his surroundings go dark. Situated before him was the same murky fog, broiling like a fluid heated at the bottom.

He sent forth his Soul Cornea, making it tap on numerous places, trying to gleam for a spot that was the weakest of them all. If not for the fact that the two Soul Corneas created by reciting the verse of the creepy-haired man would dissipate outside his body, consuming a significant amount of energy to maintain it, Jyorta would have preferred to use them too. After all, three arms were better than one.

But, unwilling to needlessly waste energy, he resorted to using the Soul Cornea that permanently existed within his blue soul.

The Soul Cornea curled its end into a fist, knocking on the murky fog, transmitting the feedback instantly.

After analysing the feedback received each second, Jyorta made his observations, making note of the areas that sported a weak defence. As the murky fog was constantly moving around, varying its density every single second, it was difficult to find a weak spot. Even if he had cornered one, it changed within the next second, proving his prior efforts useless.

But, Jyorta wasn't disillusioned. He continued with his endeavour, trying to find a pattern in the fog. After all, there was no such thing as true randomness; it seemed random only because its pattern was beyond the scope of the individual's analysing capabilities. That was one of Jyorta's core beliefs as someone who sought to enter the Research and Development field in his previous life.

Whether the memories were his or not, Jyorta didn't care for the time being; he took everything at face value when necessitated.

Every time the Soul Cornea made contact with the murky fog, it expended a trace of his psychic energy. The Soul Cornea used the energy in his soul to function; after connecting to the Brain Crystal using a soul tendril, the blue soul was able to convert the psychic energy into soul energy.

Jyorta slightly retracted his Soul Cornea, making it hover 2 centimetres away from the murky fog, stirring his blue soul to full activity. The Soul Cornea compressed itself, thinning until its width was equivalent to a strand of hair.

The Soul Cornea expanded in length, making many spirals outside his body. The range of action of his Soul Cornea was limited to a metre in radius. The distance between him and the murky fog was less than 60 centimetres, giving him the leeway to build up its length until the limit.

Finally, having expanded until it spanned a metre in length, Jyorta curled the Soul Cornea into a compressed spring, bringing it close to himselfthe pointed end facing the murky fog.

There was a slight change within the blue soul, making the subsoul hovering beside it shiver at higher intensities. The blue face opened its mouth, emitting a black substance, similar to ink. The black ink gushed into the Soul Cornea, turning it jet black.

Like a spring released from its compressed hold, the Soul Cornea shot forward like a dart, heading towards the murky fog, revealing its pointed tip.

He hadn't yet grasped the pattern of the murky fog but, he could find the interval in which a certain place in the murky fog experienced a decrease in density. The Soul Cornea aimed towards such a spot, making contact.

It was like a straw that came into contact with a steel wall; the Soul Cornea failed to penetrate the murky fog. Thankfully, it wasn't something equipped with a sense of pain.

The ink-black substance spread around the point of contact, permeating through the murky fog, melting it like a heated rod coming into contact with Styrofoam. Even though the permeation of the ink-black substance was slow, it steadily corroded the region, allowing the Soul Cornea to penetrate through it bit by bit.

The murky fog fought to heal the corroded part, converging upon the spot like water meeting with a vacuum. When they converged, they came into contact with the sides of the Soul Corneafilled with the jet black substancegetting corroded once gain.

Jyorta experienced a sharp decline in his psychic energy; his Brain Crystal looked like it would run out of energy in a matter of seconds. He exerted force into his Soul Cornea, trying to penetrate through the murky fog before he ran dry.

The murky fog broiled in greater intensity, behaving like it had its consciousness, seeking to fight back in self defence. The Soul Cornea was like an invincible battering ram, unable to be touched, and unable to be affected. It penetrated through the murky fog, ramming into its depths, furthering the expenditure of his psychic energy.

Looking at the state of his energy depletion, Jyorta gritted his teeth, acting decisively. The blue soul in him created four more soul tendrils, attaching them to his Brain Crystal, multiplying the rate of energy siphoned by five times. 

A massive tide of psychic energy gushed into his blue soul, ballooning in size, converting all the energy into soul energy. It then transferred into the Soul Cornea, raising the concentration of the ink-black substance, furthering the corrosiveness.

The Soul Cornea increased its rate of penetration, melting down the murky fog before it could get near, widening the hole it created. It bored through it like a power arm, overwhelming the resistance of the other party, finally noticing the murky fog thinning out at the front.

Jyorta noticed his Brain Crystal being on the verge of running out, the psychic energy siphoned to his blue soul at rapid speeds. He spared no excuses, looking intent to expend his soul to forge a way.

Just when the Soul Cornea was on the verge of breaking through, his psychic energy ran out. Without pause, his blue soul began to shrink, transferring the soul energy into the Soul Cornea, making it penetrate the final stretch.

The moment the Soul Cornea emerged on the other side, the blue soul in him stopped supplying the soul energy, deactivating the corrosion abilityshrunk to half its initial size. The Soul Cornea transmitted everything it witnessed, forming some slight changes in the vision of his blue soul.

The murky fog before his eyes remained as is, broiling around like usual. A small hole had formed in one spot, the bore leading into the other side, the contents transmitted in startling clarity.

"Dammit," Jyorta cursed, having gazed into the other side, letting out a despairing laugh. The murky fog then rushed in from all sides, throwing out his Soul Cornea. Without using his corrosion ability, his Soul Cornea wasn't able to mount any resistance.

The hole he had formed with great difficulty had closed.


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