Psychic Parasite

Chapter 113: Gulvana Harr

Chapter 113: Gulvana Harr

A lady in her late twenties arrived before them, bowing towards Atika Light. "Heima has just been shifted to another ward. Despite some major loss in her Sync Rate, we managed to extract most of the Essence of Frenzy in her spine."

"Good work," Atika Light nodded, her expression one of calm. "Lead me there, now."

Faint sweat perforated the pores on her forehead as the lady bowed once again, silently wiping her sweat when she turned around. She led them through the narrow path, brushing past the people who acted like they were busy.

Since it was a narrow path, their only choice of disappearing was to take the position as wall decorations.

As Atika Light walked past each slacker, she acted ignorant, as if she hadn't sensed their existence. Her hand reached out to the ear of one of them, twisting it a little, inciting a whimper from the other party. The youth let out a chuckle, holding his ear that had turned red.

He looked to be in his early twenties, sporting a jovial expression, looking straight into the eyes of Atika Light without fear. His gaze darted towards Jyorta, wondering the reason for his presence. "He is?"

"Heima's brother," Atika Light replied, twisting his other ear, "Remember to be careful when you head to the Wild today. Many things have happened there."

"I will be careful," The youth nodded, glancing at her back as she passed by. He then turned around and stared at the wall, admiring the painting on it. The painting spanned the two sides and the ceiling, conjoined into a single picture, its length trailing the narrow path, looking infinite.

Jyorta had his attention captured by it, trying to gleam into the details. For some reason, the painting was a blur in his eyes, no matter what he did. Noticing that Atika Light had no intention of explaining the painting to him, he followed behind her in silence, controlling his vision from darting towards the painting.

He also noticed many gazes trail after him, focusing on the back of his head for some reason, giving him the creeps. After walking for 30 metres in such a fashion, the lady stopped before a door shaped like the opened mouth of a tiger, making a bow before it.

Atika Light waved her hand, dismissing her. She placed her hand on the door, watching it open automatically, revealing a large rectangular room. There were four doors in total, each situated in the middle of the wall, one per each side, with the one they entered conforming to a side.

There was a circular bench placed in the middle of the room, wide enough to facilitate 10 people. Except for that, the room was empty. A middle-aged man sat on the circular bench, heaving exhausted breaths, looking worn out. He wore a lab coat, the words, 'Medical Corps' embroidered in large blue fonts on the front, forming an upward curve.

Upon noticing Atika Light, he immediately stood up, forming a salute with his right hand. "Heima's Sync Rate has fallen to an all-time low, stabilised at 51.76 percent. Thankfully, we have managed to extract all the Essence of Frenzy her Wisdom Parasite has soaked up."

"Is it still a Wisdom Parasite?" Atika Light entered the door on her left, looking at a team of doctors standing around a patient, the room filled with a hushed silence. Upon noticing her, except for the head doctor, the others trailed out, shooting a glance at Jyorta as they brushed past him.

"It is a Wisdom Parasite, for now." The head doctor sighed, "The damage has already been done. Her Wisdom Parasite will slowly evolve into a Frenzy Parasite. Moreover, it is now impossible for her Centipede to be summoned voluntarily."

"You can head out now." Atika Light waved her hand, motioning at the exit with her gaze. The head doctor bowed his head, not speaking further. Upon his exit, the room turned silent.

"You can work your magic now." Atika Light nudged his shoulders, glancing at his face full of worry. Jyorta nodded at her, walking towards the berth, looking at the sleeping figure of his sister.

Her skin looked pristine, glistening under the light. Her face was vibrant, showing no traces of a person who had been injured. Jyorta took her hand, feeling the warmth radiating from it, witnessing his vision becoming a blur.

Wiping his tears with the sleeve of his tracksuit, he gently placed her hand on the berth, taking the vision of the blue soul, finding the surroundings turn dark.

There was his blue soul, growing in size with each passing day. A tiny wisp hovered next to it, shuddering in fright every time the blue soul did something. Ever since the blue face formed inside it, the subsoul had been shivering in fright, the emotion stemming from its core.

This in turn faintly increased the speed of Nurturing by the Wisdom Parasite, stacking on the Trait of Efficiency, furthering his growth at a faster rate.

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, Atika Light stood at a spot two metres from him, situated beyond his sensory range. Hence, there was just plain darkness on his back.

To his front was a murky fog, broiling around like the wind, its motions akin to a fluid heated at the bottom. The presence of the fog prevented his senses from detecting Heima's soul or the soul of the Wisdom Parasite in her.

The blue soul in him stirred up, sending out the Soul Cornea, inching it towards the murky fog, ensuring the position of contact being near her spine. The Soul Cornea travelled through the air, floating like an ethereal arm, unhindered by nature, making contact with the murky fog.

It was like he had come into contact with a wall, its substance tough to the extent barring forceful entry. The feedback from the Soul Cornea was crystal clear, giving him the information necessary for his endeavour.

Jyorta opened his eyes, exiting the vision of his blue soul, glancing around the bed, looking for a place to sit. Finding the room lacking anything else apart from the bed she was sleeping on, Jyorta gently pushed her legs a little, making some space for his bottom.

He then sat cross-legged on the limited space, glancing at Atika Light standing like a statue, reverting his gaze to his sister. He gritted his teeth, unwilling to see his sister in such a state. Every single cell in him screamed at him, urging him to do something, the feedback apparent due to his psychic arm coiling around his body.

As a Line Controller, getting feedback from external objects was an impossibility but, getting feedback from their own body parts had a faint possibility. Thanks to his blue soul, and the experience of over a decade living without a body, the ability to gain feedback from his psychic arm dwarfed standard Line Controllers.

Now, he felt the emotions stemming from his body, the relation with Heima being apparent. His entire being wanted to help Heima tide through the situation.

She was his only family!

Closing his eyes, Jyorta took in the view of his blue soul once again, looking at the murky fog before him. The Soul Cornea flashed, appearing before it, knocking on its sturdy surface, trying to get a feel of the contents behind it.

Five minutes later, Jyorta heaved exhausted breaths, feeling the energy in his Brain Crystal fully expended. He had been using it nonstop in the creation of his false persona, having already expended most of it before arriving here. Now, as he experimented with the murky fog using his Soul Cornea, he used up the remaining psychic energy.

A small box appeared on his lap at some point in time, his senses unable to detect it until he broke out of the blue soul's vision. He then swerved his gaze, glancing at Atika Light sitting in a chair and sipping a cup of coffee.

"The box contains a hundred Tier 1 Brain Crystals. Use them to recover your energy. Each Brain Crystal possesses enough energy to recharge your Brain Crystal to full capacity. If they are used up, feel free to ask for more. Also, don't worry about the expenses; Central Command will be shouldering that. Moreover, Tier 1 Brain Crystals are incredibly cheap."

"Thank you, Ma'am." Jyorta gave a heartfelt bow, feeling his eyes moisten. He placed the box on his palm, inspecting it. The box spanned 5 centimetres in length and 3 centimetres in breadth, looking smaller than he had expected, considering it housed a hundred Brain Crystals.

It sported a height of 2 centimetres, the lid sliding away with a gentle push, revealing numerous pink coloured crystals, each equivalent to a rice grain in size. They were stacked vertically, occupying the minimum most area, with each separated by a thin material.

Jyorta unleashed his psychic arm, compressing it to its limit, making it equivalent to a strand of hair. He controlled the psychic arm, passing it through the box, marvelling in surprise when it failed to pass through the material.

"Gulvana Harr," Atika Light said, "The material used to store Tier 1 and Tier 2 Brain Crystals. It prevents the psychic energy stored in them from dissipating into the surroundings. The material also prevents the seepage of psychic energy through it."

She showcased a smile, her expression filled with interest, her senses strained to witness his methods. "Depending on their size, their expense varies. The one in your hands costs enough to buy a standard Tier 4 Artifact."

Jyorta nodded in all seriousness, carefully trailing his psychic arm through an open section, gently lifting a Brain Crystal. He then slid his finger over the lid, watching it close, feeling it positioned securely.

He placed the box on his lap and allowed the Brain Crystal to hover a centimetre above his palm, hoisted by the thinned psychic arm.

Closing his eyes, he urged the entity within him to form, trying to pull it out. Two tendrils of blood seeped out through his nose, reeling his disgust. They coagulated before his face, condensing into a sphere, cracking along the middle, forming two parallel spirals.

The spirals extended from one end to the other, exerting force along its middle, rotating in two different directions, unravelling a long cylindrical body. Numerous tendrils flashed around its body, forming 6 segments.

A set of facial features appeared in the first segment while a pair of arms appeared in the second, holding a wine glass and a cigar. The Caterpillar had a scowl on its face, imitating a third-rate gangster, bringing the cigar towards its mouth, and taking a puff, despite it being unlit.

Jyorta used his psychic arm to bring the rice grain-sized Brain Crystal before its face, watching its interest captured by it. The Caterpillar glanced at the wine glass and cigar in its arms, shifting its attention to the Brain Crystal.

Its face lit up in giddiness as it dropped the wine glass and cigar, turning them into two blood tendrils that merged into its body. Its arms shot up, grabbing the Brain Crystal like it was precious.

It then brought the Brain Crystal towards its mouth, facing the pointed end, taking a bite out of it, sporting an expression of bliss.


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