Prince and His Fool

Chapter 84: I Promise I Will Be Gentle

Chapter 84: I Promise I Will Be Gentle

Rong Zian was completely in the dark about his paternity being questioned. His focus was on Wu Wqng who seemed powerful out of the blue with unprecedented godly power that was relentlessly cracking through his defences. Highly annoyed by the cockroach that just wouldn't die, he uprooted the trees nearby, leaving the forest as bald as a baboon's butt, instantly shaping them into spears before sending them flying in Wu Wqng's direction. The man responded with a flick of his finger disintegrating the wood into sawdust. Within the sawdust mist, Rong Zian took the opening and appeared in front of him grabbing his throat but Wu Wqng wasn't fazed in the slightest. He struck Rong Zian's chest with extreme force, sending him flying into a building.

Aggravated, Rong Zian lifted himself up from the rubble while Wu Wqng was sprouting some type of nonsense. "Is this your plan? Skewering me to death like some piece of meat? HAHAHAHA what a joke. Oh I am so scared, don't give me splinter it will kill me," said Wu Wqng taunting him, "If this is the best Guang has to offer then this would be easier than I thought!" sending boulders in Rong Zian's direction. The two engaged in an endless battle of attacking and deflecting levelling the entire city to dust.

Wu Yange wasn't faring any better with the dragons constantly on the defence rather than the offence. The probability of winning this battle was dropping drastically as the prince was losing momentum. He had barely inflicted enough damage that could be considered fatal but he stubbornly pressed on further infuriating the dragons.

By sheer coincidence one of Wu Yange opponents bit Houyan's neck and accidentally absorbed the flaming dragon's essence which it found addictive and revitalising. With the other dragons discovering such a fountain of youth, they went for Huore all at once like a pack of wolves that had been starved all through winter. Wu Yange fired a powerful stream of azure flames but was no use as the dragons drained Huore of all its essence in a split second.

With both of his twin dragons gone, Li Wei hovered in front of Wu Yange to protect its master but the prince knew he had already lost recalling how they had absorbed his flaming dragons into extinction. In an actual sense, they were absorbing his gift meaning he could never summon Houyan and Huore ever again. In his despair, he had a moment of epiphany, an idea with only fifty per cent chance of succeeding at the risk of sacrificing his azure flame reducing himself to a mere man.

He could have asked for help from Rong Zian but watching him struggle with Wu Wqng he knew he had to take care of this himself. The prince was never one to burden anyone more especially the love of his life who was sacrificing everything for the people of Hepeng. He heaved a long sigh before instructing Li Wei, "Li Wei return."

Li Wei didn't follow his command, stubbornly holding its position with no intentions of returning. The sword was going to defend its master to the very end but Wu Yange knew if the sword's essence was absorbed by the dragons, it would most likely break into pieces so he commanded again but this time in a harsh tone, "Li Wei return!"

Li Wei hesitated for a moment before returning to its sheath disheartened. Wu Yange's plan was to let them absorb all his essence as he willingly released his power in full strength. Absorbing such a magnitude of essence at the same time would hopefully exponentially mount up extreme pressure within the dragons and cause an explosion just like a pressure cooker. Simplified it meant the rate of absorption of Wu Yange's essence would be faster than the rate of assimilation leading to pressure build-up hence an explosion.

The dragons who were done assimilating Huore's essence turned to face Wu Yange greedily craving for more. They didn't know the origin of Wu Yange's strength but whatever it was, it was highly addictive. Healing their wounds while enhancing their vigour and Wu Yange was the source. As though injected by chicken blood, the dragons ganged up on him greedily absorbing his essence with no care in the world. By the time they realised something was wrong, the speed of absorption was tremendously rapid, it was already too late as their slithering bodies cracked from within causing an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb levelling whatever was left of the palace.

The howling of the dragons attracted Rong Zian's attention ditching Wu Wqng to shield Wu Yange from the blast. The force was more powerful than a category five hurricane decimating everything within a hundred-mile radius. Rong Zian lifted Wu Yange in his arms landing further away from the fog of dust. As soon as he settled him down, he anxiously inspected the unconscious Wu Yange's body with trembling hands.

"Yan Yan," he said, shaking him, "Wake up Yan Yan. Don't do this to me please." At this time the tears were leaking on their own with minimum effort. In a panic, he began to heal the prince constantly calling out his name but the man was unresponsive.

Wu Wqng took advantage of this golden opportunity sending out a multitude of spikes coated with poison forged by the god of death which Wu Yinyou had already proved to be effective against Rong Zian. The spikes hit a home run with the victim too emotionally destructed to sense the impending danger. All he felt was a stinging pain all over his back rendering his body useless as he fell forward onto an unconscious Wu Yange. Wu Wqng lifted his body with a smirk on his face as Rong Zian slipped in and out of consciousness.

The last thing he remembers was Wu Wqng frisking his body as though looking for something and when he didn't find it, he ripped open Rong Zian's clothes exposing his chest. With a satisfied smile, the disgusting man traced Rong Zian's chest around the jet black tattoo before saying, "Time to extract those fragments out of you. I promise I will be gentle." Rong Zian blacked out after that, falling into a dark abyss with no means of escape.


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