Prince and His Fool

Chapter 83: You Missed Me?

Chapter 83: You Missed Me?

Wu Yange was hypnotised by Rong Zian's fading figure thinking, 'Ah! So feisty can't wait to eat him clean.' He pushed his impure thoughts at the back of his mind and grabbed Ying Tie's hand lifting him as they followed Rong Zian to the palace.

The three landed outside the sinister but surprisingly lavish palace. As expected Wu Wqng was hovering above his palace with ghostly dark forces surrounding him, his eyes unusually red. The two vicious pets were on the ground growling with drool sipping between their teeth facing the intruders. The sight was hair raising enough to terrify the bravest of men but when their eyes fell on the yellow brocade boots they couldn't hold in their laughter with Rong Zian taking the lead.

"HAHAHAHA! Fuck! Wu Wqng whose fucking closet did you raid. Shit! Those make the sun feel fucking ashamed. HAHAHAHA! You know I think, HAHAHAHA, I think you don't need us to stop you. We need to call the fucking fashion police! That's pretty messed up your Lordship," mocked Rong Zian with tears of laughter flowing on his face. Wu Yange had never seen him like this and could only rub Rong Zian's back restraining his own laughter. Ying Tie was the opposite brazenly laughing with Rong Zian.

Wu Wqng was angry at Rong Zian for mocking but swallowed it down descending from the sky, landing near his pets with an eerie smile. "So you are Rong Zian? I see, only Guang can produce such a beautiful boy. Come closer so I look at those dazzling eyes," said Wu Wuqing with a creepy smile that made Rong Zian feel like he had just been sexually assaulted.

Wu Yange grabbed Rong Zian's hand and pulled him to stand behind so as so to block Wu Wqng's view. Wu Yange's venomous glare alone was enough to scare off Wu Wqng's pets who instantly whined like terrified pups. "Fuck you! Who do you think you are calling beautiful," cursed Rong Zian from behind Wu Yange's back.

"Beauty unmatched like a wildflower sprouting in the swamp," said Wu Wqng lazily pacing while rubbing his fingertips.

'Fuck! Even villains know how to recite poetry,' thought Rong Zian unable to restrain his anger but the one who blew up first was Wu Yange, firing an endless stream of fiery flames at Wu Wqng but was blocked by a serpentine-like body deflecting his attack to a nearby building.

"Oh good, now that everyone is here, let the fun begin," he said as the dragon that had deflected Wu Yange's attack slammed at him with its tail sending the prince flying into the palace. Rong Zian panicked and activated his power to save Wu Yange but was suddenly struck by a ghostly force pushing him back a few steps though he was still standing.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..where do you think you are going Xiao Zian? You and I are partners, you can't interfere in other people's business," said Wu Wqng wagging his finger at him.

Rong Zian was extremely pissed as he pulled back his sleeves. "Ying Tie evacuate civilians!" he commanded to get him out of the way so he won't have to worry about him. Just as he said that the pets went after Ying Tie but were instantly blown apart at the flick of Rong Zian's finger. Ying Tie didn't waste any time running as fast as he could before Wu Wqng could pulverise him into mince.

Wu Yange activated his full strength with his twin dragon facing off with five dragons that sprung from god knows were. It was evident that he had finally met his match, the authentic masters of the azure flame. Though outnumbered the prince didn't back down. The dragons went on the offence with streams of flames directly aimed at Wu Yange but we deflected by Huore while Houyan took on two of the gigantic dragons. Li Wei bravely slashed at one other dragon effectively slicing through the skin. Wu Yange pushed the dragons into defensive mode but was using more strength than he was causing damage.

While the dragon showdown was happening, Rong Zian and Wu Wqng were tossing each other into buildings. Rong Zian was definitely caught by surprise, he had underestimated Wu Wqng's strength and was certain the man had a backer who supplied him with such strength.

Rong Zian was right about that, with Wu Wqng's initial strength, he would have crushed him with the flick of his finger but now they seemed to be on equal footing. Guang was watching the entire thing in her space was scratching her head trying to figure out who had the nerve to interfere in her business when a powerful aura filled her space.

She instantly knew who it was and amplifying her vigilance. The gods had all gone against her despising her for how she ran her nation, sending vicious creatures to twist her arm into yielding. But when everyone was against her there was one god who had her back for his own ulterior motives. She soon found out his plan and distanced herself from him even when he offered to help. His name, Pohuai, the god of destruction, insanely obsessed with Guang for all eternity.

"You missed me?" he said with a malicious grin on his face as he idly walked towards her. Guang moved a step backwards before slapping him across the face. Pohuai seemed unfazed as he grabbed Guang's throat and pushed her against the wall of fluffy clouds with crazed eyes. The goddess wasn't scared in the least patiently waiting for Pohuai to show his hand. The perverse god sniffed her neck with a psycho smile whispering, "This brings back memories."

Guang was at loss for words but glad she was in her adult form otherwise this conundrum would have been awkward. She had no inkling to what the weird deviant was talking about and had no time to entertain the crazy so she mercilessly kicked him in the groin with no remorse. Guang stepped over him while Pohuai groaned in pain mourning his crown jewels. After a minute of howling, he finally remembered he was a god instantly healing himself before walking over to the goddess who was currently giving him an icy shoulder.

"You still won't beg me to help you?" he said staring at her, his eyes fanatical with a hint of disappointment.

Guang didn't spare him a glance looking the other way with her arms folded on her chest. "I never needed your help so don't waste your time. You will never get your wish," she said her tone dismissive. The sooner this leech leaves the better but Pohuai laughed eccentrically before resuming a dark expression gripping her chin to force her to look at him.

Too late, I have already helped you. Don't you want to thank your benefactor? How about giving me a kiss like that blissful night?" he said as he traced her lips with his thumb, his eyes fixed on those soft rosebuds.

Guang slapped his hand off, "Where the fuck do you think you are touching?" Her eyes flashed with anger wondering how she ended being mixed up with such a disrespectful god. Somewhere hidden behind the fuzzy cloud of rage was a trace of confusion. He says he helped her but she couldn't figure out in what way? They hadn't seen each other for decades when she was shunned out of the heavenly realm. Whatever he did, he must be really proud of it as he boasted like a peacock showing off its feathers.

Pohuai was satisfied when he witnessed a glimpse of puzzlement in her eyes and decided to enlighten her. "Guang with my love for you, do you think I would let that dud lay a finger on you?" he said sitting down on a couch of fluffy clouds he formed himself.

Guang's whole body trembled in anger inching closer to strangling Pohuai. His words were like a thorn pushing deeper into her foot. "What the fuck did you do?"

"Such a dirty mouth.... I love it! Ever so feisty. Beg me first then I will tell you," he said in a cocky tone imagining his beautiful goddess gravelling at his feet but he seriously underestimated Guang. She went into full attack mode hauling him all over the place, slamming him on every surface pulverising his face but of course, it barely inflicted damage to the god of destruction. He found it rather amusing as though he was engaged in some form of foreplay.

Guang was so pissed off but withdrew her attacks, it was pointless wasting her energy on the pervert in an endless fight. She didn't care anymore about what he was bragging about and thus asked him to show himself out? "Guang sweetheart I am glad our son turned out to be awe-inspiring. Look how powerful he is," he said flinging his arm to show a screen-like image of Rong Zian fighting with Wu Wqng. "Did you see that? How do you like my grand announcement? Helping Wu Wqng was simply to show my son how powerful he is. A son of a god and a goddess, wow! I can almost hear the people worshipping at his feet."

The goddess didn't hear the rest of it, her focus was on the 'our son' part because she clearly remembered sleeping with Rong Bai not Pohuai besides it was strictly forbidden for gods to engage in these kinds of relations among them with strict countermeasures in place. The reason being the spawn from two deities would be terrifyingly powerful enough to overthrow the leadership. The committee would know if gods engaged in such forbidden acts and the penance would be complete obliteration. No god was stupid enough to do such a thing. That's why Guang replied, "Impossible, how stupid do you think I am?"

"That's the thing I know you aren't stupid just nave. I assumed his appearance and masked my aura with great difficulty and thus satisfied you the entire night. Ah! What a night filled wi-," he said but didn't get to finish before he was kicked with such force breaking his spine. She had just found out that her baby was illegal and if the heavenly realm knew they would join forces and come after him. What started as saving her people had ended in putting her offspring in danger. She was an angry mama bear kicking this rat to whatever hell-hole he crawled out from.

Pohuai finally healed himself and gripped her leg that was about to crush his face. She came tumbling down and before she knew it, the pervert was on top of her pinning her down whispering, "Tell Zian-er that daddy will come to see him soon," before vanishing into thin air.

"Fuck!" she cursed burning with anger, taking it out on some innocent clouds. It was only when she calmed that she remembered her baby was still fighting.


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