President Wife is A Man

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 - Friends

“Have you seen it? Ke Yan and a really beautiful girl together . ”

“Wrong... I saw him with two girls together . One has a shorter hair the other one has a longer hair . The long hair girl really is beautiful, more beautiful than our school flower . ”Male student ‘A’ said .

“Really? That’s great . With that beauty together our school girls would let go the idea of being with Ke Yan and stop chasing him . Then... they would obediently wait for me to chase them ba . ” Male student ‘B’ happily said .

“(ˉ▽ ̄~)cut~~, even if Ke Yan has a new girlfriend there is still Ye Xing Wei . If Ye Xing Wei has a girlfriend . . . there is still Yang Shao Yu ne . Not right... Yang Shao Yu long ago already has girlfriend and even changes them on weekly basis . ”Male student ‘C’ sadly said .

“Ai... this school really do not give a slightest chance for us ah . So many handsome guys . How we these inferior goods have chances to survive ah . ”

“Ai...... . ” A group of male students sighed .

In the corner of the classroom, Jiang Qi chomped on the bread he just bought, really angrily chomp . After bites and bites of chomping, he swallowed the hard bread into his stomach in anger . Why is that? Because this week, it has been two days since he last saw Ke Yan . This week... one after another class he attended would talk about Ke Yan having a girlfriend this matter .

A girlfriend... If Ke Yan really has a girlfriend... . Jiang Qi thinks until here, his eyes started to dim and the delicious bread in his mouth has become tasteless .

Cannot . He needs to confirm this matter for sure . After thinking Jiang Qi stand to go regardless of his classmate reminder that the class was about to begin .

Walking on the road, even though he was thinking on finding Ke Yan but Jiang Qi himself do not know where is he right now . Taking a big breath, Jiang Qi thinks his brain really has a little bit short-circuit .

“Ei . . . did you hear? Ke Yan seems to have a girlfriend . ”

On his opposite site two crestfallen girls walk, and after she said to the other girl she nodded her head with a bitter expression . Both of them look really dispirited .

Jiang Qi gritted his teeth... Is Ke Yan a celebrity ah? He merely has a little handsome face only . . . alright, he is spectacularly handsome . . . no... should be said as extraordinarily handsome . Jiang Qi mouth was stiffed . After knocking on his head couple of times once again get back to the crux of the problem . He is not trying to find out whether Ke Yan really has a girlfriend or not...

Jiang Qi’s hand knocking on his head suddenly stop . Opposite side walks two people . Even though the distant still quite far, but Jiang Qi really sure his eyes were not wrong . It’s Ke Yan and he... . a girl, with the distant Jiang Qi cannot see the face of that long hair girl . Subconsciously he hid himself behind a tree, waiting until these two people to pass him by .

“Ke Yan, I did not expect your school environment is quite good . ” The girl standing next to Ke Yan said .

“N”Ke Yan simply answered .

Jiang Qi watching from behind the tree really wanted to laugh, really no other words... . .

“I did not expect you still the same old boring . ” The girl said full of dissatisfaction .

“Why are you coming back this time?”

Humphhh... looks like Ke Yan really concerned about that girl na . . .

“ Because Shao Yu said you recently a little bit changed , that’s why me and Ma Tong came back to see what happened . ”

The girl voice sounds really sweet, maybe Ke Yan likes this kind of voice . Thinking of it, Jiang Qi subconsciously bite his lower lip . But Ke Yan next sentence saved Jiang Qi’s lips from being ruthlessly gnawed .

“Do not talk so nauseatingly . ”

The girl just smile, did not replied . Inadvertently, she saw Jiang Qi who was hiding behind the tree, her mouth secretly evoked a little smile . It seems Ke Yan really has changed . Looks like Yang Shao Yu really did not lie to them . It’s a shame that Ma Tong cannot be here right now, or they can appreciate this great show together .

Jiang Qi did not realize his whereabouts has been found by that girl and keep hiding behind the tree . Until both of their shadows gone far only he came out from his little hideout with a gloomy sigh .

That girl really beautiful and seems like a perfect match walking side by side to Ke Yan . Really perfect... no,no,no,no . In fact they do not really match . Jiang Qi did not realize he has unconsciously become like a woman pining from love .

Jiang Qi’s mood right now can be sum up as annoyed . When a person was annoyed he will become a little bit impatient and right now Jiang Qi has become an irritable impatient person . So, an irritable Jiang Qi decided it’s better for him to go back to the dorm and sleep his mood away .

Wait until he woke up afterwards, the time already gotten late . He quickly put on his coat and ran slowly to the library . But even with his slow pace once reach the library he felt really tired and breathless . After calmly breathing he walked into the library and discovered... why Ke Yan has not arrive?

Is there anything delaying him? Jiang Qi took a book to read and waited for Ke Yan . The times passed slowly and the library will soon be close . Jiang Qi stroked his empty stomach feeling hungry . Today Ke Yan did not come ah? Why he didn’t inform him anything? Jiang Qi fishing for his phone in his pocket to give him a call but . . . why there’s no phone ne? Where did his phone goes to oh? Don’t tell me I’ve lost it?

Jiang Qi really felt that today his luck was really rotten . First because he knew that Ke Yan has a girlfriend and then because Ke Yan did not inform him that he won’t come to the library today . Jiang Qi pulled back his thoughts and went back to the dormitory .

I say... Jiang Qi ah . . . why didn’t you realize already that your mind, all the times are full of Ke Yan ne ...

Jiang Qi listlessly back to his dorm . Liu Hao playing the computer saw him came inside in such way, startled and said: “Wow!!! Jiang Qi ah... how did you become like this . Don’t tell me you are actually lovelorn ba . ”

Jiang Qi too lazy to care about him and straight away went to find his phone on the bed . Looking for some time but still without result so Jiang Qi sit on the bed feeling depressed .

“What happened?” Do not know when Meng Qing came back . . . or maybe originally he has been inside the dorm all along . Jiang Qi shakes his head did not dare to say everything happened was related to Ke Yan matters . He merely said: “I’ve lost my phone . ”

“Lost? Then just buy a new one ah . Don’t look so disheartened like this . ” Meng Qing slapped Jiang Qi’s shoulder .

“En . ” Jiang Qi nodded his head and buried himself inside the quilt . Right now the only thing Jiang Qi wants to do is shouted one sentence ----- Ke Yan you bad guy .

The next day, Jiang Qi still has not found his phone . Looks like he really lost it and need to buy a new one . Jiang Qi counted his money and found it’s enough to buy a new one but he had use the old phone for a long time so inevitably had some feeling for it . Hence, Jiang Qi once again walked through yesterday road trying to see whether he can find it back .

But... he did not found the phone instead he found Ke Yan . He saw Ke Yan leading two girls visiting the school . In fact he didn’t actually know if they are truly visiting but since one of the girls was yesterday long hair girl so he assume they were . The other girl she has never seen and she kept a short hair but still looks beautiful as well . But on a closer look, it seems both girls really look alike .

Jiang Qi stunned for a while but seen that they are coming he subconsciously hide once again . Jiang Qi really felt helpless with his ‘subconsciously hide’ action .

“What are you doing coming here . ” He heard Ke Yan’s voice .

“Of course coming to see you ah . ” Seems like the voice of the long hair girl .

“Do not think I do not know what both of you are thinking . ”

“What?” This time the short hair spoke . The sound seems somber, makes anyone listening to quiver .

“What did Shao Yu told both of you?”

“It’s nothing . Yes Ma Tong... did you remember what I’ve said to you yesterday?

“Mo Lu, I remember . ”Both of them looked at Ke Yan but he did not pay attention to them . Instead, his eyes squinted looking towards one direction .

Ma Tong? Mo Lu? How’s the name seems familiar? Listening to Ma Tong such a dark cloudy tone, it seems like he has heard it before, ............ .

Ah . . . right! At Ke Yan’s house . Jiang Qi finally remember . In Ke Yan house, there are two strange rooms with these two names written outside the door .

Yang Shao Yu and them also acquainted? Then . . . are they actually friends? Thinking about it, Jiang Qi could not help but felt happy and grinned foolishly . Suddenly Jiang Qi’s collar was tightened and somebody were grabbing the back of his collar . Jiang Qi turned around feeling confuse . But one look, his confuse expression turned to become nervous afterwards turned again, to become embarrassing .

How does someone felt when he was caught red handed? Right now Jiang Qi finally knew how’s the feeling . Moreover the one who caught him was Ke Yan . This feeling . . . really terrible de .

“Hey . . . so clever ah . ” Only god knows how embarrassed he felt right now but Jiang Qi still feign ignorance and greeted Ke Yan as though nothing happened .

“I already saw you earlier . ” Ke Yan’s short statement immediately broke Jiang Qi’s phony expression and he looks at Ke Yan with a pathetically cute eyes .

Ke Yan breathing lag for a moment when he looks at Jiang Qi’s pair of eyes . After some time only he continue to say: “Later on... do not use such an expression looking at others . ”

Jiang Qi did not really understand what he means but still nodded his head a few times .

Ke Yan grabbed Jiang Qi, pulled him out from his hiding place and bring him in front of Mo Lu and Ma Tong .

Once Mo Lu saw Jiang Qi, she went close and grasped on Jiang Qi’s shoulder: “You should not be that Jiang Qi ba . ”

Jiang Qi felt uncomfortable and wanted to break away but before he did, Ke Yan already help him throw Mo Lu’s hands from his shoulder . Jiang Qi sigh in relief . He really not used to be so close with the opposite sex, nevertheless he still ask: “How do you know my name?”

“Shao Yu said de . ”Ma Tong moved closer to Jiang Qi’s ear and said . Jiang Qi felt like a very cold air blowing his ear so he could not help but to recoil his shoulder .

“Actually, what has Yang Shao Yu told both of you . ” Ke Yan this sentence out, Mo Lu and Ma Tong’s body immediately stiffened . Immediately came out the sound of laughter, of course the one who laugh is Mo Lu . Ma Tong patted on Jiang Qi’s shoulder . Jiang Qi turned his head looking at her and saw she was staring at him quietly . Suddenly her face went closer to Jiang Qi’s neck and sniffed . Jiang Qi his whole body stiff do not dare to move . Even his neck has become painfully stiff . But Ma Tong’s face seems like she did not got enough, so he asked: “What are you doing?”

Ma Tong did not reply but instead continue to sniff on him . After half a minute only she said: “To smell your scent . ”

Smell my scent... Jiang Qi feel Ke Yan’s friends really nice but a little bit weird .

“We should go . ” Ma Tong suddenly pulled Mo Lu and walked away . Jiang Qi for a moment have no reaction but after a while he ask Ke Yan: “Why they go?”

“Going forward the sun would be hot . Ma Tong hate staying below the sun . ”

“Too weird . ”

“Later on you will get used to it . ” Ke Yan smiled and said .

“Oh . ” Later on? Jiang Qi could not help himself from laughing, but not yet 2 seconds his laughter stop . Because . . . he remembered yesterday’s matter: “Why didn’t you come to the library yesterday and moreover you did not even tell me about it . ”Jiang Qi did not even realize when he said these words, his expression is full of grievances .

Ke Yan took a handphone from his pocket and gave it to Jiang Qi: “You lost your phone . . . I got sent you a message . ”

Jiang Qi quickly took back his phone, surprised and said: “Where did you found this . . . I’ve been looking for a long time . ”

“Behind that tree where you hide yesterday . ”Ke Yan said as though it was nothing shameful .

“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”Jiang Qi was stunned . Or more likely to describe as petrified . Did not expect Ke Yan had actually found out he was hiding there yesterday . Honestly, it’s too disgraceful ne . Jiang Qi have no face to see people ah .

Ke Yan last night went for a dinner with Mo Lu, Ma Tong and Yang Shao Yu so he sent him a message . Jiang Qi did not reply him back so he called him up . Also no one picked up . Ke Yan could not help but worried . Thinking that today Jiang Qi had peeked at him and Mo Lu that place, so he went there looking . Sure enough, he found it there .

See Jiang Qi blushed red and even his ears also has been red, Ke Yan laughed while pinching and squeezing on Jiang Qi’s face . Then he hold his hand: “Let’s go . ”

Jiang Qi let Ke Yan hold his hand walking away . His face still red but his mouth was smiling .


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