President Wife is A Man

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - The Love Coat

“Is there something?” Jiang Qi asked .

Qiao Mi Er blushed and grabbed onto her clothes much harder as if to tear the clothes into pieces .

With his experience last time talking to Qiao Mi Er, Jiang Qi knew there’s no use to force her to speak . He can only be patient waiting for her to open up .

Then Qiao Mi Er continue to talk: “Actually today that person looking for you is me . I . . . I . . . I... I want to finish up my words that I didn’t say last time . ”

“What words?”

“ . . . . . . . I... . . . I . ”

“It’s okay . You do not need to be so nervous . ” Jiang Qi said .

“N . ” Qiao Mi Er seems to be encouraged by Jiang Qi and her speech becomes much more smoother . “You . . . still remember the days of military training ba?”

Jiang Qi nodded: “What happened?”

“That . . . that . . . that time in military training because it’s too hot and I fainted right on your body . You . . . you still remember ba?”

Jiang Qi seriously thinking and it seems like really have a girl fell onto him but he did not remember that girl was Qiao Mi Er . Looking at her face seriously thinking about such a meritorious deed, Jiang Qi weakly replied: “I remember that time someone fell onto me but I did not remember who was it . ”

Qiao Mi Er shook her head: “In fact, this thing I want to tell you for quite some time, but have no chance . Actually at first I did not pay . . . pay . . . pay attention to you but did not know when I actually even, even, even, even... . . ”

Even what? Inside, Jiang Qi couldn’t help but to urge her to say .

“Even actually will like you . ”

Jiang Qi still thinking what Qiao Mi Er in the end wanted to say to him . But he never expected she will resolutely say it out loud . So, his reaction was a bit late . But when he finally realize what she has just said, he suddenly felt not good .

Why want to like him? It never cross Jiang Qi’s mind Qiao Mi Er would like his own . No... should be said he never think in that aspect . Jiang Qi wants to refuse Qiao Mi Er but he do not know how to say it . Jiang Qi knew he do not like Qiao Mi Er but he know he has to refuse it early, so he start to talk... . .

But Jiang Qi has not yet open his mouth, Qiao Mi Er shyly run away . Watching her silhouette leaving, Jiang Qi helplessly close back his mouth and thinking: looks like I have to wait for the next time meeting to say it clearly .

“Hey, Jiang Qi . ”

Jiang Qi felt his back being patted and voice of a girl calling him . So he turned around and discover beside the two girls previously looking for him, there were several others female students that he has not met before .

“Anything?” Jiang Qi asked .

They glance at him and then one of the girl seemingly acted as the big sister talk: “Tomorrow you come here and give your reply to Mi Er . Mi Er will be waiting right here for you . ”

One of the girls then warned him: “ You cannot refuse her ah, she likes you for quite some time already . ”

Jiang Qi silently looking at the girls leaving back with a headache: “But I do not like her ah . ”

Jiang Qi is very tangled . He do not know what to do and because of that he didn’t even realize he was standing at the same spot for nearly half an hour while the cold wind blows . Finally his body cannot withstand the cold and sneezed, afterwards only he comes back to reality and go back .

Because these few days weather always raining, Jiang Qi few coats has been washed but not dry . Today he can only wear a relatively thin coat . Originally he is not cold, however now since he has been exposed to the cold wind for quite some time, he actually shivers in cold .

Unbearable he sneezed loudly, pulling the lapel of his coat closer together wanted it to hold his body tightly warm . Sadly his coat without buttons, also without zipper . He can only hold it together to block chilly wind rushing to his body .

Had he known, he would never stand there for so long . Now even with a little wind blowing outside, he felt like his hands and feet will fast to freeze . Jiang Qi walking forward when his arm was pulled and following the force of the strength his body turned partially around into someone’s arm . Jiang Qi raised his head to see... turns out that someone was Ke Yan .

Ke Yan looked at his thin coat and cannot help but said: “Why wear such a thin coat . ”

“My clothes has not dry . ” Jiang Qi obediently answered Ke Yan’s question .

Ke Yan shifted his hand from holding Jiang Qi’s arm to his palm and frowned: “ How’s your hand freezing cold like this . ”

“Probably because standing too long outside ba . ”

“ Today the weather so cold why was you standing outside . Also not afraid of being sick . ”

Jiang Qi suddenly found that he was afraid to tell Ke Yan why he was standing outside so long in such weather . Why is that? Because the other side is Ke Yan . Originally he felt a little bit headache but now the pain seems to intensify and he was a little in trance .

While Jiang Qi in trance, he suddenly felt warmer and this warmth made him feel really comfortable . Then he discovered he was covered from the head with Ke Yan’s coat . Jiang Qi suspiciously looking at Ke Yan and Ke Yan was being stared by him suddenly felt a little bit awkward . Ke Yan took off Jiang Qi’s thin coat and held it in his hand .

Jiang Qi in a daze looking at Ke Yan’s action . Just a moment ago it’s clearly his coat was being taken off by Ke Yan . Even if the coat is not a clothes you wear close to the skin but to let Ke Yan take it off for him... If other people he might not feel much, he will not mind but the object we are discussing here is Ke Yan . Jiang Qi’s heart cannot help but beats faster and blushed . Even the chilly wind at this time has no effect towards his body .

Until Ke Yan helped him to wear his coat, Jiang Qi’s gaze still fasten to Ke Yan’s face . Ke Yan watched Jiang Qi’s daze appearance couldn’t help but slightly smile while his hand pinched and pinched Jiang Qi’s cheek, then said:”Wear my coat first . ”

After, he wore Jiang Qi’s coat and walked away . Looking at Ke Yan’s body wearing his coat, Jiang Qi couldn’t help himself and giggled . His coat on Ke Yan’s body looks much nicer than when his own wear it .

Jiang Qi facing the coat on his body and sniffed it several times . Hmm . . . there’s Ke Yan smell, really a good smell ah .

His head seems not as painful as before .

Because recently the weather has gotten really chilly, it’s impossible for Jiang Qi and Ke Yan to read their books outside . They can only go to the library . Because prior to this, there’s a period of times when Ke Yan no longer appear inside the library, those crowds of female students waited for him for a while but finally became impatient and stop coming to the library after they never saw Ke Yan’s shadow .

Hence, the library once again ‘quiet’ down . But both of them also did not tell Yang Shao Yu they no longer go to that little forest to read . Because if Yang Shao Yu knew, he would definitely grab that little forest back .

In front of Jiang Qi there are two books but he doesn’t even touch either one because right now his mind in a mess thinking about something .

“What are you thinking about?” Ke Yan sitting right in front of him cannot help but ask .

Jiang Qi shakes his head to say that he didn’t think about anything but shortly afterwards he nodded his head a few times: “Ke Yan... I was confessed today . ”

“What?”Ke Yan put his book down and frown . His usually calm heart suddenly felt agitated .

“I was told by a female student that she likes me, but... . ”

“Do you like her?”Ke Yan held his breath as he asked this question because he do not want to hear ‘I like her’ this three words out from Jiang Qi’s mouth .

“Do not like . ” Jiang Qi almost without hesitation to answer . Even though his decisive reply seems a little bit sorry to Qiao Mi Er but he do not want Ke Yan to have a slightest misunderstanding towards him and Qiao Mi Er .

Ke Yan was calm on the surface but inside he cannot help but sighed in relief . He took back his book and said: “Since you do not like, then early to reject her ba . ”

Jiang Qi nodded but still a little worry asking: “But . . . how should I say it?”

Ke Yan was thinking... previously all he did was direct rejection . If not how to do it?

“Directly reject and tell her you do not like her . ”

After some thinking, Jiang Qi feel Ke Yan’s method is correct . Better to reject directly .

Figured out, Jiang Qi’s mood turns better so he picks up the book to read . Within a short while he already read to one-third . Finish reading both of them walk out of the library but unexpectedly they met with Qiao Mi Er and her friends at the entrance door . Once she saw Jiang Qi, Qiao Mi Er’s face was already red and she went to hide behind her friend . Jiang Qi looked at Ke Yan and then called out to Qiao Mi Er . Qiao Mi Er with her already red face in a low voice to answer him: “What . . . what is it?”

Jiang Qi said : “Let’s talk for a bit . ”

Qiao Mi Er hesitated but then nodded and Jiang Qi took the lead out of the library . Qiao Mi Er looked at her friends and saw them cheering her up, suddenly felt her courage rise . When she turned around to follow she saw Ke Yan standing on the side . Even though he did not say anything, Qiao Mi Er’s eyes could not help but to watch him . One look, she felt like she cannot move her eyes away . Ke Yan really is good looking but the things that make anyone cannot look away is his body unique temperament . A little bit arrogant and indifferent . His body seems to send a ‘no touching’ vibes but she felt that he should not be really cold and indifferent person... . .

Qiao Mi Er frowned . Although the man truly good looking until people cannot look away but he should not be a good lover . He seems too cold . Together with such a person, will not be comfortable, right?

The two of them standing in front of the library entrance and once Jiang Qi saw Qiao Mi Er comes out he did not dally and go to her, directly speak: “I am sorry . ”

Qiao Mi Er listened and her eyes turned a little bit red . She hesitated to speak but after a while finally she speak in a depressed tone: “Why? Is it because I’m not beautiful enough?”

Jiang Qi shook his head but seen Qiao Mi Er has her head down and cannot see his reaction, he said instead: “No... it’s just, I do not have that ‘likes’ feeling . ”

The more she listened, the sadder she become . So she couldn’t help but whimper . To see her like that, Jiang Qi felt like a bastard who bullied his married woman and sighed . In a low voice he said: “I’m sorry . ”

Qiao Mi Er as if did not hear Jiang Qi’s speak, in a low voice started to talk . Her voice was very small until Jiang Qi think that she was murmuring to herself: “I . . . I . . . we can . . . cannot try it first ba?”

Jiang Qi did not answer because Qiao Mi Er’s face same like that time when he rejected her confession and she has quickly ran away afterwards . Jiang Qi anxiously sighed... what should he do?

“Cannot . Jiang Qi do not like you . ” Jiang Qi listened to the voice coming from behind him . Surprised . . . he looked back because he knew the owner of that voice . He turned around and saw do not know when Ke Yan was already standing behind him and those words were coming right from his mouth .

Ke Yan saw Jiang Qi looking at him and he pulled Jiang Qi to go . Jiang Qi let Ke Yan dragged him away because if he still stay at the same place he do not know what else he should say .

Qiao Mi Er watched the back of that two people getting far, her tears that was about to fall suddenly no longer existed . Her heart seems to have an unexpected premonition that the two guys seems to fit each other . Ke Yan’s cold and indifferent temperament seems to fade . Perhaps... . . being together with him will not be so uncomfortable...

Qiao Mi Er did not realize that she did not cried out because she was immersed in the feeling of seeing Ke Yan and Jiang Qi together .

In fact, there’s no need to wait until tomorrow, immediately to solve and make it clear because of love, isn’t it?

And the matter of love has to be handle as soon as possible to avoid misunderstanding, isn’t it?


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