Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 183:

Chapter 183:

[So, you're Lee Jeongmin's brother… Different last name, how is that possible?]

"My original name is Lee Jeongho. I discarded both my last name and my name to go under you."


"I will destroy you. Right now, at this very moment, when you are at the peak of your success. Just like my sister died because of you when she was at her most beautiful moment."

Ryu Seongho, who had been smiling lightly throughout his speech, adjusted his cell phone.

Then, in a voice that sank as if commanding to listen carefully, he spoke.

"I've waited for revenge for 20 years. Now it finally begins. Please struggle with all your might to make revenge as happy and enjoyable as my expectations."

[This guy…]

"I'll end it here."

After finishing the call, Ryu Seongho stared blankly at the photo taken with his sister.

"Sister, it's going to be fun from now on. Watch closely."


The day after the special episode of "I Want to Know That" was aired.

I was at home, discussing various things with Jang Sunho in a relatively relaxed atmosphere.

"A lot happened overnight."

As I spoke somewhat absentmindedly, Jang Sunho bowed his head and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I intended to tell you in advance, but you were shooting, and I couldn't find the opportunity to speak. After that, I thought it might interfere with advertising shoots and variety shows."

"That's okay. But… is there any problem? I only saw the article that KL Entertainment spread and ‘I Want to Know That.' I haven't checked the internet at all, worried about what might be said."

"Don't worry at all. Public opinion is leaning towards sympathizing with Actor Kang Jinseok and blaming KL Entertainment. Although KL Entertainment reporters are still making a fuss, once they receive the summons, they'll shut up."


"Yes. We've sued all the KL Entertainment media outlets. We prepared in advance, so there's no escape for them."

"Planning for ‘I Want to Know That' or preparing for a lawsuit."

It seemed that Jang Sunho had prepared a lot behind my back.

"I feel a bit sorry. It seems like I was the only one in peace."

Still, it seemed more appropriate to express gratitude than to apologize.

"Thank you, Manager. If it weren't for you… I would have just sat there and taken it."

"No need to thank me. It's my job."

After a slight smile, Jang Sunho checked the time. Then, he stood up and said,

"Actor-nim, we should start heading. We shouldn't be late for the press conference."

"Ah, right. The press conference… um."

The ‘press conference' Jang Sunho mentioned was a gathering organized by the Department of Theater at Seoguk University where I was enrolled.

It was an opportunity for senior actors to come and interact with new students and current students at the beginning of the new semester.

I planned to attend as a current student from the perspective of a ‘senior actor.'

"I'll get to see the faces of old university friends and also catch up with colleagues I haven't seen due to being busy."

"After all this happened, it feels a bit awkward to go."

Jang Sunho said everything should be fine, but I couldn't help but be cautious. It had been a mentally taxing night.

As I hesitated, Jang Sunho spoke,

"Actor-nim, if you're reluctant to attend because of yesterday's incident, you don't have to come. No one will criticize Actor Kang Jinseok for skipping a university gathering."


"But I hope you'll still go. It would help resolve this controversy quickly if you could engage in external activities naturally and calmly, as you usually do."


"Yes. Whether the rumors are true or false, when a celebrity hides, people tend to think, ‘There must be something he's guilty of hiding.' On the contrary, if you confidently step forward, people will think, ‘He must be innocent.' So, even if it's a bit difficult, I think showing your usual self would be beneficial."

As always, I could feel the sincerity in Jang Sunho's advice.

After contemplating his words for a moment, I smiled slightly and said,

"Got it. I'll do as you say, Manager."

"If it gets too tough, you can take a break. I'll talk to the school on your behalf."

"No, it's okay. Listening to Manager-nim, I feel like it's more appropriate to stay strong at times like this."

After speaking energetically, I picked up my outerwear and stood up.

"Besides, I can't not go today. I've already sent snacks."


Seoguk University's large seminar room.

Not only were the 200 seats filled, but even the stairs were crowded with people.

All of them were students from the Department of Theater at Seoguk University.

Most of the buzz was about Jinseok.

"There was a bullying incident yesterday, and Kang Jinseok, the actor, might come today. It's not like he won't come, right?"

One female student asked in a hesitant voice.

"Yeah… that's right. Usually, when celebrities face such issues, they lock themselves up at home."

"Today is the day I came to school just to catch a glimpse of Actor Kang, even though I wasn't planning on coming. If I can't see him, I'm going to protest at KL Entertainment."

As the confident female student spoke, her friend nodded in agreement. Her friend shared the same sentiment.

To them, a student behind them said,

"They're already protesting. They brought ten trucks to KL Entertainment, saying it's for Kang Jinseok's fan club."

"Ten trucks?"

"Yeah. Didn't you know? They're live streaming the protest on YouTube right now."

The student showed their mobile phone. On the screen was a YouTube channel, ‘Leftover Tuna Can.'

["CEO Lee Youngkyung, come out right now!"]

["If you don't come out, we're going in!"]

["Come out! Come out!"]

It wasn't a protest with flying rocks or brandished spears, but it was a demonstration that showed more intensity than that.

The student who was showing the protest scene turned off the screen and said,

"But that's not the important thing right now. The crucial thing is whether Kang Jinseok, the actor, comes or not."

"That's true. Most people here probably came to see Actor Kang."

"I came to see the professors."

"What's the point for someone like you who never attends class?"

While students were engaging in casual conversations,

Behind the stage curtain, a female student was fidgeting with her cell phone, unseen by others.

It was Seo Yeonsoo.

"Jinseok Oppa… Should I contact him and ask if he can come today?"

It had been a repeated dilemma for her, but Yeonsoo couldn't bring herself to contact him easily.

If Jinseok hadn't come today, the atmosphere of the gathering would significantly dampened. As the student sitting in front mentioned earlier, most students came to see Jinseok.

Even other senior actors and professors attending the gathering seemed to have high expectations of seeing Jinseok.

Now, there were less than 20 minutes left until the start of the gathering.

"Hmm… It won't work. I should try contacting him."

Just as Yeonsoo gathered the courage to send a message to Jinseok,

"Wow… There are so many people."

Suddenly hearing a voice from behind, Yeonsoo was startled. Then, someone behind her laughed casually and said,

"Haha, sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you."

Yeonsoo turned around with wide eyes.

"Oppa? Why are you here, Oppa?"

Stunned by the unexpected question, Yeonsoo blurted out something strange.

To her, Jinseok chuckled and said,

"Why am I here? Because it's a gathering."

"Oh, right… No, not that! Oppa, are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Ah, because of the article yesterday?"

Jinseok said with a light laugh.

"Of course, I'm fine. It's just a gossip, no big deal."

"Just a gossip…"

"The manager said there's no problem at all, so I'm not worried."

Yeonsoo was dumbfounded by Jinseok's nonchalant tone.

Seeing Yeonsoo's expression, Jinseok smiled and said,

"Have everyone else arrived? I'd like to greet them before the gathering starts."

"Oh, yes. Everyone is here. But, Oppa, with so many people, how did you manage to sneak in without being noticed?"

"I just parked in the underground parking lot and took the elevator up. Through the back door."

"What if someone caught you doing that!"

"Well, no one did, so it's fine. Plus, since I came with the manager, even if I ran into someone, it probably wouldn't be a big deal."

Yeonsoo stared at Jinseok, who spoke and acted as usual, with a dumbfounded expression.

‘Is he really okay after what happened yesterday?'

As a fan of Jinseok and a friend, she felt relieved.

Smiling brightly, Yeonsoo gently pulled Jinseok's arm.

"Then let's go meet the professors. They're in the classroom next to the seminar room."


– CEO Lee Youngkyung, come out right now!

– If you don't come out, we're going in!

– Come out! Come out!

Hearing the angry voices from outside, Lee Youngkyung rubbed his forehead roughly.

"Ugh, damn it! What are the police doing? Why aren't they dealing with those bastards quickly!"

Lee Youngkyung shouted in frustration. However, there was no one to answer him in such a state.

Most of the secretaries and even the department heads were on vacation or hadn't come to work.

Even the directors, who used to fawn over Lee Youngkyung like minions, were nowhere to be found.


Sighing deeply, Lee Youngkyung started smoking a cigarette.

After smoking three in a row, he seemed to calm down a bit. However, it didn't last long.

"You son of a b***, Ryu Seongho! How dare you betray me!"


Lee Youngkyung slammed his desk forcefully, muttering angrily.

"No, whatever you're preparing, it won't work."

Lee Youngkyung had maintained connections with people from various social strata, expecting that one day, in the dirty business world, he might face such a situation and would need help from these people.

Among them were directors from a famous law firm, a member of the National Assembly, and even a former minister.

"I won't die. Absolutely not. How did I crawl up to this point?"

Lee Youngkyung took a deep breath, calming his mind. He knew very well that he had to respond calmly in times like these.

"If I go down, there will be more than a few people in trouble. Just catching one of those bastards will be nothing."

After checking his contacts for a moment, Lee Youngkyung's eyes sparkled as he pressed the call button.


"Oh, President Oh Sungchan. This is Lee Youngkyung."

[Call me Director. I'm not a member of the National Assembly anymore.]

"Haha, yes, Director."

[So, why did you bother calling me? Oh, is it about ‘I Want to Know That?']

"Haha… Yes, that's right. Because of that, I have some things to discuss with you. How about I arrange a meal for us?"

Lee Youngkyung hoped that Oh Sungchan would respond with the same enthusiasm as he presented himself.

But then,

[President Lee Youngkyung. I think this time might be a bit difficult for me.]


[I heard something, and soon there will be a raid on KL Entertainment. And the prosecutor in charge is Lee Minyoung. I might have to step forward… I'm sorry.]

Through the phone, words that were far from his usual optimistic tone flowed.

Perplexed, Lee Youngkyung asked in a trembling voice,

"No, Director. Just who is this Lee Minyoung to make you sound so anxious?"


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