Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 182:

Chapter 182:

[Exclusive] – "I am Kang Jinseok's school violence victim." Victim Reveals Kang Jinseok's School Life

"Hoo hoo…"

In KL Entertainment's President's office, Lee Youngkyung smirked sinisterly as he read an online article.

"The article came out well."

Though he had already read it several times, it became more amusing with each read. After thoroughly rereading the article from start to finish, Lee Youngkyung checked another one.

["At that time, Kang Jinseok was a teacher's favorite, acting recklessly…"]

[Kang Jinseok High School Friend Interview.]

["Every time Kang Jinseok appears on TV, that day comes to mind. It's the day he got hit with a tray during lunch."]

[Resurfacing Celebrity School Violence… This time it's Kang Jinseok.]

[‘School Violence' Shock for Kang Jinseok Fans… Fans Leaving Fan Cafes in Droves.]

There were articles planted by KL Entertainment from the beginning, and many late-joining journalists had fabricated articles as well.

"Good. It's catching fire."

Spreading articles across multiple newspapers at once and having other reporters share them—all according to KL Entertainment's plan.

The next step was for the pre-arranged social media influencers to upload videos about ‘Kang Jinseok's school violence.'

KL Entertainment aimed to turn Jinseok's school violence into a fact through internet articles and social media.

"Hoo hoo…"

It had been a while since Lee Youngkyung had laughed so much.

With a smile on his face, Lee Youngkyung typed ‘Kang Jinseok school violence' into the YouTube search bar.

"Now, what kind of videos will be up… hmm?"

Filled with anticipation, Lee Youngkyung searched for ‘Kang Jinseok school violence.'

However, an unexpected video was at the top.

[BDD YouTube Special Episode. ‘Kang Jinseok School Violence, I Wanna Know That.' (5 Language Subtitles)]

‘A special episode of ?'

The video thumbnail also had the designation ‘live.' It seemed like they were broadcasting it on YouTube in addition to airing it on TV.

With a vague sense of unease, Lee Youngkyung clicked on the live broadcast of .

Soon, a familiar catchphrase was heard.

["… However, our team's investigation has revealed that the allegations of Kang Jinseok's school violence are entirely manipulated rumors."]


Lee Youngkyung wore a bewildered expression at the host's words.

The broadcast continued.

["Even more shocking is that this manipulation was led by none other than a celebrity planning agency within the same industry."]


["What we are about to show you is an interview that our team obtained exclusively from someone who attended the same high school as Kang Jinseok. Let's take a closer look."]


At that moment, while Lee Youngkyung was watching with a stern expression.

At home, Lee Minyoung was also watching the broadcast on TV.

[(Mr. Park, Kang Jinseok's high school classmate) "One day, someone came to me offering money to testify that Jinseok had randomly hit another student during his school days. They also threatened that if I didn't comply, it would be difficult for me to find work in the future."]

[PD: Threats?]

["Yes. And in reality, I started facing pressure at work as well."]

Watching the broadcast, Lee Minyoung bit her lip forcefully. It was content she had already seen several times in the BDD broadcasting station's editing room, but it was still astonishing each time.

[-So, are you saying that Kang Jinseok didn't engage in violence at school to harass or bother anyone?]

["Yes, it's true that Jinseok was involved in a lot of fights. However, he wasn't the one causing trouble; rather, he was the one protecting weaker friends."]

[-What was the reaction at school back then when Kang Jinseok, the actor, got into fights?]

["The kids were thankful, but they didn't show it overtly. Showing gratitude could attract unnecessary attention from the bullies."]

[-How about the teachers back then? What was their reaction when Mr. Kang Jinseok got into fights?]

["From what I remember, the teachers didn't approve of it."]

The PD, whose face couldn't be seen, seemed curious at this response.

[-Why? While fighting might be wrong, if he did it for a reason, shouldn't that be commendable?]

["Some parents went crazy, claiming their sons came home beaten up because of Jinseok. Among them were some high-profile figures."]

[-When you say high-profile figures…]

["A member of parliament. I also recall there being a CEO of a small company."]


["As a result, Jinseok was the one who got severely punished at school. He even got hit so hard that his school uniform pants burst."]

After the brief interview, the screen returned to the studio of < I Wanna Know That>.

The host, Kim Sangjun, who had been watching the video with a serious expression, spoke with his characteristic sophisticated and mature voice.

["Based on this interview alone, it seems that Kang Jinseok's school days, recently highlighted, involve various complicated circumstances. Therefore, we've decided to delve a bit deeper into the details. Who, after all, and why is trying to portray Kang Jinseok as the perpetrator? To find out, we've met the person who orchestrated the manipulation."]

Kim Sangjun, with a serious expression, delivered the statement, clasping his fingers and gazing somewhere.

Then, the screen transitioned back to the informational display.


"It's my turn now."

[Penthouse in a luxury office.]

There, KL Entertainment's Director 1 Ryu Seongho, set down his wine glass and focused on the TV. He, too, was watching .

[(PD) – First, could you briefly introduce yourself, please?]

["I'm Ryu Seongho, Director 1 at KL Entertainment. I'm the one involved in manipulating and spreading the rumors about actor Kang Jinseok."]

[- That's quite a bold introduction… Can you say that?]

["Yes, because I'm going to be exposed by KL Entertainment anyway. I don't mind if they sue me. After all, there's nowhere left for me and KL Entertainment to go."]

Unlike other interviews, Ryu Seongho's face was fully visible in this one.

It was exactly what Ryu Seongho wanted.

[- You mentioned that KL Entertainment manipulated the rumors about actor Kang Jinseok. Could we hear the details?]

["Yes. First, let me explain why KL Entertainment targeted Kang Jinseok, and why we engaged in such actions. To do that, I'll have to start with why Kang Jinseok ended up out of KL Entertainment's, specifically Lee Youngkyung's, favor."]

Afterward, Ryu Seongho calmly continued.

["Kang Jinseok gained recognition with the project . He rose through auditions. Like most auditions, there were several competitors for the role of ‘Nakamura' that Kang Jinseok auditioned for. Among them was Lee Homin, an actor and the son of Lee Youngkyung."]

[- Yes.]

["Before the audition, there was a small issue between Lee Homin and Kang Jinseok. It wasn't a big deal unless you consider pride battles. Lee Homin seemed to take it to heart. After losing the role to Kang Jinseok in the audition, Lee Homin developed a significant dislike for him. Furthermore, after being compared to Kang Jinseok in acting abilities in , which he appeared in instead of , he not only disliked but also grew to hate Kang Jinseok."]


["Eventually, Lee Homin suffered a significant blow to his pride, and that became the starting point for KL Entertainment's animosity towards Kang Jinseok. Lee Youngkyung, the President, was someone pathologically fond of his son Lee Homin. He couldn't forgive the ‘rookie actor' who tarnished his son's face."]

[- So, Director, are you saying… KL Entertainment manipulated these rumors because of that pride issue?]

["What I just mentioned is indeed the cause, but it's not the only reason. After that, KL Entertainment and actor Kang Jinseok clashed unknowingly quite a bit. The incident with Park Hayeon's fan swearing, the public criticism of KL Entertainment by Director Yeo Jaeyoon – all of that had connections to Kang Jinseok. Also, the subsequent transfer of actor Kwon Seokhoon to OS Entertainment was deeply linked to Kang Jinseok's involvement."]

[- Ah…]

["The pride-filled Lee Youngkyung, the president, was annoyed by the constant irritation from this rookie actor. So, he instructed the directors to somehow suppress Kang Jinseok. The result was the creation of these rumors about Kang Jinseok."]

After hearing that, Ryu Seongho turned off the TV.

All the information he wanted to hear had been revealed.

Staring blankly out the window, Ryu Seongho turned on the lights.

The once-dark house began to reveal itself.

"I've lived here for quite a long time."

Despite having lived here for a long time, the house felt empty, as if it had been prepared to be vacated at any time.

Ryu Seongho went into his study. A worn-out desk and stacks of documents greeted him.

"All the materials I've collected over the 20 years working at KL Entertainment. The time to use them has finally come."

These documents were all evidence related to numerous illegal activities KL Entertainment had carried out until now. From actions he executed those performed by other employees under the president's orders, everything was documented.

"I've worked like a dog just to bring down Lee Youngkyung. It took 20 years."

These contents, when exposed, would not only create a stir in the entertainment industry but also in politics and business.

Tap, tap.

Ryu Seongho lightly tapped the documents with his hand.

While perusing the documents, Ryu Seongho took out his mobile phone and made a call to someone.


"Yes, Prosecutor Lee Minyoung, it's Ryu Seongho. I've gathered all the KL Entertainment documents I mentioned last time. You can pick them up anytime."


"My role ends here. Please keep what I asked for in mind when the time comes."


Ryu Seongho finished speaking and hung up. Then, he immediately called Lee Youngkyung.

[···Ryu Seongho. What are you up to?]

A voice full of anger and a dark tone echoed through the mobile phone from the other side.

It was a voice that would intimidate anyone from KL Entertainment, but Ryu Seongho wanted to hear this kind of voice from Lee Youngkyung. A voice struggling with anger, not knowing what to do.

With a light chuckle, Ryu Seongho said, "Hoho… What are you doing there? I'm just doing my job."

[I don't know why you're doing this, but I won't let this slide.]

"Don't just let it slide. I'm going all the way anyway."


"I'm going to expose all the misdeeds and crimes you've committed so far in the media."

[Expose what I've done? If you do that, you too will-]

"Yes, I won't get away unscathed either. But you know what? That's exactly what I wanted. I'll go to prison with you, and I'll watch you suffer until the day you die."

To Ryu Seongho's words, Lee Youngkyung remained silent.

Facing this silence, Ryu Seongho continued.

"Do you wonder why I'm doing this?"

[···I wonder. Why! Why are you, who was most devoted and loyal to me, trying to betray me?]

Even though Lee Youngkyung's face wasn't visible, Ryu Seongho could imagine that he was angrily shouting with a flushed face.

Just the thought of it brought a smile to Ryu Seongho's face.

"President, do you happen to remember an actress named ‘Lee Jeongmin'?"

[···Lee Jeongmin?]


Ryu Seongho spoke calmly and then looked at the wall of his study. There was a framed picture hanging on the wall.

In the frame, there was a picture of a woman and a freshly discharged Ryu Seongho, both smiling brightly.

While looking at the photo, Ryu Seongho said to Lee Youngkyung, "In your ambition to grow the company, you lost a life—Lee Jeongmin."


"That woman was my sister. Now, do you understand why I'm doing this?"


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