Pokémon Court

Chapter 222: In progress (part II)


Countless moves struck into the pit, targeting Regirock. However, they knew that Regirock had already endured several rounds of such attacks, and they would not have a significant effect. Unless Regirock did not fight back and let them attack for three or four rounds, Regirock would not lose its ability to fight.

But this round of attacks had an advantage—Regirock fell into the pit and didn’t have time to react, suffering another round of bombardment.

“Great… this should stun Regirock for a moment!” Arvin said.

The combined attacks of their Pokémon were not necessarily stronger than Regirock’s single attack. After all, the strength of their moves isn’t additive.

When Altaria and the others attacked, Regirock’s “Hyper Beam,” “Zap Cannon,” “Stone Edge,” or “Ancient Power” often significantly reduced the destructive power of many attacks. This was the main reason why the attacks from eight Pokémon were ineffective.

“No… it still blocked them,” Terrance said, his expression grim. Despite being physically restrained, Regirock still quickly swung its arms, using “brute force” to intercept several attacks, minimizing its damage.

Offense is the best defense, and Regirock demonstrated this perfectly. Moreover, Regirock’s own defense is so robust that even without the ability to recover from injuries using rocks, it is still a formidable opponent.

“Maybe Steven’s Metagross or Cynthia’s Garchomp could contend against Regirock?” Terrance shook his head. He knew too little about Regirock, and his breeding knowledge was limited. He couldn’t gauge Regirock’s true strength, and many factors can influence battles, making it hard to predict the outcome of a fight between Regirock and Cynthia’s or Steven’s aces.

But at least, right now, the four trainers and their eight Pokémon felt immense pressure facing this Regirock.

Altaria’s Dragon Pulse barely harmed Regirock, which was a blow to Terrance’s confidence.

“Since it blocked the attack..it’s up to them now,” Unlike Terrance Arvin’s attention wasn’t on Regirock but on the six figures that flew out.

This was one of the strengths of their Adventure Team and their best helper against powerful Pokémon.

The Adventure Team had used this configuration to successfully capture a Flygon.

They were six Swellows, but what was confusing was that each Swellow was holding a bag.

“Swellow, Spore.”

These six Pokémon were part of their strategy from the beginning. Although this situation wasn’t the most ideal moment to release them, being too picky might mean losing the opportunity altogether.

“Shroomish’s unique spore, ‘Spore,’ has a stronger sleep-inducing effect than ‘Sleep Powder.’ While Regirock, being a Rock-type, has a natural resistance to ‘Sleep Powder,’ the more potent ‘Spore’ should still affect it.”

“And ours is an enhanced version!”

“If we can hit it, it’ll definitely cause a lot of trouble for the opponent!”

Terrance recalled Maki and the others’ words and was actually looking forward to it. As the six Swellows carrying the spores flew out at full speed, they quickly reached the sky above the pit. At this moment, Regirock was still fending off their Pokémon’s attacks.



The bags filled with ‘Spore’ were dropped, quickly falling like bombs towards Regirock’s head.

“Please, let it work!” Maki and Ishi prayed silently in the distance. The spores, freshly collected from their six Shroomish just before Terrance and the team set out, were potent and fresh.

This strategy had been tried many times by the three of them before, but they still weren’t sure if it would be effective against Regirock.

“Flygon was knocked out instantly. Regirock should at least be affected to some extent, right?”

“Even if it doesn’t fall asleep, it should at least be dazed for a few minutes, giving us more time to attack…”

The bags dropped down, and the Swellow continued to circle above. These Swellow were trained specifically for this moment as “fighter jets.” The accuracy of their throw was perfect and the timing of the detonation impeccable. At the most opportune moment, several wind blades shot out, detonating the bags filled with Spores. Dust scattered and fell around Regirock…

“Did it work?” Terrance squinted, unsure.

“Whether it worked or not, keep attacking!” Arvin said in a serious voice.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity, they immediately ordered their Pokémon to launch a new wave of attacks. To their surprise, Regirock stood there foolishly, unmoving…

“Did the spores really affect it?!” they thought elatedly, but didn’t dare to be careless. Without Regirock countering, the power of their Pokémon’s moves grew more powerful. This might be the decisive moment, the round of attack that would determine victory.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three rounds of intense attacks, silence fell.

Terrance and the others were breathing heavily. Their surroundings were so murky that they couldn’t see clearly, but at the same time, a thought rose in their minds.

“Could they have really defeated Regirock together?”

“Can we catch it!!” Arvin exclaimed excitedly.

“Catch it?” they were stunned. After all, in this situation, only a few wouldn’t be tempted. But before they had time to think, a massive tremor shook the ground, sending sand flying into the air. They nearly fell over, and even Maki and the others, who were a bit further away, felt the shift in the ground.

Alarmed, the four trainers and their Pokémon retreated quickly, unsure of what was happening.

“Look over there—”

Arvin’s eyes widened. “Regirock… it’s digging out from the ground and heading into the ruins!!”

Terrance, Albert, and Murasakibara looked over, and as expected, Regirock was no longer in the pit. Instead, there was a large hole, indicating that Regirock had burrowed underground, causing the tremors that had shaken the ground.

“How is this possible… after such an attack, it could still escape?”

“No… it did sustain significant injuries, more than ever before. We’re just one step away from victory,” Arvin quickly picked up the binoculars and saw Regirock’s injuries, gasping as he said, “But… because we didn’t keep attacking, we’ve given it a chance to recover.”

“What—” Murasakibara was nearly in tears at the thought of Regirock recovering. They were so close to victory, yet it slipped away.

“We had no choice… three continuous rounds of attacks drained our Pokémon’ energy. If we didn’t pause, the consequences could have been worse…” Terrance said helplessly.

“Oh…Wait, Maki and Ishi just sent a message saying we can retreat now!! We’ve recorded enough footage. With some ‘editing,’ we can turn this ‘shameful’ battle into a heart-pounding epic battle!!”

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