Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter [NaN]

Chapter [NaN]

This door couldn’t be opened by pushing straight from the outside, unless one pressed the door handle.

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed and his gaze fell on Coke who was acting cute on ground and had a strange premotion in his heart.

This cat …… Could there be something strange?

He calmly crouched down beside him and reached out to stroke its small head.

Coke very cooperatively squatted on the ground and let the “monster” stroke him, without any resistance.

Seeing Coke’s behaviour, he felt better, and his mood also lightened a bit after petting for a while. He even felt that even if Coke was a cat demon, as long as it behaved well it was okay.

Coke hadn’t shown any signs of harming him since coming here, or perhaps he hadn’t noticed before. But for this matter he could not take it lightly and let it go away, because of his cuteness. 

He silently decided to ‘monitor’ it through the Book of Travelers from Ten Directions, in the future. Then he got up, and busied himself with his work and no longer paid any attention to the Coke.

As far as he thought of the possibility, the worst he could think was Coke might be a cat demon, but he could never imagine that it was the Seed of Chaos.

After all, only a few people knew that the terrifying monsters of the extraterrestrial god’s dependents would be so hideous, as for putting it in a cat form was unimaginable.


Coke, after seeing that the monster was no longer paying any attention to him he sneaked out with its tail up.

Shen Yi picked up his cell phone and sent a text message to Su Ling.

“Come to the cafe.”

It was a righteous round of reporting.


“Is this all true…conclusively from Senator Green’s home?” Su Ling exclaimed in a shock.

In fact, she was beyond shocked.

Sitting in the cafe she kept flipping through the letter and the piece of paper, and had a hard time believing it.

If these were true, then the seriousness of this matter would rise to another level.

Initially, the Anti-Magic Bureau didn’t have much information about “pseudo-gods”, and only know the Apostle Flo from the Coronation Church was here to take care of this matter. So they did not pay much attention in it, but now seeing the detailed information we have to put it in table first.

Placing down the letter, she looked up in awe at the man across her.

He was still calm and collected, waiting for her to finish reading.

She knew the man in front of her was not ordinary, and untouchable thing, but it was too terrifying! And every time he would surprise her in new way.

She was really shocked. In fact, the Anti-Magic Bureau still knew almost nothing about this matter, but the seemingly harmless men in front of her had already taken control over the situation!

In fact, it wasn’t long before she conveyed the reminder from Mr. Shen. The Anti-Magic Bureau was still formulating an action plan and did not pay much attention to the “Pseudo god” at all.

But within few days he made it to this far, which was so close to stripping off the bottoms of the Pseudo Gods!

She swallowed her saliva and just felt that this man was becoming more and more terrifying and mysterious, and he might one day divulge all her secrets.

Looking at his harmless smile she suddenly had a feeling of being completely exposed, wanting to put on more clothes. Thinking of this her scalp went numb.

She subconsciously leaned back on the seat.

“Yes, it’s all true.”

“Then it is a collaboration.”

Shen Yi said with a slight smile, “Go and tell them, this time the action must be quick.”

“As for finding the pseudo gods… You guys should have such power, right?” Shen Yi didn’t know if the Anti-Magic Bureau could do it, but he wanted to let them try anyway.

Su Ling nodded quickly. The serious of the matter has already reached to the great length with involvement of Senator participating in the election, so it was impossible for the top management to take it lightly.

“Well, thank you, I understand.”

After being silent for a moment she asked: “I just don’t know what kind of reward you want. You are actually willing to help the Anti-Magic Bureau to this extent.”

Shen Yi almost forgot to ask for a reward and laughed a little.


He almost forgot about his own personality. As a person related to an extra worldly god, it was abnormal to help the Anti-Magic Bureau for no reason.

In the eyes of the Anti-Magic Bureau, he was a mysterious figure. Since he had given such important information, he would inevitably want to ask for a certain reward.

Then, what kind of reward?


His very first thought was like this, very straightforward and simple, but he quickly rejected it.

Mysterious relic? No, the least thing he could lack was a mysterious relic might as well say he had that kind of thing a little too much.

So, what kind of reward did he want from the Anti-Magic Bureau?

“Well, you do need to pay a price. As for the specific reward…a favor.”

Su Ling was slightly startled and asked, “One, a favor?”


Since it was sudden, he didn’t know what kind of reward he wanted, so he simply saved it in the form of “favor” and would ask the top management of the Anti-Magic Bureau when he had the opportunity in the future.

A favor, the impact could be large or small, it depends entirely on the follow-up operation.

Su Ling nodded lightly and did not bargain further. Anyway, it was a favor owed by the Anti-Magic Bureau, and she was just a translator.

“Okay, I’ll pass it on to the top management.”

After speaking, she bid farewell and left the cafe.

Shen Yi stared at her retreating figure and thought how the Anti-Magic Bureau would take action.

In fact, he has a fairly good understanding of the internal situation of the Anti-Magic Bureau.

The reason for this was Yare’s Soul ball.

Yare was so good at it!

It was thanks to God, who gave him the power to conceal his identity and shield himself from detection, that this man worked for many years in the Anti-Magic Bureau.

In addition, he also collected inner information, so he had a considerable understanding of the Nolan Anti-Magic Bureau. Now all of these were Shen Yi’s “video materials”.

From this he knew that the Anti-Magic Bureau would first use a “Prophet” to predict the location of the pseudo-gods as for enhancing her ability they would use some kind of relic to forcibly improve it.

Next, they would hold an emergency meeting, and then a team led by a Class A investigator will conduct a raid on the target location.

And all he had to do was sit in the cafe and wait.

“This is just a report.”

To deal with evil ways was to stand shoulder to shoulder. After successfully reporting the case, he felt no psychological burden at all.

— — 

The ever ending drizzle was still falling, and the weather was also terrible.

In the Anti-Magic Bureau.

Su Ling, holding an umbrella in one hand and a black document bag in the other hand, walked through the Bureau’s Main gate. In Fact she had a car, but had no driving license so she had to use public transport.

Finally reaching the entrance, folding the umbrella, she took her ID Card and showed it to the guard.

After glancing at it, “Okay, you can go in.” the guard said with a smile and nodded his head.

Some people were not optimistic about her and felt that parachute B-level investigators were not in line with the system’s regulations, but many people know that she might be a future A-level investigator, a rising star with enormous potential.

Nodding to the guard, she calmly entered the main building, without a word.

The main building of the Anti-Magic Bureau has five floors above ground. On the surface, it looked no different from a normal government department, and it even registers entry and visits by ordinary people.

But what others didn’t known was they had underground floor, which was used to kept more secretive thing. The deeper underground you go, the more secretive things become on the first to fourth floors(U1 – U4).

The underground space was much wider than the ground.

Arriving at the innermost office on the second floor, Su Ling took a deep breath.

Putting aside the umbrella, she smoothened her hair again and looked more professional, then reached out to gently knock on the director’s door.

Su Ling was a little afraid of this old man, who always exerted a strong pressure on the chief, causing people to become unconsciously nervous and to accept the chief’s leadership and orders.

Maybe this was some kind of special ability, she often thought so in her heart, but didn’t have the chance to confirm it and didn’t dare to ask.

“Come in.” A dignified middle-aged male voice came from inside the room.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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