Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Volume 1 Ending

At last, the rain stopped early in the morning.

However, the sky was still cloudy after days of rain.

Now, Beland was filled with white mist.

The Quiet Horror Incident finally came to an end, and the Anti-Magic Bureau ended the incident with an incomplete victory.

The loss of two priests and a large number of worshippers was enough to cause a profound loss of Quiet Word throughout the country.


North bank of the Thames, West Beland.

A villa with an area of thousands of square meters.

It was sold for tens of millions of dollars, in fact, ordinary people could not afford it even if they had money.

Because the people who lived in this area were the real noble. 

As Aina entered from the main entrance she was dazzled by everything in front of her. On the villas door stood waiters on either side and from the door, one could see the long chandelier that was hanging from the top of the third floor to the ground.

It felt like she wasnt entering a villa but a palace.

It was Ainas first time coming to such a high-end villa, so her little heart was pounding crazily.

The waiters were all polite, with a smile on their faces, extremely well-mannered, and apparently trained for years.

Ms. Aina, please let me help you change your clothes.

Two gentle sisters took her into the cloakroom.

As entering the cloakroom, her eyes widened. She never thought that the cloakroom could be this big.

Two beautiful waitresses pulled out two racks of exquisitely crafted womens childrens clothing from a side, embellished with various jewels that made Aina spit out her tongue.

After changing into a delicate little dress, Aina followed the waitress all the way to the backside.

On the villas backside, there was an open-air private pool.

The pool was full of women with little clothing and frolicking games in the water, seeing that Ainas face turned red, and didnt dare to look at them at all.

Standing beside the pool was the hawk-nosed old man with his hand behind his back, whom she met before, he wa surrounded by four black-suited bodyguards, each of whom looked eccentric and instinctively told Aina they were not ordinary people.

Oh, not intuition, but inspiration.

Having awakened the power of the Divine Son, she was no longer purely human and could perceive many unnatural things.

It was clear the hawk nose old man was the owner of this place.

The attendants here all respectfully called the old man councilor.

What is a councilor? She did not understand at all.

But she was a little surprised to see him.

It turned out he wasnt deadthat time there were corpses on the ground, so she thought he was deadbut nothing happened

The old man nodded in greetings with a smile, and said softly, Dear Divine Son, this will be your new home from now on.

New home?

After saying this, the old man walked away, leaving the dumbfounded Aina.

After coming back to the sense, she saw two drinks on the pool table, one was orange juice and the other was red, seemingly red wine. 

The orange juice was for herself, and the red wine was for whom?

There was a slight commotion, followed by footsteps. She looked toward the source of sound and saw the kind old man followed by the blonde reporter approaching. 

This is the last question. As one of the most prestigious philanthropists in Beland, what do you think, exactly, has made you consistent in your character over the years?

The kind old man said with a smile, Probably the love of everyone in this world.

Money is only a valuable thing after all, and I think greed is the biggest shortcoming of todays people. In fact, as long as everyone shares and contributes more, the world can become a better place.

After the reporter left, the old man walked straight to Aina and sat down in a chair.

He picked up a wineglass and looked at Aina with a smile.

The kind old man had a gentle smile on his face and he not only looked healthy, but there seemed to be no injury at all.

Aina asked dumbly, High Priestess?

The High Priestess said with a smile, Aina, we meet again.

Looking at his hand, she asked incredulously, How could this happen? Your arm is not

The High Priestess shook the wine in his hand and said quietly, Its been a thousand years, the direct opponent of the Chaos Remnant for a thousand years was the mighty Coronation Church, and still survived to the present era

Why do you think I have survived for more than three hundred years?

She stayed silent for a long time, suddenly her eyes became firm, and said. High Priestess, some of my thoughts, in fact, still have not changed, but I also understand that you do know more than I do.

The high priest smiled slightly and said, Aina, all of this belongs to you. The reason for this is simply because God loves you, regardless of your strength, gender, or thoughts.

So you and Iare not enemies by any means.

Aina nodded again: Well, I understand.

The high priest smiled calmly: Quiet words are just a group of self-destructive lunatics. The current situation is more beneficial to the order.

Aina couldnt understand, and asked: But so many people died.

The high priest shook his head: It doesnt matter, most of them are just peripheral members But in the eyes of the Anti-Magic Bureau, we are almost destroyed, which is naturally good news.

He raised a finger slightly and narrowed his eyes: Let the mystery be hidden.

Aina was about to speak.

But felt the red brand on her back heat up slightly.

Outside Beland, in the villa basement.

George felt like he had a long, long dream.

There seemed to be no end.

Gradually, he heard some kind of voice calling, as if someone was calling him.

The voice was somewhat familiar, but at the same time, it seemed unfamiliar.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a plain white bed.

The surrounding was pitch black, without any semblance of light.

Youve finally woken up.

In the darkness, sat a middle-aged man in a black tuxedo with red roses pinned to his chest, and he was holding a black-colored cane in his hand.

Apparently a true Noland nobleman.

Old friend, we met again.

George narrowed his eyes and saw who the other party was: Byron?

Byrons calm voice sounded in the darkness.

To resurrect the dead with the help of Extraterrestrial gods, both the perpetrator and the person involved have been absolutely guilty of unforgivable sins.

Now you, like me, have no choice but to lurk in the inner world and start life anew.


George was a little surprised. He stretched out his hands and began to feel the new body. His appearance didnt seem to differ from before, even the scar on the corner of his mouth was preserved.

But the past seemed to be the past.

But there was nothing left to miss.

He calmly stared at his former friend and asked in a deep voice, So you really came into contact with Extraterrestrial gods

Then, why did you resurrect me?

Byron narrowed his eyes and looked at the red brand on the back of his hand. Im just following his command.

George, make a choice.

Byrons voice rose high and loud for George to make a choice.

Pledge allegiance to him! Or report it all! that is to kill me, kill my daughter Kill yourself!

Byron was completely unaware that the Him in his own eyes and the Him in Georges heart were not the same character.

But perhaps it was indeed the same person.

So it was that gentleman who saved himself?

With this thought, he fell into deep silence, seemingly in a dilemma.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand to Byron and asked in a low voice.



Beland Cemetery.

Hundreds of investigators uniformly dressed in formal black suits, each of them maintained silence, silently paying tribute to the departed.

A man with white hair on temples, the early fifties, and a stoic face stood at the front of all. He was the chief director.

A man in a white robe stood beside tombstones, praying softly for the dead.

May the will of the primordial fire wash away the filth of their bodies and minds and purify them from all impurity.

So that they may attain truth and happiness in the wonderful Kingdom of God.

In this way, they can find peace and rest in the kingdom of All Saints

In this way, they can obtain light and Gods favor in the supreme kingdom of God.

The priests of the Corona Church were praying for the people who sacrificed their lives in this event.

May everyone be blessed with truth and happiness, peace and rest, light and love, under the protection of the great Him.

The middlemost position of all the graves belonged to George.

Su Ling stood at the side of the procession, quietly looking at the empty coffin buried in the ground.

The people here were all mourning for him, but only Su Ling knew that man was still alive.

She had a rather strange feeling that it all seemed like fate and surreal.

Just this feeling must be buried deep in the heart.

Now they were paying tribute to the legend, but once they knew he was resurrected, the people who were paying tribute would become enemies in an instant.

The mourning lasted for several hours.

After putting away their grief, they all returned to their work.

The work of the investigators would continue until the day when humanity was no longer there.

Leaving the cemetery, Su Ling headed directly to that mysterious cafe without hesitation.

It was as if some voice was calling her, making her even more impatient.

The cafe door had been fixed long ago. In the cafe, the man was serving the customers with a smile. He was talking and laughing with those ordinary people as if he were a truly ordinary member.

The soft tune, gently echoing in the warm cafe, made everything very relaxed.

Su Ling breathed a sigh after entering the door, and the man smiled and nodded when he saw her coming.

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Su Ling looked at him in confusion and nodded slightly.


After a while, Shen Yi brought her a cup of hot coffee with a smile.

Instead of leaving immediately, he sat opposite Su Ling.

Drink it, the new flavor I tried to make. Maybe its more suitable for women.

Su Ling nodded and without hesitation, she picked up the coffee cup and drank half of it in one go.

She froze slightly and found it really delicious.

On the other hand, Shen Yi was shocked, then remembered that this group of people were not afraid of hot.

After finishing the coffee, Su Ling felt her body become warm. She let out a sigh of relief and intoned, We had a meeting, and the participants were all B-level investigators at a minimum.

And the main content of this meeting is actually two things.

The first thing is about frequent descent events in Beland. The Nolan Anti-Magic Bureau planned to transfer all the A-level and S-level investigators who are away on business back to Beland.

And the second thing is to discuss your The Anti-Magic Bureau has decided again that it(extra-worldly god) will not be your enemy at all times when it is not necessary and will try to please you and let people connect with you.

(In their eyes, Shen Yi is not human, but an extraterrestrial mysterious man, so the bureau discussed to please him)

Su Ling thought about it for a while, and then showed a subtle expression: And I, took over part of Georges work, was specifically in charge of discussing, er, investigators to investigate you.


Shen Yi nodded lightly, but he was not that surprised.

After all, he was already the center of the whirlpool, and it was normal for him to be mentioned and monitored by the Anti-Magic Bureau.

Of course, the most important thing was still the summoning thing, which had been giving him a great headache and it was going to be more and more in the future.

Su Ling then added: According to the higher level, Beland will become more and more chaotic in the future.

Could it be that Shen Yis eyelids jumped a little, and he had a lot of bad premonitions.

Su Lings further speech authenticated his thoughts.

The director said at the meeting from now on, forces and individuals who are thirsty for the coming of the gods throughout Norland, throughout the Second Continent, and even throughout the world may come to Beland, because everyone knows Beland has been a frequent landing place of divine descent.

She stared into Shen Yis eyes and said slowly, People thirst for everything and cannot get it, so they can only ask for it from the extra-worldly god.

Sure enough.

Shen Yi closed his eyes and sighed softly, it seemed that his path to pseudo-gods had just begun.

What a deception.

Well, I see.

Shen Yi nodded lightly and asked with a smile, How is George doing?

Once he was mentioned, Su Lings tone became cold: That bastard told me that he cant come to see you for the time being, and he still needs some time to do somethings that he cant do as an investigator.

So thats how it is.

Shen Yi nodded once more, indicating that he already understood.

Although he had absolutely no idea what George was going to do.

Well, I still have work to do. Continue to enjoy your coffee, Su Ling.

After saying that, he got up and left.

After leaving the cafe, Su Ling walked down the foggy street with her head down and turned a blind eye to the surrounding people.

She always had a strange feeling in her heart.

That man

Su Ling carefully recalled from the beginning to the end of the incident, and suddenly noticed that it was as if everything was within his expectation.

And every step, every persons fate, ultimately involved with him, as if a pawn.

She was now clutched by the handle and could not easily defy this man.

Could it be

Yi, this name was naturally a fake name, but the meaning of it makes Su Ling shudder, could it be that not only the Demon Prevention Bureau, even the Chaos Remnant and the Quiet Word were just his pawns?

She suddenly felt a strong burn coming from her abdomen.

She first froze slightly, then felt the heat elevate to an almost unbearable level, and even felt that the organs within her abdomen were heating up as well.

Its hot.

Su Ling was not sure why but knew that this was never normal.

She immediately walked into a deserted alley, slowly pulled off her shirt, and looked down at her stomach.

The originally fair and smooth abdomen had a complex structure and bright red imprint.

She slowly raised her head, a little breathless, as if a huge invisible net shrouded over the Beland, and she had become a thing in the net.

Volume 1: Deceiving the World (End)


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