Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

The investigators searched the port for a long time, but despite the long search, they could not find Yares whereabouts. Which was expected, since the area around Beland Thames port was very large.

And what was more Yare had lived a life of more than 100 years. After joining the anti-magic bureau as an investigator, he knew the behavior of his colleagues very well and he also had a strong anti-detection ability.

Coupled with the wonderful and unpredictable invisible art, it was natural to be able to hide temporarily.

But his fate was already sealed.

The Anti-Magic Bureaus higher-level officials had forcefully revived the Prophet using current shock. After her confirmation that Yare had been hiding in the port for more than ten hours, the investigators blocked the entire port completely.

The Quiet Terror that lasted for several days in Beland was coming to an end.

This time the investigator who lead team here was one of the seven A-class investigators.

He was in his mid-thirties, wearing a pair of ordinary glasses, white hair, dressed in a white trench coat, his face had no expression. Standing above a warehouse, he was carrying a black case in his hand.

Leo was the strongest rookie investigator in recent years. Those who liked and admired him would call him White Knight, while those who hated and feared him call him White Death.

His deep eyes scanned the pier, his eagle-like vision gave him insight into everything even mice could be seen clearly.

Standing next to him was his deputy partner, wearing a black smiley mask, black gloves, and a suit.

While scanning the pier, he calmly issued orders through his headset.

All investigators below B rank, once you encounter the target, flee immediately.

Yares personal strength could only be regarded as the worst level in the disaster level. But it was just a matter of time for him to kill C-level investigators, and there was no need to cause too much extinction on his own side.

Su Ling. Leo closed his earphones and said.

Huh? The deputy was slightly taken aback, not knowing why he mentioned this name.

Leos tone was indifferent, without a trace of emotion: Why didnt she take part in the search? Obviously, she was Georges partner.

The deputy shook his head slightly and said, I dont know.

Leo nodded in response and didnt ask further.

Today, the Lord of Ashs breath which broke out in the port made him very concerned, but in the end, he couldnt find anyone involved.

The breath of the Extraterrestrial godsappears more and more.

Leo calmly looked at the sky, which was already completely dark.

He clenched his hand, realizing a certain possibility.

If it was really what he thought, then he could find the target a little faster.

It was about time again.

There was one thing that the top management of the Anti-Magic Bureau had reached a consensus the current Beland was prone to the influence of extraterrestrial gods.

In the dimly lit warehouse.

A faint shadow materialized in the blackness.

Yares body was being separated from the stairs little by little, fingers, eyes, and skin, like a diver emerging from the water, gradually emerged from the stairs.

He knew the time had come, he was waiting for this moment.

Summoning the great Quiet Singer, and let all his enemies plunge into despair, only he himself would have eternal peace of mind.

He quickly completed the outline of the summoning spell on the ground.

Yare could no longer be familiar with the ritual of sacrifice, knowing every step.

That will be the end of it.

His mind was extremely clear as if he had experienced the highest epiphany, though he had reached the realm that had only existed in history for the great sages.

The mortals outside were still struggling for hatred, survival, and responsibility, but he was about to get eternal peace of mind first.

Happiness was to get, and peace of mind was to let go.

Everyone was suffering because of what they could get, but once they let go of everything, they could be free from the worlds strife and misery.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Yare knelt in the center of the circle, his eyes full of clarity.

And began his prayer, silently in his heart. At this moment, he seemed like a philosopher, and there was no trace of greed or anger in his heart.

Your name is the name of all, and your voice the voice of all.

The Quiet Guider, Chantor of the dead.

The Eternal Restorer who gives rest to the world.

I will dedicate my soul, calling You from the depths of my heart, expecting You, begging You.

Please grant eternal peace and reassurance to the restless world.

Outside the warehouse.

Leo looked up at the sky, and a touch of astonishment passed over his expressionless face.

A huge vortex appeared in the sky.

The swirling clouds once again revealed a large pitch-black hole, and once again the dependents were seen looking down from it, peering in.

How come it be, descending so often? Leo looked at the scene incredulously and soon realized that the surroundings had become different.

Everything began to fall into silence.

The wind gradually stopped, the fine raindrops stopped falling, and everyone could not make a sound.

The extremely important event that happened dozens of hours ago was going to repeat at this moment. I am afraid that no one could imagine such an incredible development.

The location of the phalanx had been locked, but they may have been too late.

Leos expressionless face looked stern as he leaped down from the warehouse and headed to the location where the sacrificial ritual was unfolding.

Yare silently prayed in his heart. The quiet aura began to permeate the surroundings; by this he knew that he had succeeded.

As the divine messenger had said, this was his reward.

And what he had to do was to accept it with grace.


Following the breath, the investigators rushed into the warehouse. Some of them were shouting, some looked terrified, and some had already launched their attacks.

On contrary, Yare looked very calm and no trace of fear could be seen on his face, he did not even bother to attack them, neither made any defense at all.

It was already over.

The weapon pierced his defenseless body, and blood flowed out.

He just smiled indifferently at everyone. Even if they killed him here, it would not have any effect.

Because he had sacrificed his soul to the great Him.

Life and death had long been detached.

He calmly said to everyone: You have failed, each and every one of you failed, because you are only mortals after all, and you dont know what you should really pursue?

Peace of mind, only true, eternal peace of mind, should be the thing we should pursue.

But you who are trapped by various ties and bonds in the world can no longer be reassured.

Following Yares speech, the investigators present in the scene quieted down unknowingly, and whether knowingly or unknowingly, the investigators put aside their desire to attack.

All the fighting stopped at this moment.


A calm tone came to his mind, like a silent piece of music, which had never been heard before, but Yare knew the meaning.

His eyes lit up.

Hes here, and hes calling my name!

In contrast to him, the investigators present in the place felt extreme fear. They sensed a Quiet Singer aura followed by a peaceful atmosphere, which immediately dulled peoples thinking, calmed them and they fell into confusion.

Leo had taken out his pocket knife in advance and made a hole in his left hand, and kept his final sobriety expressionlessly.

He lowered his head, and neither did he dare to look directly at the Extraterrestrial gods.

He knew well that it was useless to do anything now and could only wait for a result.

The eventual result was all up to the extra-worldly god.

Even if he didnt want to be killed, he understood humans could only live in the cracks of the world.

Shen Yi disguised as Quiet Singer walked out of the gray fog and looked around the situation.

The development was exactly the same as his thoughts.

He saw that there were many people gathered in the middle of the warehouse, and this time the summoner was Yare himself.

The man knelt in the circle, smiling faintly, waiting for his soul to be picked up by the Great Serenity Singer.

Shen Yi, under the white bone mask also smiled at him.

Youre really lucky Yare

In Yares perspective, the great Quiet Singer was calmly looking at himself kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, he was truly at ease, as if he had experienced the supreme state of letting go of everything and was incomparably at inner peace.

The Great One spoke again.

I refuse to grant your soul peace of mind.

Once his words were finished, Yares originally calm face suddenly underwent a drastic change.

Stunned, bewildered, pained, incredulous, overwhelmed, desperate, just in a few seconds, incomparably complex negative emotions flashed on his face one by one.

Even the strength to think evaporated in a flash.

He could not believe what he was hearing!

Whats going on? How could this happen? I must have misheard, it was my understanding that was wrong! Absolutely impossible!

Very good You have the same expression as I thought the expression of absolute inability to get peace of mind, utter despair Shen Yi thought to himself and laughed.

He just wanted to see that look.

Even though it may not be so complicated to kill Yare, even though it might be dangerous to be summoned, he just wanted to give Yare the deepest despair and pain.

Moreover, it seemed that this was the only way to give him eternal torment.

He continued: But I accept your sacrifice and accept your soul.

He had long wanted to give it a try.

At the first sacrificial summoning, he refused to accept Aina as a sacrifice, but he would not refuse this time.

Since Yare worships the Quiet Singer so much.

Let him have his wish!

Shen Yi calmly stretched out his hand to Yare in an attempt to capture the other partys soul.

While Yare on the ground was shocked to find that he could no longer control himself, his body was undergoing some kind of intense change!

He was in so much pain that it seemed like something was coming out of his body.

But even if he wanted to scream miserably, he couldnt make a sound in complete silence, much less he couldnt contain what he wanted to rush out of his body.

Its not right Why is this Something is not right, Gods envoy Actually lied to me!

In the midst of extreme despair and pain, Yare had lost the ability to think.

His body suddenly fell down, and there was no trace of life left, and his face was full of shock, pain, confusion, and all kinds of negative expressions.

Until the last moment, he could not figure out the cause and effect.

The most unsettling way to die.

The already dim warehouse was completely dark at this moment.

Endless darkness engulfed everything.

In an already lifeless body, the pale blue light floats out, gradually converging, becoming a dazzling blue glow in the mid-air.

The investigators stared at the horrific scene, a distorted shadow wailing in the blue light, like a wisp of blue light that seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

The figure seemed to be desperately begging for forgiveness and struggle, tearing his heart out, but getting no salvation.

For Shen Yi, he saw a light blue bead flying out of Yares body and falling directly into his hand.

Is this the embodiment of Yares soul?

He cradled it inside the palm of his hand, feeling a faint coolness, as if it had been wailing in pain.

YareI dont know what your soul is for eitherbut Ill try

The time for the summoning had not passed yet, the investigators present there remained silent, absolutely not daring to take the initiative to attack the extra-worldly god.

Gradually, the time was up.

With a smile, Shen Yi walked into the gray fog.

George, be at ease.

With the departure of the Quiet Singer , the quiet atmosphere gradually disappeared.

In the dark warehouse, most of the investigators were in a state of calm and confusion, and only a few recovered immediately.

But they all had one common thing which was Yares death, they were confused about it.

What happened?

Just now, the Extraterrestrial gods descended again?

Yare died?

Everything that happened just now seemed like a dream.

If it werent for the corpse, the thing that happened here was hard to believe it seemed as if it never happened.

Someone gasped. Yare, that guy, got the so-called eternal peace of mind?

Leo almost remained awake all the time, only briefly confused.

In the darkness, he calmly stepped forward and turned the body on the ground.

Yares face was full of horror and unwillingness.

Leo shook his head.

Apparently not.

It was over.

Yare was dead.

The investigators began to collect the body, cordon off the scene, and dealt with the final touch.

In the earphones, the sound of people cheering and sighing in relief could be heard, while others were in tears.

Leo stood up and left the dim warehouse, standing outside in the moonlight, silent for a long time.

A doubt rose from his heart.

Is it really over here?

Why do events about extraterrestrial gods become more frequent?

He always felt that there was someone behind this whole scene who was manipulating the whole thing without really revealing himself.


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