Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 34: The Night of Blood.

Chapter 34: The Night of Blood.

A cacophony of sounds, as if separated by a thick and strong membrane, made it difficult for the ears to hear.

Screams, roars, wails, pleas for mercy, peoples voices mixed with heavy rain and thunder gradually reached the ears.

Aina gradually regained consciousness from her stupor, followed by an intense trance and confusion.

~Where am Iwhats going onwhat happened

She slowly opened her eyes, and things in her field of vision were still very blurry, unclear, and kept flickering bright and dark.

What happened just nowwhat happenedit hurts.

She felt a sudden sharp pain all over her body, especially her head which had a deep tearing sensation. She subconsciously wanted to touch it with her hand but found that her hand was pressed by a heavy object and could not be pulled out.

Hand It hurts!

Holding back the pain, she barely inclined her head to look underneath her and found that both arms were pressed by broken stones, not just her hands, but half of her body.

She was a little surprised to find that she didnt get crushed to death.

Im not dead yet But the body hurts it really hurts to death, the bones are broken

While gritting the teeth she tried to pull out her hands, but even after a lot of effort to struggle out she couldnt, instead, the sharp pain in her left hand was more pronounced, she had never experienced this level of pain before, which brought tears to her eyes and tears of pain flowed out.

Pressed underneath the rubble, Aina breathed heavily, her vision still blurred, her mind foggy, but the sounds in her ears became a little more real.

Many people were bellowing and wailing, and the bodies were scattered all over the ground.

A great fear rose from the depths of the little girls heart.

Ainas lips turned white and her small body trembled with pain as she tried to struggle hard, it took a lot of effort and time to break free from the pile of rubble a little.

Just then, she realized that her left hand, which was in severe pain, was still being held by something, but after this hard struggle, that something fell to the ground.

Turning her head to the side, Aina looked down at the object and found that it was actually a wrinkled palm full of blood.

High Priestess The High Priestesss hand Where is the

For a moment she was in a trance, but, too much astonishment and bewilderment made her dumb she just stared blankly.

Her heart was pounding so fast that it could even be heard clearly, the blood kept flowing from the top of her head to her eyes, her vision remained very blurred, and every organ inside her body seemed to be speeding up.

She felt a great deal of pain, not only did her breathing become heavy, but so did her body.

She cautiously turned and looked over in the direction of the front door and found that there was no one else in the villa.

A wall near the gate had completely collapsed as if it had been punched by a huge hand, and a large number of bloody and unidentified objects were scattered around.

While panting and breathing heavily, she made her way outside the villa with her two small legs limping, her right arm was holding her bent left arm that was in constant pain. With the determination of

I have to leaveget out of herehave to leave

Nearing the door peoples screaming could be heard from outside the villa, as she stepped out of the large hole in the villa that had broken open, the outside was dark and stormy.

She was soaked through in just a moment.

The bright red blood and water flowed down.

For some unknown reason, all the lights and streetlights in the surrounding houses were off, the electricity in the whole area was cut off, and all she could see was endless darkness, she couldnt even find a specific direction.

From time to time, there was wailing and shrieking in the darkness, filled with unrelenting despair and pain, Aina half crouched down, unsure of what to do.

What should I doWhere should I runIm so scared, who can help me

I dont want to die here What should I do Lets calm down, calm down

Having been through several things, Ainas psyche was calmer than that of an ordinary child and she maintained her sanity with a pale face.

Just then, she felt the red imprint on her back burning.

As if it was guiding her to go this way, when she moved in a certain direction, the brand would stay hot, otherwise, the heat would diminish.

Aina, who still had some composure, could understand its mode of operation.

I get it As long as I follow the guidance of the heat of the brand Im sure I can find the messenger of God

The great Lord of Ashes must be watching over me.

Instead of walking, she endured the pain and lay down on the ground, and crawled through the darkness.

Even though the heavy rain was much less than the previous day, the ground was still flooded, and she almost vomited when she accidentally swallowed a mouthful of muddy water after laying down.

Even so, she still crawled forward on the ground.

From time to time there were flashes of sparks and light in the heavy night, which should be the remaining people of the Chaos Remnant Order desperately fighting and escaping with all their might.

Or maybe just simply being hunted down, destroyed, and slaughtered

She was crawling along the ground, slowly, but deep down, there was a voice telling her never to stand up.

While moving Aina saw a believer running in her direction. A flame suddenly burst out from his body, and it instantly expanded dozens of times and burned frantically.

He was like a small worm lit by the suns rays, like a bright torch in the black rainy night, screaming and jumping madly.

Seeing this she shivered all over her body, held her breath, looked away as if she didnt see it, and continued to move in the direction guided by the brand on her back.

After crawling for a few minutes, she suddenly felt soft underneath her hands as if pressed into something like mud, lowering her head she took a closer look at the lump it was actually a pile of unshaped wreckage mixed with the tattered fragments of the black robe, turned into something as if thin mud.


She choked and covered her mouth, trying her best to make sure she didnt cry out and continued to crawl on little by little, not daring to make a sound even if her limbs hurt so much.

She heard a mans plea for mercy, and his voice was so hoarse that she could hear it even from a long distance.

Soon there was a brief cry of anguish, and the cry of pleas disappeared.

She crawled through the horrible night for a long time, the pain in her body never ceased, helping her to keep her final composure and trying not to let her mind go blank.

She didnt know how long it had been, but she felt it was a long time, and at last, she saw a glimmer of light.

The faint lights in the darkness gave her great encouragement, she stood up reluctantly with her arms on the ground.

She stood still for a long time, her body soaked through in the rain and mud, the unbearable pain was somehow beginning to numb.

The back was still glowing with heat.

Aina had a strong feeling   she was not yet out of danger and that the enemy was still after her.

Her lips were blue, clutching her twisted arms, tremblingly following the directions of the brand, but her tiny steps were not going fast enough.

As long as you continue to move forward, as long as you can reach that cafe, you will be saved.

The shock tonight was so great that Aina hadnt fully reacted to it yet.

There was only one thought left in her mind.

No matter how terrifying and powerful the cultists of the Quiet Word were, they must be vulnerable in front of that mysterious envoy.


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