Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 33: Continuous Death

Chapter 33: Continuous Death


She opened her mouth to say something.

The high priest closed his eyes and opened them again after a while, interrupting this conversation which seemed very ridiculous to him.

Thats enough, Im tired now. Well talk about this after the new sacrificial ceremony.

His calm recuperation of hundreds of years would not easily lead to a temper tantrum.

He knew that if he continued, it would not be good for him in any case. It was completely unnecessary and pointless for a man of over three hundred years to argue with a little girl in her early teens.

Even if she clamored every day for a change, how could the world change so easily?

Just fine-tune the education.

Over time, she would become someone of her own caliber, eventually succeeding the entire church in her own hand.

The high priest believed that he would eventually succeed in the end.

Over 300 years, he had seen countless people. Compared to the rest of the world, including the most unpredictable creatures like monsters, only humans had come in contact with him the most.

So he knew the mortal characters very well. Children were always naive and easy to control, young people were hot-blooded and least aware of how to cherish life, middle-aged people were skilled at calculation and were burdened with heavy pressure, the elderly seemed to be the most open-minded, but also the most eager to continue to the end of life.

So with his understanding, regardless of whom he encountered, he always had countermeasures and words, and only when facing a true deity would he be powerless.

It was only a matter of time before a little girl would be corrupt.

Even if she was favored by the gods.

High Priest, Norn is dead.

The believer who suddenly ran over said something in the ear of the high priest with a trembling tone.

Norn is dead?

The high priest was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

Dr. Norn was his trusted assistant, as well as the one who had the most contact with the Order in the upper class.

His hospital was also very important to the order. Not only did many church members go there to recuperate, but it also used for many other experiments and transformations.

Naturally, it would not be a good thing for such a useful man to die suddenly.

The high priest probably guessed the murderer, but still, he calmly asked, What happened and how did he die?

Imaging that terrible scene, the believers body trembled, and no words came out for a long time, and it took some time before he continued.

He, hes really dead, I saw it with my own eyes, it was someone from the Quiet Word who killed the doctor!

The disciples whispered among themselves, and there was a clear unease on every face.

The High Priest remained calm, squinting at everyone, knowing that they were silenced.


There was a chill in the high priests body, and as soon as he spoke, all the whispers disappeared, and no one dared be presumptuous in his presence.

Except for Aina who was standing on the side.

However, she also felt that the situation was very wrong and stood on the side without saying anything.

The high priest knew that as a small child, she was already considered excellent.

He said calmly: It will be alright, the great Lord of Ashes is watching everything in the world, and the power he bestows will make the Order of Chaos Remnant immensely powerful.

Two months ago, there were many who witnessed greatness, and tonight will be the beginning of the re-emergence of the Chaos Embers Order, and each of you will feel this glory.

The High Priests words clearly boosted morale, and the faces of the congregants looked much better after the high priests word.

However, this time he was not going to let most of the believers stay at the sacrifice site.

Because what happened in the last sacrifice was still fresh in the minds, two months had passed, and some people had no signs of recovery at all.

The doctors body was carried in by worshipers and placed on the floor of the hall, and the High Priest slowly walked forward, the people around him stepping aside making him the way.

Norns face was full of peace as if he had passed away in his sleep, which was the same peaceful death method as the previous death.

But this peaceful death made everyone in the room shudder.

Ainas heart came to her throat, she had a bad feeling.

It is indeed made of quiet words.The high priest concluded with a single glance.

But there is nothing to fear, soon our sacrifice will be

Before the high priest could finish, people heard a shrill cry of fear, like the mournful sound of an animal strangled by its neck.

High priest, high priest

The high priest immediately turned his head and the believer who had just walked in to inform him kept screaming.

He held his neck tightly with both hands, choking very hard as if he had a life-and-death feud with himself, and the blue veins in his hands had burst out.

The high priest froze in place, and he didnt feel the breath of the invisible art until this moment.

High Priest!

The believer suddenly shouted, and then his body fell straight down.

Ah, hes dead! People exclaimed in shock.

Whats going on! Oh my God!

The people who had just recovered their morale were all startled, and once again the hall became restless.

The corpse on the ground was already dead, the people inadvertently closed their eyes, but in a blink, a strange serenity appeared on the dead persons pale face. It was as if he were not choked by death but passed away peacefully without any suffering.

The high priest felt more and more tangled, but he still said loudly: Dont be afraid. Tonights sacrifice will be held as usual, and it will start as soon as the time is up!

The Quiet Word will soon be overthrown without the blessing of the gods.

Keep quiet!

This time he didnt seem to have enough confidence as before. The surrounding believers were all quieted down, but there was a silent fear in their eyes.

High Priest knew very well that saying more wasnt going to help anyone.

Now, all that matters is that the great Lord of Ashes, only greatness could truly restore peoples hearts. After all, his insignificant words were no match for the threat of death.

Is it really necessary to hold the sacrifice tonight? Or should we leave now while we can, he suddenly had this thought.

Perhaps, this was not a sudden thought but an intuition nurtured by three hundred years of experience.

Suddenly a few more members of the Chaos Embers rushed in with pale and flustered faces.

As soon as the high priest saw their expressions, he felt bad in his heart, knowing that tonight was over.

One of the congregants said. High Priest, the guards outside are dead!

The high priest was silent for a long time and asked. Which guard is dead?

The believer replied tremblingly: Several are dead, a few are missing, and only half are left But we still havent been able to find the enemy.

The high priest nodded and calmly looked at the time.


There were still ten minutes to go before the ritual began.

But years of experience have told him that the 10 minutes he would have to wait were not a few minutes, more like a long time, not to mention the fact that the sacrifice would not happen immediately.

His expression changed and he made a quick decision to leave immediately.

Just then, the three high-ranking people who newly joined the sect came up in a panic, and the old man with the hawk-nose, whose face looked very ugly, exclaimed at the high priest. Get us out of here now.

The high priest did not answer him, but bypassed him gently and said to the guards beside him very calmly: You guys escort them out of here immediately to the north bank of the Thames, and be sure to ensure the safety of these people.

The rest of you leave immediately and be sure to go in different directions.

After instructing them he walked straight up to Aina, and his old wrinkled hand grabbed her wrist without hesitation.

He held firmly, it hurts Aina, but the other party had no idea about letting go.

The high priest looked at her condescendingly and said with mixed emotions: As for you, you have to come with me You have a lot to learn in the future, and tonight is your first lesson.

The hall was in a state of chaos, the congregation was at a loss when they tried to leave the villa, while the high-ranking shouted in discontent, demanding that the high priest personally escort them.

But the High Priest ignored them and dragged the little girl upstairs with his head intact.

Tonights deaths continued one after another, and unease rose in Ainas heart.

With her arm dragged, she followed the High Priest, but instead of leaving the door, the High Priest dragged her arm all the way up the stairs, and soon they reached the second-floor corridor.

Aina suddenly discovered one thing, it turned out that the pace of the high priest was much faster than usual.

Where are we going? she asked uneasily.

Without looking back, the high priest said, To find the divine messenger.

Some deities apart from their dependents may have envoys on earth, but the Lord of Ashes has never had any.

When he first learned about the envoy of the cafe, the high priest was full of doubts.

But what has happened in the last few months had overturned his perception, and the current situation left him with no choice.

Aina suddenly had a strange premonition and quickly turned to look out the window.

The heavy rain in the night did not stop, but suddenly it became much quieter.

The congregants in the hall were still noisy, but she could always feel a strange sense of silence.

For some reason, Aina felt great fear.

And have a feeling that something was going to happen.

A bright flash of light suddenly appeared on the pitch-black windows. At first, it was only a small white dot, then it began to grow gradually larger and larger.

Then the whole window was filled with white light!

The glass was twisted, agitated, and instantly stressed beyond capacity.

An invisible force like a huge hand pushed in from the outside, and the wall under the window began to twist and crack.

All the windows shattered in an instant, and the people in the hall were like an irregular glass balls, under the slap of the big hand they instantly bounced off and fell all over the place.

An immense sound rang out in Ainas ears, and she felt a very strong squeeze coming from her chest, followed by a sudden emptiness beneath her feet.

The next moment, she felt a distinct sense of falling downward and began to lose focus, only feeling that everything within her field of vision began to spin skyward.

Ainas body was completely out of control, and everything she saw in her eyes was spinning. Then, her head hit something heavily, and then rolled around again, and there was a sharp pain all over her body.

In the midst of the pain, she glanced vaguely at the huge cracks in the wall, thoroughly shattered staircases, hallways, and the debris falling from above getting bigger and bigger.

In a moment, her eyes slipped into boundless darkness, and she lost consciousness.


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