Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 2 29 - Because Were Bored

Volume 2 Chapter 29 - Because We're Bored

While Kisuke and Yoruichi are destroying the already bleak scenery in the training ground with Koneko watching all of this with a blank expression, three small figures entered through different points of the Urahara shop. These three figures are small Onis that are all different in color.

The three Onis slowly comb the place and after 30 minutes of searching every nook and cranny, they left where they came from.

"Strange, did they go out? And there is nothing wrong with the shop. There's also nothing with that old granny manning it, just a normal human." Akeno, who is overlooking Kisuke's shop from a distance mattered to herself.

Akeno suddenly felt a fluctuation of demonic energy behind her and turned around. She saw a magic circle for teleportation with the insignia of the Sitri Clan. Tsubaki Shinra appeared inside the magic circle and greeted the Queen of Gremory Peerage, "Good morning Akeno-san."

"Good morning to you too Tsubaki-san. What brings you here?" Akeno smiled at Tsubaki.

"Sona-Kaichou ask me to assist in your investigation." Tsubaki fixed her glasses and answered her question.

"Ara? Sona-Kaichou did? What for?" Akeno trusted the Sitri Peerage but still confuse of why would they also put attention on Kisuke Urahara.

"Well, you see, Kaichou is interested in giving her Knight Piece to Kisuke Urahara." Tsubaki wanted say something else but was able to stop herself.

"Knight Piece? To that guy? Why? From what we know, he is just a magician and even weaker than your two Bishops." Akeno didn't noticed Tsubaki's hesitation due to the content of her words.

"We haven't revealed it yet, but Kisuke Urahara has a sword type Sacred Gear and also skills to out run our Knight." Tsubaki got hold of herself and explained it to Akeno.

"It's this?" Akeno furrowed her brows and thinks that they would have to reevaluate Kisuke once more.

"How was your initial scouting?" Tsubaki asked Akeno this time around.

"They are not in at the moment. Also nothing wrong with the shop and the old lady. Very normal if I have to say something." Akeno replied.

"How about the his house across the street?"

"Same. His mother is also not around as she is on a business trip in Indonesia."

Both of them stayed quiet for some time after arriving at the dead end of clues.

"Have you investigated the black cat that is always with him? Kaichou thinks that it is too smart to be a normal cat." Tsubaki suddenly asked after thinking for a few more minutes.

"The cat? No, we haven't. Is the cat really that strange?" Akeno shook her head as they really haven't took a closer look at his pet.

"Hmmm, You're right. It also feels strange for me everytime I meet its eyes." Tsubaki nodded after recollecting her memories about the cat.

"We'll just have to include it in our investigation." Akeno smiled at Tsubaki.

"So what's the plan?"

"I'll setup a number of surveillance magic inside and around of both his shop and house. While you look around the perimeter and send me a warning if they are about to come." Akeno said it like it was no big deal.

"Isn't that too much? You're invading his private life. And what if he notice it." It's Tsubaki's turn to furrow her brows.

"If it is for my cute kouhai's safety, I don't really care about my methods." A sadistic glint flashed through her eyes.

"I'll setup my magic circles prioritizing stealth that even high-class devils like Rias-Buchou won't notice it easily. If he were to notice it despite that, then we have more problems to worry about." Akeno continued speaking.

"You're very protective like Rias-sama." Tsubaki smiled in defeat.

"You're also the same. We are devils after all. Fufufu~." Akeno put her hand in front of her mouth and laugh.


"Stop! Timeout! I give up! Not the hat! Not the hat Yoruichi!"


Koneko heard a large explosion from a distance after she heard Kisuke's cries. Kisuke's current situation gives Koneko some happiness as this the first time she see her senpai in so much distress. Koneko is steadily developing a bad hobby due to Kisuke and Yoruichi.

"How was it?" Yoruichi landed near Koneko and asked.

"Great. I want to learn soon." Koneko gave her a thumbs up and her honest opinion.

"Hahaha, then we should start planning your training schedule." Yoruichi laughed out loud at her answer.

The dust settled down a bit and a shadow came out of it. Kisuke walked towards the two. A little laugh came from Koneko when she saw his disheveled state. She wanted to laugh more but stopped herself with all her might.

"Damn it, so this what you meant when you say you want to motivate her. It's pretty effective." Kisuke looked at Koneko and grumbled at Yoruichi.

"Don't sweat the small stuff." Yoruichi patted Kisuke back.

"I didn't know that you've improved that much." Kisuke looked at Yoruichi face.

"Well, I have to do it if I don't want to be left behind by you." Yoruichi smiled at him gently.

Kisuke was stunned for a few seconds and returned a smile, "You know I won't ever do that. I'll even drag you with me wherever I go."

Koneko looked at there interaction and felt a little jealous. She didn't know to which side she's feeling jealous though.

"Uhmm, Yoruichi-san, even if you teach me techniques in hand-to-hand combat, I won't be able to do what you two just did." Koneko interrupted their sweet time and looked around her surroundings.

Kisuke was thrown around multiple times by Yoruichi and created numerous potholes of different sizes the small one being a few meters across while the biggest one is a hundred meters across.

She the fight is ongoing, escaping went through her head countless times as she thought that this underground chamber would caved in. And if that were to happen, she wouldn't be sure if she can survive.

"You don't have to worry, only half of your training will be on techniques while the other half is improving your overall specs." Yoruichi assured her.

"Improving my strength? How?"

"If Kisuke was an expert in anything, it would be energy manipulation. You two just have to study this Senjutsu of yours and Kisuke will improve it. Sooner or later you can beat him up like I do." Yoruichi gave Koneko a thumbs up.

"Somehow, I don't like how that sounded. Why do I have to teach her how to beat me up." Kisuke protested at her side.

"You won't be teaching her how to beat yourself up, I'm going to do that. You'll only help her become strong."

"Why play with words? Well, whatever, sounds fun."

"Why would the two help me?" Koneko finally asked what is bugging her mind all this while.

Kisuke and Yoruichi looked at each other and then looked back at Koneko and said the same thing, "Because we're bored."


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