Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 2 28 - Kisuke & Yoruichi

Volume 2 Chapter 28 - Kisuke & Yoruichi

Kisuke led the two towards a dead-end wall at the back of the shop.

Kisuke didn't stop walking and passed through the wall leaving only ripples on the surface which surprised Koneko as she didn't feel any signs of magic being used, especially so after releasing her nekomata form.

Koneko's senses when she reverted to a nekomata multiplied including her ability to sense magic power and aura since she isn't stopping the use of her Senjutsu anymore.

Yoruichi didn't stop and followed Kisuke. After being left alone, Koneko braced herself and hurriedly followed.

What she saw on the other side is a small room with an elevator door at the opposite side of where they came from.

Kisuke already stepped inside the elevator with Yoruichi. Koneko followed suit and saw just buttons. One with an arrow symbol going up and another one with going down.

Kisuke pressed the going down button and the door closed. Contrary to Koneko's expectations, the didn't move but the label on the top already changed from 'G' to 'B'. The door opened and Koneko still saw the same small room where they came from.

She thought that something went wrong but Kisuke and Yoruichi exited the elevator and walked towards the opposite wall and passed through it again. Koneko didn't think much at this point as she thought that they were returning.

To her surprise, however, she didn't go back to the shop's interior and found herself in a chamber.

This is the Urahara Shop training ground which Kisuke recreated from his old world. It is a large room with a ceiling and walls painted to resemble a cloudy sky over a floor of desolate, brown, craggy land dotted with dead trees.

Koneko stood there blankly for a minute before looking towards the amused expression of both Kisuke and Yoruichi, "Where is this?"

"Welcome to the Urahara Secret Training Ground." Kisuke introduced this place to Koneko.

"Secret training ground?" Koneko was dumbfounded. She thought that they will only be training in a relatively large room or an open space when they mentioned going to the 'training ground'.

"This is a 27 cubic kilometers underground training facility complete with fortification. Even if you nuke it from the outside this place will survive, probably. The north side has a small lodging that trainers can occupy if they want to stay for a few days. The east and west side are the real training grounds. And the south side is for me and Yoruichi." Kisuke continued explaining in great vigor.

"Enough with that, let's motivate Koneko-chan for now." Yoruichi cuts off Kisuke's rumblings and suggested.

"Motivate me?" Koneko tilted her head at Yoruichi.

"Hoho~. Itching for a fight, aren't you?" Kisuke started stretching his limbs.

"It's been a while since I returned to my human form after all. I want to let loose for a bit." Yoruichi did the same thing.

"Uhmm, I know that you two are good at fighting, but how will that motivate me?" Koneko interrupted.

"Koneko-chan, we aren't just going to teach you how to fight, we'll also teach you how to improve your overall strength. When your opponent is very strong then your fighting techniques can eat sh*t." Yoruichi slowly released her Spiritual Pressure.

"W-what's this!?" Koneko felt like all the hair on her body stood up when the aura Yoruichi released brushed past her.

"Within the training ground, whatever you do, nobody will notice it from outside. We can play to our heart's content if it's here. If we do this outside, we'll just end up disturbing our neighbors." Kisuke also slowly released his Spiritual Pressure that matched Yoruichi in intensity.

'Kisuke-senpai too!?' Koneko was already speechless. 'Does that mean that he is holding back quite a lot at our sparring sessions?' She thought to herself tightening her small fists.

Kisuke and Yoruichi didn't say anything else and stared at each other. Yoruichi made the first move by charging in.

Yoruichi sent out a punch towards Kisuke face. He dodges it by shifting his head to the right and lashed out his leg at the same time.

Yoruichi jumped a bit and grabbed his leg using it to pivot her body sending out a kick of her own.

Kisuke dodges it by bending his body backward. He flips his own body aiming to kick Yoruichi's chin.

Yoruichi blocked it with her hands but was sent flying for a few meters.

They stopped and looked at each other again, now with a smile.

Koneko didn't know what face she should show. Their exchange only lasted for a few seconds. Even though she can see the moves they made, there's no way for her to react to any of them.

They did mention that they were a bit good at fighting, but not this good!

"Done warming up?" Kisuke asked Yoruichi which finally draw out a reaction from Koneko, "That's a warm-up!?"

The two ignored the distressed cat and continued their staring contest until they both disappeared.

Koneko thought that they teleported away, but she heard a sound of rock crushing. She looked to her left and saw a tall rock crumbling down sending loads of dust everywhere.

Yoruichi reappeared near the crushed earth and waved her hand releasing a wind-like pressure sending away the dust. When it cleared up, Koneko saw Kisuke laying down in the pothole.

"Senpai!? What happened!?" Koneko dashed towards his direction intending to help him.

Kisuke suddenly stood up and spat out some soil, "Damn it, I let my guard down. You've improved Yoruichi."

"Of course. I can't get left behind." Yoruichi is happy that seeing the results of her training were effective, "Up for the round 3?"

"Bring it," Kisuke replied disappearing again.

Yoruichi also used the flash step to chase after Kisuke.

Koneko can only see after images and feel the shockwaves of their clashes. It finally hit her after watching them for a few minutes, they were not using teleportation but only pure speed.

This realization only put more cracks on Koneko's crumbling common sense. She decided to stop thinking and just enjoy the show.


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