Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 584 She Never...



Since Ye Chaoxiang has differnt apartments in the city. So it is the best to lend them one.

The trio thought of it for a while before the other two set their eyes on the oldest. Ning Yi inwardly rolled his eyes. They barely make decisions in stuffs like this.

"Alright then. We will take you up on your offer." Ning Yi agreed.

"Yay!" Although exclaimed halfheartedly, they could all see the excitement on Ning Xiaozhi's face.

"Thank you for your kind offer. We owe you one on this," Ning Li Qiang said.

"I shall take you up in that too. A drink with the rest of the guys will not be so bad for repaying a favour, right?" Ye Chaoxiang asked.

"It will be great."

"Drinking with top class businessmen." Ning Li Qiang and Hao Yingjie said.

Ye Chaoxiang chuckled. "You flatter us. Alright let's get going."

With that, they left the hospital in Ye Chaoxiang's car and went straight to the Ye mansion. The drive was fast as the hospital was farther from the mansion.

~In a certain home~

While the city's peoole still had talks of the news going around in the internet, a certain someone trying to digest some of it.

Fu Bolin had arruved from work like every other day and thought to go through the internet. Zhou Ring, his buddy had called whule he was still at the office.

He said something about checking the hot talks of ther internet. But he was too tired to care. But now he was back to his boring home, he decided to go through.

To be honest, his life was a bit bland. No colour and happiness like before. And the fact that all his wife, Han Yuri wanted to do and tried to do, was to get his attention.

If he stayed overtime at work she would whine and tell his parents about it. And it irked him. It is their marriage and not his parents's.

A few times, they fought over the issue. She thought he was seeing another woman behind her back. Meanwhile, he just wanted to have a space from himself.

So today, he decided to peek at the everyday gossip of the city. And what he saw shocked him to the core. He could not believe his eyes.

The Bai family has their dirty linen washed out in the open. Not only that, the one that shocked him more, almost into regret was the truth behind Bai Renxiang's scandal.

In one of the topics being discussed, it showed that Bai Renxiang was set up by her stepmother and stepsister. That and their other attempts to ruin her pubic image.

Even talks of how Bai Guiren was so quick to throw her out were brought to the table. Himself and Fu Bolin. Yeah, her ex-boyfriend.

Most people said he never lived because if he did, he would not believe in what the news said. Some said he was just after her for her looks and body not love.

Others went as far as saying that Li Fengjin is the real lover for Bai Renxiang. Despite her ugly past and how her name was almost dragged through the mud, he still stood by her.

He supported her and loved her despite on her flaws. He shunned the words of everyone and listen and lived by Bai Renxiang's words.

To say that Fu Bolin eas not affected by their words would be a lie. Even if they were true, he still felt angry. And probably jealous of the praises Li Fengjin got as being a better lover than he was.

Not only that, there was this little voice he had kept away that always blamed him. It came again. And this time, it's words was that his life would have been so much better if he had married Bai Renxiang.

It was got louder and bolder by every passing second and it made Fu Bolin feel annoyed. It was at that time that Han Yuri, decided to seek his attention.

"Babe, you have been staring at your phone since you came back from work. What are you doing that is more important than me, your wife?"

When she peeped at his phone from behind him, her eyes meant with one name she hates so much. Bai Renxiang. Instantly her face contorted into anger.

"You are always about this woman," Han Yuri started.

Fu Bolin secretly rolled his eyes and sighed. 'Here she goes again,' he thought.

"That woman is your ex Bolin. Whatever you used to have with her is all in the past. Why do you keep thinking of her? You already have a wife for goodness' sake."

"Babe, calm down. It is not as you are thinking of it to be. It is just news on the internet, okay?" He explained with a nonchalant voice.

"It is not what I am thinking but you always want to know what there is about her. You are always interested in every news about that damned woman," Han Yuri accused.

"Alright, that's enough Yuri. That's enough. Just stop it, okay?" Fu Bolin was getting irritated by her.

"Okay now it's Yuri and not babe or honey? This Bai Renxiang of a woman is not good for our marriage."

"Enough!" Fu Bolin funally lost it. "I have enough of you talks Yuri. You always complaining and nagging me. For pet's sake when I married you, you were the sweetest and calmest lady. You were not as problematic as you are nowadays."

"I am problematic?" Han Yuri asked with a finger pointing at herself.

"Yes. Yes you are. And the woman you so much hate and feel insecure about wpuld never be like this. Renxiang never doubted and questioned me. She never nagged or complained."

Han Yuri was shocked by his choice of words. He just compared her to his ex. Her husband just instantly said his ex was better than her.

She felt greatly insulted.


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