Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 583 Offer



Hearing Xiaozhi say she has forgiven them was a huge relief for the Ning couple. Especially for Mrs Ning. She felt overwhelmed and her tears could not just stop.

But it was not tears of saddness or anything. It was of gratitude and joy. Her cousins also sighed out and gave and exchanged glances with a smile.

That was pretty emotional but it went well. It took a while, but Ning Xiaozhi was tired of crying and wanted to leave the room.

Ye Chaoxiang agreed without any qualms. They left with Ning and the others following suit. Mr Ning agreed to look after his wife now.

He was ready to resume his responsibilities as her husband now tht the bad air has been cleared. It was quiet when they left.

"Are you still crying?" Mr Ning asked when he heard her snuff continuously.

Mrs Ning shook her head even though tears were flowing down her cheeks. Mr Ning sighed and went to sit beside her on the bed.

He then pulled her for a hug. "She has forgiven us now and so have I too. So don't cry anymore," he coaxed her.

Instead of his words to calm her down, it made Mrs Ning cry the more. Her grip on his sleeves tightened. Her sobs became louder than before.

"Zian... I'm sorry. I was the worst wife and you still bore with me for such a long time."

"It is all in the past now. Don't bring it up anymore. And I'm no more angry at you. To be honest, I had stopped being angry since long back. I was just taking time to sort myself out," he explained to her.

"But you never spoke to me or even looked at me once. You even left our bedroom. I was that horrible for you to do that," Mrs Ning cried in a somewhat complaint.

"I know I was very strict with you. But I wanted and needed you to reflex on all you have done to our child and... basically the whole family," he let it down slowly.

"They all hate me for sure. I even hate myself. That annoying me from the past. I hate it," she had to admit.

"Just forget about it and try to take in the new personality you want to have. Then when you are well prepared, you can apologize to everyone else, okay?"

Mrs Ning nodded. "Thank you, Zian. Thank you for tolerating me and enduring all of my nonsense. I promise to be a better wife from now henceforth," she promised.

"It is normal for a man to be able to tolerate the woman he loves. I knew you would come around. It was just a matter of time. Even though it was quite the number of years," Mr Ning said.

"Still... Thank you so much," she appreciated him.

She knew that it was not just love. She knows about differnt broken marriages that were not arranged. The husband could not tolerate his wife so he either cheated or filed for a divorce.

But her husband's different. It must be one of his amazing characteristics apart from being peaceful and calm all the time.

"Hey, Zian," she took his name yet again.


"Do you... Do you think that Xiaozhi has really forgiven me? She left without any more words to me. I didn't get to even tell her thank you," she asked.

"She has really forgiven you. She just took one of your habits. Not immediately talking to someone who has deeply offended you. It may take time. But she will start to warm up to you," Mr Ning reasoned.

"And you know she must have felt exhausted after letting all she said out," he added.

"Okay. No matter how long it takes. I will wait for her," Mrs Ning said in her usual determines tone.

"Don't also forget to make efforts too. You can't let her do all the work," he remimded her.

"I won't. Thank you once again."

"You are welcome."


Meanwhile, since Ning Xiaozhi felt exhausted, they cancelled their plans of going to see Bai Renxiang.

"Do you guys have a place to stay?"

"Yeah. We are going to check into one of the varieties of hotels we saw on our way," Ning Li Qiang replied.

"We should try out Emperor's Palace. I heard they are the best considering who runs it," Hao Yingjie also commented.

Since it was basically their furst time coming to City X to stay, they had no place of their own. The few times they have been here can be counted on one hand.

Plus it was always for a quick business meeting. Nothing to make them spend more than two days.

"Instead of checking into an hotel, why don't you guys come and stay with us till you decide to travel back? It's okay, right honey?" Ning Xiaozhi asked.

"Yeah. I doubt if mum will mind it. Dad needs new chess partners to defeat and little Ai would be glad to meet her other uncles," Ye Chaoxiang agreed.

"Thank you for the offer but we kindly decline. It will not be too appropriate to crash at your family's home," Ning Yi politely turned down their offer.

"It is not inappropriate. It's just like helping our in-laws out," Ye Chaoxiang tried to persuade them.

"Besides the Ye mansion has more than enough rooms to accommodate you all. And we can use this time to know each families more," Ning Xiaozhi added.

"Are you sure? Yingjie here can be quite a bother. We don't want to inconvenience you," Ning Yi suddenly said.

"Hey! What do you mean by that? I'm not a bother at all? In fact I am very well behaved," Hao Yingjie frowned at his eldest cousin's words.

How mean of him.

"Alright then. How about you visit the mansion for a few hours. After that , I can take you guys to my apartment? What do you say about that?"


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