Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 575 The Bai Family Has Fallen



With all those harsh, unfiltered words said, Bai Ming stormed off, leaving Lin Ying by herself. Those words ringing on and in in her head.

Lin Ying fell to the floor on her knees and wept. She started feeling things she could not explain. Is it hurt? Or is it anger or pain? Which is it? She had no idea.

Not knowing where else to go, Bai Ming called Feng Yisheng. It rang for a few times before the call got connected.

"Hello, baby," Feng Yisheng greeted un his usual cheerful tone.

"Yisheng, can you come and pick me up," Bai Ming asked.

Feng Yisheng frowned as he could hear her faint sobs and the cries in her voice. His brows furrowed and he stood up from his couch.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He became concerned being the good boyfriend he is.

"I don't want to talk on the phone. Just... Please come and take me away from here."

"Alright then. Where are you?" He asked as he went to get his keys.

"I am walking out of the estate I used to live. I'll... I will meet you outside," she said.

"No, don't. Just stay where you are. I will come in to pick you up. Just wait for me, okay babe?"

"Hmm," she hummed and nodded.

"Alright. I will be there in fifteen minutes. Make sure to stay where is safe for the mean time," he instructed.


Getting that, Feng grabbed his keys from the bedside table and left his personal apartment. He did not even bother to change his clothes as it was dark outside and he would not be stopping anywhere.

In less than twenty minutes, Feng Yisheng was already at the estate where the Bai mansion is situated. He drove in a steady pace and had his headlights turned in.

He did not want to miss the chance of seeing Bai Ming on the way and have her wait longer than she should. Luckiky for the both of them, he found a few blocks from the Bai mansion.

"Ming?!" Feng Yisheng called as soon as he got down from his car.

He saw her squatting on the floor with her face buried into her knees and arms around her. He rushed up to her.

"Ming. Babe, what's wrong?" he asked.

Bai Ming stood up and lunged into his arms. The tears she had being trying to hold in came rushing down. Her choked sobs, her shaking shoulders everything screamed hurt.

It hurt Feng Yisheng too. Seeing her cry made him and at heart. He hugged her small frame tightly and rubbed up and down her back.

He would also randomly kiss her hair just to show her he cares and is there for her.

"It's getting cold out here. Let me take you to the car so that we can go to my place, okay?" he suggested.

Bai Ming nodded weakly in agreement. After the emotional roller coaster ride if the day, she felt drained. Both mentally, emotionally and even physically.

Her voice hurt from all the screaming she did. So it was only natural she would feel exhausted. Feng Yisheng took her phone and placed it inside his pocket.

He then carried her in his arms- princess style, to his car. After making sure she was comfortablly seated and belted up, he jogged over to his side of the car. He got in and drove off as he had not turn of his car's engine.

Minutes later they were at his apartment. He carried her in, of course. He placed her on the couch, dropped his car keys and their phones. Just as he was bout to leave, she grabbed his sleeve.

Her most eyes pleading for him to not let go and stay with her. Feng Yisheng smiled assuringly at her.

"I am not going anywhere. I just want to get you water and a warm glass of milk. Your throat must be feeling parched from qll your crying," he said.

Bai Ming hesitated but she still let go of his sleeve. Feng Yisheng kissed her forehead before he rushed off to the kitchen. Prepared thise two things quickly and came back to sit beside her.

"Which one do you want first? Water or the milk?" He asked while setting them down in the center table he drew closer.

"Wa-Water," she murmured.

Her throat was indeed parched. Feng Yisheng fed the water to her through the glass cup. She drank half of it and refused the rest. She just wanted comfort right now and not water.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and Feng Yisheng did well to place her on his lap and cuddle her like a baby. They remained in a comforting silence for a while.

"Would you like to talk about what happened to you?" he inquired softly.

If she was not willing, he will let it rest. He did not want to make her uncomfortable. But he cannot deny the curiousness in him. He wants to know what happened to her.

"I've lost everything," she said in a small voice.

"Well you still have me. So you have not lost everything," he commented.

'You may leave me too,' she thought and it pained her.

Of all the bad things in her life, all the evil in her, Feng Yisheng was the only one that brought out the good her.

He is her only light and the one who has truly loved her. But the mere thought of how he would react if he is to find out her deeds, tore her heart.

And it would all be her fault. Tears started streaming down here eyes at those thoughts. Her grip on his shirt tightened.

"Babe! Come on, damsel. Stop crying. I'm here now. You have me and you can tell me anything. I will be your support as always."

Instead of calling down, Bai Ming teared up more. Those loving, caring and assuring words only made her feel bad.

"You are going to leave me too," she cried.

"I won't. I promise," he placed another kiss on her head. "So tell me what makes you hurt so much."

"I-I... My father does not want anything to do with me," she started. "He hates me now and he said he regrets raising me."

"What? Why would he say those hurtful things to you? You are his daughter for crying out loud," Feng Yisheng frowned upon hearing her words.

How can a father be so cruel with words to his child? Unbelievable.

"Well it turns out I am not," Bai Ming wiped her tears. But it was endless.

"Huh? What do you mean you are not? You are not what?"

"I am not his daughter. I am not Bai anymore. My father is not my father, Yisheng and it hurts."

Feng Yisheng was taken aback. He just got the shock of his life. Now he knows her how she feels. It must be terrible.

"Goodness, Ming. I'm so sorry to hear that," he apologized.

Bai Ming shook her head. It's not his fault anyway so he should not be sorry.

"And because of that, I lost my chance of becoming the CEO of the company I worked my butt off for. I lost it to my stepsister, Renxiang."

"What? Her again?" His eyes widened for a bit.

Bai Ming nodded. "Now, I have lost everything. My y home, my inheritance, my family. Everything. They are all gone."

"You have not. You have me. I will be your family. Your friend and your everything. Remember that I love you. So don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you cry. So Please stop," he hugged her tighter.

Bai Ming tried like that till she fell asleep. Feng Yisheng took her to his room and laid with her, cuddling her so she could feel his warmth even in her sleep.

Time flew by and soon the morning came. The whole of City X woke up to the most shocking news in history. The headlines...

[Shocking revelation: Bai Jewelry's ex-chairman, Bai Guiren has been having an extramarital affair for the past three months. And has also harassed his secretary.]

[Medical tests/DNA shows that the young lady of the Bai family is not Bai Guiren's daughter.]

[Plot twist: Meek young lady Bai Ming and her mother Lin Ying were the masterminds behind the past scandal of the wife of Li Fengjin, Mrs Li Renxiang.]

[Envy makes the heart turn black: Mother and daughter duo has not only ruined the previous happy marriage of Bai Guiren and his ex-wife, they also paid men to kidnap and ruin Mrs Li Renxiang.]

The response by the netizens to these trending topics were crazy. With the proof also uploaded, everyone knew who to side. Most people demanded justice for Bai Renxiang.

The internet was on fire. Hot hot talks everywhere. It was an eye opener for all. And victory to a few.

The Bai family has fallen.


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