Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 574 Fight: Disgrace To Motherhood



The Jiangs soon arrived at the hospital. They met with the other oldies first before going to see Bai Renxiang.

Jiang Meilin gasped at the sight of her precious daughter. Tears instantly dropped from her eyes.

"Oh sweetie," she rushed to her side.

Li Fengjin gave the mother and daughter some space. He stood on the sideline and watched. Old man Jiang and Zhao Fu also came around.

"How did this happen to you? My poor baby," Jiang Meilin's eyes raked all over her daughter's body.

The sight of Bai Renxiang's arm hanging on a support looked pitiful. Jiang Meilin hated it.

"Mum, I'm okay. Don't cry," Bai Guiren wioed her mother's tears.

"I can't help it... Tell me who is responsible for this. I will make sure they pay. Who sent the attackers?" Jiang Meilin asked.

"A man named Jia Jiangyu," Bai Guiren answered with a sigh.

"Jia Jiangyu?" Old man Jiang asked in confusion.

"That name does ring a bell," Zhao Fu thought out loud. All eyes then fell on his tall frame.

"You have heard of that name?" Jiang Meilin asked him and he nodded.

After much thoughts, Zhao Fu snapped his fingers. "I go it now. Jia Jiangyu, the leader of not too big gang called Vipers. They usually have a tattoo of a black snake as their symbol. And of course nothing good ever goes on about them," he explained.

They are gangsters after all.

"The vipers were loan sharks, drug traffickers, rapist and even thieves," Zhao Fu added.

"Why did the Armed Forces not do anything about them?" Yang Wenkai was puzzled.

"Oh they did alright. But some of them escaped. Especially him, Jia Jiangyu. Now it looks like they are still in business but in a new shade. Assassination," said Zhao Fu.

"How did you... Why do you know all these stuffs?" Jiang Meilin frowned in askance.

"Did you forget I worked for the army before and my father used to head a gang?" Zhao Fu smiled a small smile.

Everyone went 'oh'. They were surprised and awed and a little wary now. But Zhao Fu assured him that he was done with those dangerous line of work.

Once a gangster and also a soldier. He wanted peace of mind from those things. It not necessary for those who leave by a gun should die by it. Right?

"Anyways, according to our findings, Jia Jiangyu is Lin Ying's lover," Li Fengjin told them.

Jiang Meilin cocked a brow at what she heard. "So the lover who was a mistress, has a lover, huh? I wonder how Bai Guiren would react to this."

"He already knows and he has sent her and Bai Ming out of the mansion," Bai Renxiang said.

Lawyer Long's surbodinate came to give her the news after he left the Bai family to sort themselves out. He told her how it went and gave her a copy of the signed documents.

"It turns out the Bai family saw that they accepted snakes into their home," Old man Jiang scoffed.

"Yeah. And speaking of home. The old Bai mansion and the current one is no longer under their possession," Bai Renxiang informed with a bright smile.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Meilin asked with furrowed brows.

"I mean all that was taken from us has been returned, mum. Even with a compensation of social shame will be added soon. The Bai family are reduced to their original as I promised," her smile grew.

Jiang Meilin gasped and placed one of her palm over her lips. "Ohmo! You mean even the company is yours?"

"Yes, mum. It is ours," she nodded. "Here are the document of the legal transfer of wealth. We won this time mum. I just need a few more hours to make the scores equal."

Jiang Meilin collected the documents and went through them. To say she was proud would be an understatement. She felt lucky to be the mother of her daughter.

"How did you manage to make Bai Guiren sign these documents?" Yi Changying asked curiously.

"Simple. As nothing is hidden under the sun, I just threatened the guy a little bit," she gestured with under and thumb almost joining.

Old man Jiang: "Really?"

"Yeah. It was not so hard. Evil deeds do catch up on the evil doers. I will just make it more pronounced by giving the netizens somethung to talk about," Bai Renxiang said and shrugged her left shoulder.

"Then I can't wait to see the news tomorrow," Jiang Meilin said with a smile.

"Me too," everyone agreed.

"Don't worry. I will give Xie a call. Tomorrow this city is going to see a news hotter than the hottest it has ever seen," Bai Renxiang said with a smirk.

Soon the evening drew nearer and her visitors began to one by one. Li Xiaojin wanted to stay with his mummy. But he was not allowed.

The hospital is not too good for healthy children. Plus, who would keep old man Jiang company? The old man missed his great-grandson so it's only fair that have their time together

With that reason, the little munchkin went home.


Meanwhile, Lin Ying and Bai Ming both went their separate ways after they were cast out. But first they had a fight. Bai Ming was very angry and even hurt.

Her own mother had kept her true identity from her. It hurt alot to discover that the man you spent more than twenty years of your life, calling daddy or dad, is not your biological father.

And to think that Lin Ying woukd be a cheater. What about all those talks of unconditionally loving her father? And how Bai Ming should make sure she and Feng Yisheng learn from their sweet marriage.

"If it was so great, why did you go and f*ck anotheran behund dad's back?" Bai Ming screamed the question to Lin Ying's face.

Lin Ying had no words as everything was cleared out in the mansion. But she made a big mistake by saying what she said

"I did all that for you, Ming. I wanted you to leave a comfortable and good life," Lin Ying screamed back.

Bai Ming was stunned. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She was trying to stop herself from throwing her hands at the woman standing before her.

"I wanted my child to have what other rich children had. To enjoy the privileges they enjoyed," she continued.

"And did you think making another man my father was good enough for me? To steal another woman's husband? You rubbed off someone else's privilege for yourself NOT for me," Bai Ming questioned the choices Lin Ying made.

"Then do you think being the daughter of gang leader would have been the best option? Answer me, Ming? Would you like everyone to ridicule just because of that?"

Bai Ming was yet again stunned. Her eyes wide and her expression puzzled. "What did you just say?"

"Exactly what you heard. To prevent all these I made the decision that took is this far," Lin Ying stated in a firm stance.

"A decision that has left us with nothing now. How smart of you," Bai Ming scoffed a chuckle.

"Mind how you speak to me. I am your–"

"You are not my mother," Bai Ming harshly cut her off. "And you should have minded the kind of men you spread your legs for. That would have been the best preventive measure you should have taken."

"Bai Ming, you- how dare you speak to me like that?" Lin Ying asked shocked by the words that came out of her daughter's mouth.

"You should have thought of your child before you slept with a gang leader. And to think you would stoop so low to filfth. Out of all men in your days you chose a goddamn gang–"


Before Bai Ming could complete her words, a hot slap fell across her face. The impact moved her head sideways. Her cheek stinged and so did her eyes.

She instantly whipped her head to Lin Ying who was now breathing hard. Bai Ming held her cheek with her cold hands.

"I refuse to hear another disrespectful word from you, you ingrate," Lin Ying insulted.

"No," Bai Ming slowly shook her head. "The only ingrate here is you. You had a way to redeem yourself from lying to dad. But you threw it away for sexual pleasure."

"You don't deserve my gratitude. You don't deserve my pity or praise for thinking you thought of me. You are a disgrace to motherhood and wives. Even mistresses.

Just a second choice. A call woman to quench sexual urges. I bet your bad boy gang leader has no feelings for you.

I bet he sees you as he sees his other sl*ts. Nothing but sex b*tches."


Bai Ming rubbed salt on Lin Ying's fresh wound.

"I hope you are satisfied, MUM. You just ruined my life."


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