Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 568 Attack



Bai Renxiang clearly undertood Mr Wen. It was not as if he had commited a huge offence like the other fourteen board members had.

He was fair and never behaved rudely to others even though they are below him. He onkt accoted to vote Bai Ming because his wife and unborm child were out on the line.

Any man who truly love his family would do the same. Even Bai Renxiang would do the same. So she did not fire him.

"For that I will not fire you. Your wife and baby shoyo know that their husband and father is a good protector," Bai Renxiang flashed him a small smile.

Mr Wen was overwhelmed he had no words to say. He knelt down and kowtowed. "T-Thank you. Thank you so much, boss. Thank you."

He kept on saying thank you over and over again as that was all he could bring himself to say. Bai Renxiang went up to him and helped him to stand on his feet.

"I should thank you for being who you are," she said to him. "Wipe your tears and have a seat."

Nodding and thanking her once more, Mr Wen sat down and so did Bai Renxiang. Lawyer Long shared another folder for all of them.

"That is a new contract you are all expected to abide by. New terms and conditions and payment as well," she started the conversation.

She said a lot of things and they all agreed to it.

"Things will change around here and it should start by swiping the roots. No more corrupt practices and equality should be essential amongst you."

"Yes, boss," they spoke in unison.

"Good then. Further meeting will be held in due time. As for now, this meeting is over," she said as she stood from the chair.

"Ah! Boss, what about plans you have for the company as you are now its CEO?" One if them asked.

"I don't need to have plans for this company. Once news of me being Bai Jewelry's new CEO gets out, things would start falling into place. And when I say things, I mean good and profitable things. Like investors, business proposals and customers," Bai Renxiang listed.

"So tell me, do I still need a plan?"

They shook their heads. Indeed her words were right. Bai Jewelry will reach the peak in no time with her as the CEO. seeing their understanding, Bai Renxiang smiled.

"I look forward to good works with all of you."

"We also look forward to that and reaching great heights under your leadership," Mr Sun spoke for all.

"Hmm. Do have a nice day," she greeted before she left with Lawyer Long and her entourage of bodyguards.

The rest followed suit and they went into different elevators. By the tim Bai Renxiang and the rest got to the first floor and out of the elevator, they were met with a noisy environment.

Talks from here and there as people clustered together in groups. What were they talking about?

"Did you not see how she was being carried out of the company along with Chairman Bai?"

"Of course I saw. I wonder what is going on in our place of work?"

"Yeah. First, it was the news of a meeting of the new CEO. Then CEO Bai, the wife of Li Fengjin came in with an entourage of scary bodyguards."

"And Chairman Bai and head designer Bai Ming were thrown out. Then more tgan half of the board of directors came down with fear on their faces. I'm so lost."

"Could it be that the new CEO did all that?"

"I think so too."

"Did they even get a chance to decide who the next CEO would be? I bet things were hot in the meeting room."

"Did anyone notice those bodyguards taking them out were among the many that went in with CEO Mrs Li?"

More and more words were said and even conclusions were made on the issue. It got them all wondering who the new CEO of their company is.

"Ahem! Attention everyone. Hello! Please be quiet," Mr Sun called loudly to get them to quiet down.

Luckiky it worked as they all noticed the people that just arrived in the first floor. They quickly scurried to their various stations and stood quietly.

"Now that I got all your attention I would like to make a few announcements," he said.

"First and foremost, i can see that you are already aware of the meeting that was just held. After much... happenings,the next CEO of this company has finally been decided. Please, show your respect to CEO Mrs Li Renxiang."

Bai Renxiang stepped forward with her chin held up, shoulders squared and stance... like that of a boss. The board members applauded her and fradually the sound grew louder.

The employees got hold of themselves and applauded as well. Some were happy because they admired her and some shocked because it was unexpected.

They never imagined she would be their new CEO. However, it most prefferred it because she is a better option than Bai Ming.

"Thank you all for your acceptance. From here on out the era of Bai Guiren is no more. I am your leader now and I hope to bring out the best in you all and creat a non-hostile environment," she said.

Hands jambed and whistle were blown. There were smiles in all their faces. Except a shocked group of ladies.

"Feng Mei, pinch me. I must be dreaming or hallucinating," a lady whispered to her friend.

"You are not soung any of thise Ru Chu Mei. This is real. All of it is real," Feng Mei whispered back.

"She is going to be our boss from now on? That's unacceptable," Dai Kira frowned.

"Suck it up, Kira. You are just scared things will not turn out too well for you now that she is the boss," Dai Kai spoke from behind here.

"Brother how can you say that?" Kira whined.

"It's the truth. And the same goes for all you girls that spoke bad about her after she was banned from working here in the past," he added.

"Don't lecture us now, Kai. You are in the same boat as us," Ru Chu Mei spat back.

"Oh no. You might be right but you are also wrong. I might be sailing on the sea but not in the same boat as you. I never spoke bad about her," Dai Kai corrected.

"Yeah whatever. Have fun watching the woman you love be with another," Feng Ping mocked.

"I'm rather contented with her choice. At least he can do what I could not. You all are the ones who should have fun working under the one you were b*tching about," Dai Kai said with a smirk before walking away to meet his friends.

The ladies could only grit their teeths and clench their fists. He spoke the truth and that was what hurt the most.

Meanwhile Bai Renxiang left the company immediately as she was getting calls from Li Fengjin. He had not checked up on her for hours.

She was on the phone with him as she walked out of the company. Just as she was about to enter the awaiting car, bullets came pouring down.

If not her reflexes kicking in and the bodyguards bringing her to safety, she would have been hit by a bullet. Luckiky it only grazed her shoulder.

Soon a shoot out began and the people in the street panicked and ran.

"Protect the ladyboss and the lawyer," the head amongst the bodyguards ordered as he shot at their attackers.

They moved Bai Renxiang and Lawyer Long into one of their cars parked at a distance.

"Call for backup and have the company and the employees secured," Bai Renxiang ordered.

"We have that covered, ma'am. As of now, we have to ensure you out of harm's way," the bodyguard said.

He opened the door for herself and Lawyer Long to get into the car. While Another quickly got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Thank God."

The driver quickly drove away from the shotting area. They only gotten away by a minute when Bai Renxiang suddenly hissed in pain.

"My goodness. CEO Bai, you are bleeding from your shoulders," Lawyer Long shouted.

"Sh*t," the bodyguard at the passenger seat cussed on seeing one part of her white shirt turn red.

Bai Renxiang shut her eyes tightly as pain coursed through her. She trued to keep it in but a pained groaned left her lips.

"Drive to the hospital quick and inform your boss," Lawyer Long's voice shook the bodyguard out of his shock.

He quickly took out his phone and called his boss even if he knew they were going to get an ear full. But before he could call, his phone lit up with the name, boss on display.

He quickly answered it.

"Where the f*ck is my wife?"


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