Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 567 You Are All Fired



"The result is authentic and very visible."

Yes. Bai Renxiang had gotten a repirt from Xie the previous day that the result for the DNA tes wa out. And her doubts were cleared as soon as she saw it.

Bai Ming is not related to Bai Guiren. And if she is not, it only means that Lin Ying was the real sl*t.

Bai Guiren was too scared to take his eyes back to that big glass that showed nothing but unexpected bad news. But he still looked anyway.

And there it was in full display. The DNA result. He swore that his heart almost jumped out through his mouth.

Negative. The percentage result was not even up to thirty percent. Meanwhile, Bai Ming felt completely shattered. What is the meaning of those writings on the screen?

She is not her father's child? How can that be? No. It's impossible.

"To think that you would go to the extent of even faking a DNA result just to clumb your way into the top. Has sleeping around not satisfied you enough?"


A hot slap landed across Bai Ming's face making stagger backwards. The force and the unexpected act left her without words. The whole room felt even more quiet than before.

"I will not let you say another defaming word against me. You and your homewrecker of a mother have done more than enough," Bai Renxiang belowed as she glared down at the trembling Bai Ming.

"What is the meaning of this?" Bai Guiren roared in anger. His vien popping beside his forehead and clenched fist.

"Why don't you go home and ask the woman you call your wife? If you don't believe me, that's not my business. You never did anyway," she shruuged.

"Conduct another DNA test if you wish. But that will not be with my money." As Bai Renxiang said that, she nodded her head at Lawyer Long.

Him receiving her go signal brought out another file out of his briefcase. He placed them on top of the other files he had brought out and handed Bai Guiren a pen.

"Here," he said. "Signed these papers."

"What is–"

"It is for the transfer of all my inheritance. The houses, the yatcht your wife recently both and the cars. Afterall, the Bai family was barely among the social wealth circle before you married my mother," Bai Renxiang briefed him.

Bai Guiren was shaken. He vigorously shook his head. "No... No. I will not sign anything. I worked so hard to get all I have."

"I would give you an A for your effort then. You got my mother out of your life after leeching off her weakth. Your mistress and her daughter also got to send me out..." Bai Renxiang listed most she could remember.

"All of you surely worked hard. But ypu have also enjoyed the reward you were not worthy of. A thief gets to steal everday and got scot free. However the policeman would also have his day. And that day is now. Sign all of them."

"I refuse. I will not sign them to you. You can't force me against my own will," Bai Guiren stood his ground.

"I knew you would put up a fight." Bai Renxiang sighed and walked toward him

She stopped beside his chair and bent forward and whispered into his ear. "Sign those papers or everyone would know that you have been sexually harassing your secretary and having another extramarital affair."

Bai Guiren's eyes grew even wider. His breath sized in his lungs and his heart pounded hard against chest. Her words continued to ring in his ears.

'How did she know? I was sure to keep everything a secret. No one is supposed to know. I will be doomed if words gets out. Where did i go wrong? I had it all planned out,' he thoughts spiralled in his head.

"Sign them if you don't want to spend the rest of your miserable life in a place worst than being harassed in jail," her words slipped i to his ear again.

Slowly and shakingly, Bai Guiren took the pen and opened the first page. By then, he was already sweating profusely. Bai Renxiang placed a hand in his shoulder causing to jolt.

"Don't waste anymore time. I still have your board of directors to attend to. Just sign them all."

On hearing her say that she still had them to attend to, the board memebers began to panic. Especially, team Bai Ming. The most supportive team ever.

Bai Guiren soon signed every last page of those documents. It stunned them all ti having the same thought.

What did she say to have him swallow his earlier words and sign the papers?

Lawyer Long gathered everything and moved it away from him.

"You see. That was not so hard after all, was it?" Bai Renxiang asked with a sweet smile on her gorgeous face.

She gently patted his shoulder and turned to her bodyguards on stand by. "Escort him to his office and help him take everything that is not of good use to me," she ordered.

"Yes, ma'am."

Two of the bodyguards tok Bai Guiren by his arms and led him out of the meeting room.

"Oh and take the lady with you as well. If she behaves like an animal, then you treat her like one."

"Noted, ma'am."

"No, no. Let me go. Din't touvh me. I am the CEO and boss here. You have no right to lay your filthy hands on me. Security! Security!"

Despite Bai Ming's screaming, the two bulky bodyguards lifted her of her feet. They took her away without stressing themselves. No

And just like that, two main character for the meeting were evicted. Now it was time for the board members and her to talk.

"Now that was a lot of noise. Our ears can be spared. Let's get back to us, shall we?" Bai Renxiang sat in Bai Guiren's place.

"Let's forget the drama. Mr Sun, please do us the honours, will you?"

"Y-Yes," Mr Sun scrambled up to his feet as he was still processing things. That and this new side of Bai Renxiang was scaring him.

He held with him a certain number of envelopes. He shared them specificallyfor those in suppirt of Bai Ming and Bai Guiren's assistant who was made to sit.

They were confused for sure. And Bai Renxiang being a good boss cared to explain things to them.

"I would have love to wait and let you open your presents. But I do not have time to see your surprised face so I will go straight to the point," she began.

"The envelopes before you are your terminaton letters. It means you are no longer needed as a member of this board. Therefore, you are all fired."


"What is the meaning of this?" Mr Yu decided to be the brave one and take the lead.

"Yu Lei, you have had enough fun in misusing your influence in the company. You not only behave unfair to the just, you also harass the weak," Bai Renxiang said.

"As for Mr..."

While Bai Renxiang was listing out all of their crimes, Lawyer Long placed a black folder in their front. They opened them and behold all their shady activities were laid out before them.

To say they felt fear would be an understatement. Their faces turned ashen.

"My company does not have a need for stains like you. Proceed out of the company's premise immediately or there would be consequences," she ordered.

Without being told for the second time, they stood up and hurried out of meetung room.

"Mr Wen please remained seated," Bai Renxiang called out to one of them before he could leave.

He was a meek man that has been quiet from the beginning of the meeting till now. He wore a not so expensive suit and had a neat appearance.

Mr Wen silently walked back to his seat and sat without questioning.

"Do you know why i asked you to come back?" Bai Renxiang asked with her eyes set in him.

When he shook his head, she sighed. "I know you were forced against your will. Or rather threatened. You are the lowest in rank amongst all the board members which made you an easy prey to Bai Ming."

Mr Wen immediately raised his head. He was swa shocked by what she said. But then he wuickly bowed his head again.

"I-I... She threatened to k-kill my wife and the unborn child in her womb. I had no choice... but to do as she wanted me to. Please forgive me," he begged with tears falling down his eyes.

"I will not forgive you," she said.

Heads turned toward her. Even Mr Wen. It was as if he had finally lost all hope. But before he began to accept his fate, she spoke again.

"I will not forgive you because you did not wrong to warrant your plea for mercy."


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