Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 202 Hungry Friends



Ye Chaoxiang told his friends all that happened till present, except of the part where he ate Bai Renxiang's food. His friends were both proud of him. They could not stop smiling at him.

"My man!" Li Fengjin patted his shoulders. H felt like a father that is proud of his son's achievement.

"Congratulations bro. You are one step away from getting our little princess a mother," Gang Chen said.

"That is true. I wonder how the little lollipop will feel when she hears it," Li Fengjin added.. "Sigh. Now that have satisfied your hunger for gossip, can you two allow me to go freshen up and make dinner? If not I can sleep. I will have no problem since I have already had dinner at my girlfriend's place," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Woohh!! Chaoxiang's girlfriend has started making dinner for both of them," Li Fengjin lightly poked Ye Chaoxiang's arny.

"Uh huh. I see a blissful future coming up," Yang Chen also poked him while they smiled and wiggled their brows at him.

"She made dinner for me a long time back. It was her best friend that prepared the food before we arrived," Ye Chaoxiang slapped their hands away after he statement.

"Oh! So she has a best friend huh?" Li Fengjin said as he was playing interested. Yang Chen just shook his head at the guy.

"Yeah she does. And she turns out to be someone we all know. Ms Bai was there with her son and we all ate dinner together. The food was glorious. It reminded me of home," Ye Chaoxiang said as he rubbed his stomach and licked he lips like a kid.

Li Fengjin and Yang Chen could not believe their ears. Ye Chaoxiang's best friend is the woman Li Fengjin has been searching for and is in love with. How much smaller can the world get?

But that was not what got Li Fengjin's attention. It was the fact that his woman can cook and he had not even dreamnt of tasting what her cooking was like and his stupid friend got to eat to his fill and came to lament about it in his face while rubbing had stomach.

"How dare you reminisce about my woman's cooking in front of me? Do you have a death wish, huh Chaoxiang?" Li Fengjin roared in jealousy.

Yang Chen snapped out his own thoughts and looked at Li Fengjin when he heard what he said. He smiled seeing that he was openly stating had s claim on the lady. But had s smile soon fades when he realized the reason for Li Fengjin's anger. But still yet the culprit acted nonchalant about it.


Ye Chaoxiang took his phone put and took a picture of his friend. As soon as he got the picture he wanted then he looked at Li Fengjin with a smile.

"Relax bro. It is not as if I stole her away from you or something. I just happened to be opportuned to eat the food she prepared. Besides, you also had the cheek to taste my food before my girlfriend. So there you have it. We are now equal," Ye Chaoxiang refuted.

"Why you matured little punk! I gonna make sure you pour out all of her food," Li Fengjin said and immediately rushed to Ye Chaoxiang.

Ye Chaoxiang quickly ran away from the spot had s was standing to escape Li Fengjin.

They had another round if chase until Li Fengjin caught Ye Chaoxiang. He hooked his arms around his neck and used his knuckles to rub the center of Ye Chaoxiang's hair, messing it up in the process. They all laughed at each other and fell to the couch nearby.

"Men, I'm starving real bad. I am hungry Ye Chaoxiang. Fufill your promise already," Li Fengjin said as he caught his breath.

"I would have done that if you had not chased me," Ye Chaoxiang spat back.

"If you had just stayed and received the punishment like a good boy, all those running would not have happened," Li Fengjin argued.

"Alright you two stop it. My tummy is rumbling. I want to eat steak and noddles," Yang Chen said the last part with puppy ryes as he looked at Ye Chaoxiang.

"Sigh. Whatever you want kiddo."

"I am not a kid," Yang Chen said with a pout

"Try to stop acting like one and I will not call you that. What do you want Jin?" Ye Chaoxiang asked as he stood up from and walked to his room.

"Anything will be fine," Li Fengjin said.

"Roger that. Give me thirty minutes and your food will be served," Ye Chaoxiang said before disappearing from their sight.

"I can't help it anymore. I am so excited about the news if him having a girlfriend," Yang Chen voiced out.

"I agree with you bro. Even if it seems as if nothing changed because he shows his real self to us, I can still tell from his vibes and middle that he is happy too. I hope she is happy for him too," Li Fengjin said as he gazed at where Ye Chaoxiang walked into.

"I bet she is."


"Thank you for the food Bai Renxiang. I loved it and your company," Ning Xiaozhi said as she escorted Bai Renxiang out.

"You do not have to be so thankful to me. We are sisters remember?" Bai Renxiang said as she carefully laid Bai Xiaojin to sleep at the back seat.

"Yeah I know. I still feel thw need this b e appreciative. Anyways, send my regards this your mother and Shin and Shane."

"Okay. Good night Xiaozhi."

"Good night. Be careful on your way."

On her way home Bai Renxiang kept thinking of how her day went. She also thought of Bai Xiaojin's words of wanting a dad and then she thought if how happy Ning Xiaozhi was with Ye Chaoxiang.

"I wish someone would come to love me too and u hope that by that time, my heart will be ready to open up to his affection."


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