Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 201 We Kissed



As they dined, they had a little chat before Ye Chaoxiang throught it time yo get going. Although Ning Xiaozhi did not want him to go, she had to behave as she did not want to come off as being a clingy new girlfriend.

She excused herself and went to escort him to his car. On getting there, Ye Chaoxiang turned to look at her and saw she had a not too smiling face. He sighed and engulfed her in a warm bear hug.

"It's okay yo just say you are going to miss me or you do not want me to go. I will miss you too," Ye Chaoxiang's words stunned her.

Ning Xiaozhi looked up at him and saw he had a solemn face on. She sighed and rested her head back on his chest. She could not still believe that the doctor she consulted when she was sick and the customer at her restaurant that she spilled hot tea on turned out to be her saviour.

Now, that saviour became her boyfriend a few hours back. This life is surely full of surprises and she had to admit thatvsge loved those surprises. Speaking of surprise, she still had not thanked him for the view he showed her today.

"Thank you so much for today. I loved the view of that sunset. It was beautiful and warm and relaxing," she said.

"You are late on the appreciation," he said.

'I would nor have. Immediately I saw the 'surprise', I wanted to thank you but you..." She paused a a tiny blush crept up her cheek when she remembered what he or rather they did on the cliff.

"But I what?" He asked knowing fully well what she was going to say. But he preferred teasing her and she saying it out. Seeing that he was our to tease her again, Ning Xiaozhi glared at him and ignored his attempts.

"As I was saying. I wanted to thank you but you know what you did. Either ways... I loved everything. So thank you for everything and thank you for choosing me to be your girlfriend," she let out a deep breath as soon as she spoke what she had been harbouring in her mind since their drive back and during the dinner.

"I, for one an glad to be the boyfriend of a very wonderful person. Thanks for accepting me. As for the view on the cliff, if you want to go there some other tine, just place a call right through me okay?"

"Okay. It's getting dark. You should get going now," she suggested and pulled away from the warm hug.

"Hmm. Have a good night rest. Extend my greetings to your mum and her son," he said the last part sarcastically.

"Alright good night. Muah," she pecked oh the cheek and rushed back in. This was the second time she had done something Luke pecking his cheek and he was always caught unaware.

"Xiaozhi!" He quickly called before she stepped into her apartment.

"Yes?" She turned to answer his call.

"I love you," he said with a bright smile.

"I... I love you too," she replied and quickly stepped in and closed the door behind her. She leaned be full back on the door with closed as she tried to calm her pounding heart. Her cheeks were heavily flushed. Then when the scene of their kiss and his words just know she smiled sheepishly and bit down on her lips.

"You are have gone head over heels in love with that guy," a voice interrupted her sweet dreams and she jolted in shock.

"Ah! Bai Renxiang. What's up?" She said as she shook her head to get herself back to earth.

"You are really asking me that?" Bai Renxiang cocked a brow at her friend. She had her arms folded as she was leaning on a wall.

"Sigh. What so you want to know?" Ning Xiaozhi asked as the both of them walked to the living room to chat.

'I want to know how you went out being single and returned with a boyfriend. I want to know how your outing went," Bai Renxiang said in excitement. Her mood had taken a three hundred and sixty degree turn. From her seriousness to girlish and gossip mode.

"Sigh. Where should I even start?"

"Anywhere. Okay start from how he asked you to out with him today," Bai Renxiang gave her a place to begin with.

Ning Xiaozhi narrated everything that happened. Starting from when she woke up to see his morning text to their chat and him asking and she screaming and whatnot. All through the story, Bai Renxiang would squeal and hug her friend and gasp. She was making so many funny expression.

Bai Xiaojin shook his head seeing his mother that way. He wondered if his mother was still a young girl drowning in gossip. Tgen Ning Xiaozhi told get about the cliff incident.

"When I saw the sunset from there it was magnificent. I turned to thankvhin and BAM," Ning Xiaozhi clapped her two hands together.

"What? What happened? Tell me tell me please," Bai Renxiang begged as she inches even closer to her.

"We kissed "


As soon as Ye Chaoxiang got home, he was met with the curious eyes of his friends. He smiled and saunter into the living as he stared at them.

"I'm home you guys. Where is my welcome greeting?" Ye Chaoxiang teased. He knew they were itching to here the full gist about his day but he loved seeing them anticipate.

Seeing as they remained unyielding, he shrugged his shoulders and walked away from them. He was going to his room to taunt them even more and his s plan worked.

"Where are you going?" Li Fengjin asked.

"I am going to my room to shower, change and prepare dinner as promised," he replied innocently. "Or are you guys not hungry? If not I can just slepp off after bathing," he added.

"You can't do that. We've been waiting for you to come home," Yang Chen said.

"Quick question so that we all can just drop the act. What happened?" Li Fenjin asked.

"I have a girlfriend and we kissed."


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