Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 41: The Tree

Chapter 41: The Tree

“Alright- That concludes our lesson for today. Newton and Newton’s girlfriend, please sit together from the next class. Date sweetly. That’s it. Class is over.”

“Thank you for your hard work~”


Even after the math teacher left the classroom and the lesson was over...

No one in the class got up from their seats.

They silently looked back and forth between Eun-ha and me, seemingly observing how we were getting along.

There were those who looked with envious eyes, and those who softly lamented, as if to ask, ‘Is this really happening?’

I stood up, thinking that if either Eun-ha or I made a move, the others would go about their own business.

“Eun-ha, let’s go to the canteen.”

“Ah- Yep!”

It seemed like Eun-ha had the same thought, for she hastily got up from her seat.

Quickly, she rushed to my side and we exited the classroom together.

Eun-ha couldn’t meet my eyes, perhaps because she was incredibly embarrassed about the current situation.

“That was a very bold move, wasn’t it?”

At my words, Eun-ha stopped in her tracks and covered her face with her hands.

“Eun-ha, even your ears are red. It’s okay. I was really happy.”

“Uuu···! I didn’t think they’d react that much! Was I really that bold?”

“Essentially, you said you wanted to be with me all day.”

“That’s not wrong, but···!”


I was also caught off guard by Eun-ha’s remark.

Dating really sends the heart pounding without any mercy.

“Is it not the same for Han-gyeol···? Is it just me?”

Eun-ha looked at me through the cracks between her fingers.

I couldn’t lie when she looked at me with such hopeful eyes.

“Me too···”

“Is Han-gyeol embarrassed?”

“I wasn’t embarrassed!”

“You definitely were just now?!”

“Eun-ha. At this rate, break time will end. Let’s hurry to the canteen.”

As soon as I attempted to draw a boundary, Eun-ha promptly blocked my path.

She obstructed the direction I was trying to go with her entire body, demanding an answer.

“You have to answer properly.”


“Give me an answer. Were you embarrassed?”

When I resignedly nodded, Eun-ha wore a profoundly happy smile.

Perhaps Eun-ha was even better at expressing her emotions than I was.

Only then did she come to my side and match my pace as we walked.

As we passed through the hallway crowded with kids, Eun-ha cautiously took my hand.

With a mischievous grin- she looked up at me.

“Does Han-gyeol get embarrassed if I say things like I did earlier?”

“If you say embarrassing things, of course, it’s embarrassing.”

“I really like seeing Han-gyeol’s embarrassed expression.”

“It’s not a face I particularly want to show, so why do you like it?”

“Well... because only I get to see Han-gyeol’s embarrassed face. And also-”

Eun-ha continued shyly.

Biting my lip slightly, I braced myself for Eun-ha’s next words.

Surely they would be words that would strike my heart...!

“I’m so happy because it feels like I get to monopolize Han-gyeol’s embarrassed expression.”

As expected... I tried to bite my lip a bit harder, but it was futile.

No matter how many walls I built up, Eun-ha shattered them with a single word.

With that single phrase, a natural smile bloomed on my face.

“Eun-ha. You really···!”

“Why? Did I say something embarrassing again?”

“No. Please keep expressing your feelings so honestly.”

“Then, will you keep showing me that embarrassed face?”

“I’ll show it as much as you want.”

“Yes. I like it.”

I guess I could no longer call Eun-ha a girl who was clumsy at expressing feelings.

How could I say that when she expresses her emotions so candidly?

“Yes. I like Eun-ha too. Extremely so.”

At my words, Eun-ha’s face turned beet red in an instant.

Although she had become adept at expressing, receiving expressions still seemed to be embarrassingly unfamiliar territory.

Seeing her like this, she was indeed the Eun-ha I knew.

“Why? Are you embarrassed now that I said it?”

“Ah-! The canteen is going to close! Let’s hurry!”

“Eun-ha. You have to answer properly.”

With a smile, I parroted back the same words Eun-ha had said to me.

Eun-ha wriggled side to side, trying to escape, but I blocked her with my body.

Only then did she speak in a small voice.

“I’m embarrassed···”

“Mmhm. I can tell by looking at your face.”

“Ah-! Stop teasing!”

“We should get a cream bun you like at the canteen.”

“Ah-! That’s all in the past!”

“You were so cute back then.”

“Are you listening to me?! Forget about it!”

“Alright-! Let’s go, my Cream Puff!”

“Don’t call your girlfriend weird names-! What’s with ‘Cream Puff’?”

‘I’m so happy I could die.’

I too, wanted to monopolize Eun-ha’s embarrassed expression.


I was on my way home after having dinner with Eun-ha.

She was eating the orange-flavored candy I gave her for dessert.

“Eun-ha, what are you going to do when you get home?”

“Probably study? Midterms are in a few weeks.”

“We couldn’t talk last weekend since you were sick, and we went to see the cherry blossoms over the weekend.”

“Mm-hm. Why?”

“Just thinking, whenever we have time, should we study together? I’m not attending any cram school or anything.”

At my suggestion, Eun-ha blushed, seemingly pleased.

Really, her expressions transparently revealed whatever was on her mind.

“Okay. Is it alright with Han-gyeol?”

“I’d like to study with Eun-ha, too.”

“Should we buy something to drink on our way home, then?”

“Yeah. Is there a cafe on the way?”

“Oh, there’s a cafe inside our apartment complex. Let’s buy from there.”

“Today, I’ll have whatever Eun-ha’s having.”

Eun-ha seemed slightly pleased that I was matching my order to hers.

She asked me with a clear, bright smile.”

“Even if I order something super unappetizing?”

“Yes. Even if you order something super unappetizing.”

“Really~ Stop liking me so much.”

“How do I even do that?”

“Can’t manage?”


“Then keep liking me.”

“I will.”

With bright, cheerful smiles, we arrived at the café.

“Two Hallabong Ade, please.”

“Sure. I’ll prepare them right away. Please wait a moment.”

After placing the order, Eun-ha stood next to me.

“Is Hallabong Ade okay? That’s what I ordered.”

“Mm-hm. I like it too. But, Eun-ha, you seem to have a particular liking for citrus fruits.”

“I like oranges, hallabongs, cheonhyehyangs, and tangerines too.”

“Is there a specific reason why you like them so much?”

“Umm...I’m not sure? I don’t remember well, but I think I’ve often eaten them since trying them in Jeju Island.”

It didn’t seem like there was a particularly special reason.

“What fruit do you like, Han-gyeol?”

“Just plain old apples.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“When we get old, Eun-ha can plant a tangerine tree, and I’ll plant an apple tree.”

Eun-ha’s bashful expression was something I wanted to see.

So, that was why I blurted out those words...

Unexpectedly, rather than becoming bashful, Eun-ha responded with a smile.

“Right. That would truly be nice.”


“I think I’d be okay with living and dying that way.”

Of course, I too desired such a life.

But the weight of the words I just spat out, even to my own ears, was light.

It was a statement without even a vague plan, yet Eun-ha took it incredibly seriously.

She might have thought it was an irresponsible remark...

But rather, Eun-ha painted a picture of our future together in her mind and smiled.

If I’d known she would take it this way, I would’ve said it in a more serious atmosphere.

Since I couldn’t take back what was said, I hastily apologized.

“I’m sorry.”

“Huh? Why are you apologizing all of a sudden?”

“I feel like I spoke too lightly.”

“Huh? I know that even though you spoke playfully, it wasn’t empty words. So, don’t apologize.”

“Will you believe anything I say?”

“Of course. Wouldn’t it be weirder not to trust Han-gyeol, after all this time?”

Eun-ha spoke as if it was a given.

“Is that so...? I’m curious. What do you see that makes you trust me like that?”

“Seeing you speak honestly and accept things as they are?”

“Eh? Isn’t that nothing special?”

“In my personal opinion, I think that’s the hardest thing? Han-gyeol does so effortlessly what I find most difficult and can’t do. So, while it makes me envious, it’s also cool. That’s why I want to be like Han-gyeol, I guess. I want to become a person like you.”

It was a heart-pounding emotion, yet describing it as just ‘heart-pounding’ seemed inadequate.

How should I put it... it was a feeling that was immensely joyful, shy, and thankful all at once.

It felt like an affirmation of the person called ‘me’ and ‘my life’ in its entirety.

“I really like that about you, Han-gyeol. Of course, there are countless reasons why I like Han-gyeol, aside from that.”

In my own estimation, I was not as impressive as Eun-ha thought I was.

However, I deeply wished for Eun-ha to continue looking at me in that way.

“I’ll try. So that Eun-ha can keep thinking of me like that.”

“Hmm? Why try? Because Han-gyeol is already that person, aren’t you?”

“Still, I’ll try.”

As I clenched my fist and spoke, Eun-ha softly laughed and gently stroked my head.

“You’re so admirable.”

“Let’s live planting tangerine and apple trees, no matter what.”

“Shall we? Ah- does that mean we have to live in the countryside?”

“Shall we secretly plant one each somewhere?”

“Isn’t that illegal? Or can’t we buy just a small plot of land somewhere?”

“Should I look around for some real estate?”

“Should we look around together after exams?”

When I spoke in jest, Eun-ha responded with a warm smile.

“Let’s focus on studying for now and think about it step by step. We still have plenty of time.”

“Yep! Let’s do that. Ah- I want to become an adult with Han-gyeol soon.”

“What do you want to do once you become an adult?”

“Hmm- I want to do everything that can be done as an adult, with Han-gyeol.”

“Okay. Let’s do that.”

There was still a long time left until next year, yet I wanted to become an adult fast.

There were just too many things I wanted to do.

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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