Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 40: 486

Chapter 40: 486

“When did you two start dating? Have you been together since the start of the semester?”

“Were you and Lee Han-gyeol always close? Who confessed first?”

“What did you say during the confession? Where did you go for the Cherry Blossom Festival?”

Perhaps it was because of the profile picture and the wallpaper, but most of our classmates knew about Han-gyeol and me.

As soon as I arrived at school, I was surrounded by my classmates, bombarded with all sorts of questions.

“We started dating last week, and I was the one who confessed first.”

My whisper made all the classmates present show a mixture of shock and excitement, but soon enough, their faces twisted back into expressions of intrigue, leaning in closer.

It was understandable, given our age of nineteen, brimming with romantic notions about love and relationships.

“Guys. The teacher will be here soon, maybe we should go back to our seats...?!”

“No way, no way! We have a mountain of questions~”

“I’m in trouble...haha...!”

“How did you confess?!”

“Well...I just babbled on and then told Han-gyeol I liked him.”

“Kyaaa-! And then? What did Han-gyeol say?”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I lowered my head and said,

“Han-gyeol said...he liked me too.”

“Hehehe...! Really? So, how is it? Is it nice?”

“Yeah. It’s really nice. Now- guys! The teacher really will be here soon, let’s sit down.”

“Okay, okay. We might have prodded you too much? Date nicely~ If Han-gyeol does something wrong, tell us.”

“Mhm mhm. Go quickly.”

After all the classmates went back to their seats, I had a brief chat with Harim.

“Eun-ha. You look tired.”

“Huh? Do I? I was on the phone with Han-gyeol until late last night, so I slept in.”

“That’s not what I need to know, but okay…”

“Ugh- sorry. But if it’s not Harim, I have no one to talk about this.”

Harim wore a pleasantly surprised smile at my words.

“So, talking like that, huh? So? How was the Cherry Blossom Festival?”

“It was~ awesome. I wore the outfit that you and I picked out, and Han-gyeol really loved it. Thanks.”

“Really? Then let’s go shopping together next time.”

“Yeah. Sure. Ah- the teacher’s here. Now shh-”

As soon as the conversation with Harim was over, the homeroom teacher came in.

The teacher said it was time to adapt to our senior year in high school and that we needed to live a life as serious exam students now.

Even though it felt a bit conspicuous starting a relationship with Han-gyeol during such a time, if I could turn back, I’d confess again.

Even while dating, my feelings for Han-gyeol kept overflowing.

They were emotions I couldn’t contain from the start.


After the 1st and 2nd periods ended, the 3rd period of math class began.

Since Jang Yujin introduced Han-gyeol as ‘Newton’ before, the math teacher would call Han-gyeol whenever.

Today was no different; the teacher called Han-gyeol to solve the problem written on the board.

“Newton, come out.”

“Ah- Why is it always me?”

“You’re Newton, aren’t you? So come out.”

“Ugh- Teacher. How about giving a chance to other students sometimes?”

“Fine. Is there anyone else who will solve the math problem instead of Newton, no, Lee Han-gyeol?”

At the math teacher’s words, a silence enveloped the classroom.

In a silence so thick one couldn’t even hear breathing, I cautiously raised my hand.

The math teacher’s eyes widened, staring intensely at me.

And then, looking back at Han-gyeol, he shouted.

“Newton! You must be a good guy, huh?! This is the first time I’ve seen someone volunteer during my teaching career! Alright! She’s solving it instead?”

With the teacher’s words, the class turned their heads towards me.

With a proud smile, they let out a collective, ‘Oh~’ in astonishment.

I was so embarrassed that if there were a mouse hole, I would want to crawl in and hide.

“...Yes! I’ll try to solve it instead.”

“But why do you want to solve it instead? I’m genuinely curious.”

The classmates answered the teacher’s question.

“They’re dating.”

“They went to see the cherry blossoms over the weekend.”

Hearing the classmates’ words, the math teacher looked at me.

“If you can’t solve it, will you stand behind your boyfriend and take the class? Still want to solve it?”

The math teacher teased me with those words.

But since the math teacher started it... I responded a bit boldly.

“If, if I get it right, please grant me a favor.”

“Wow~ Making a deal here, huh? Hey, Newton. Should I accept this?”

“Teacher, please accept it manfully.”

“Wow~ This is fun. Alright. I accept. But if you can’t solve it, how about a buzz cut for Newton?”

“Teacher, that seems a bit too harsh. In a few years, I will have to shave my head anyway*...!”

The situation seemed to be escalating.

But there was no turning back now.

“I, I accept! Then, is it okay if I make an appropriate request too?!”

“Eun-ha? Wait a moment... Eun-ha?!”

Han-gyeol urgently stood up from his seat.

“It’s okay. I just need to get it right.”

“No, Eun-ha. Just wait! Life has moments where what you are sure is the right answer turns out to be wrong-!”

“Hey, hey. Someone shut Newton up.”

With the math teacher’s statement, the boys sitting in front and behind silenced Han-gyeol by covering his mouth.

“Uhh-! Uhhuhh-!”

“Don’t worry. I can solve it.”

I assured Han-gyeol, locking eyes with him.

Seeing my gaze, Han-gyeol quickly calmed down.

But honestly, I wasn’t certain.


“Uhh-! Uhhuhh-!!”

“Puhahahaha-! Alright! If you’re wrong, your boyfriend gets a buzz cut. If you’re right, I’ll grant your request.”

“You promise, right?! You can’t go back on your word!”

“If I break a promise, I’ll remain a bachelor for life. What will you do if your boyfriend refuses to cut his hair?”

“In that case, I’ll cut my own hair.”

“Wow~ I will honor it forever... Now- everyone, applause!”

As I received the class’s applause, I boldly walked to the chalkboard.

Although I read the problem slowly, it certainly wasn’t easy.

Still, I took a deep breath and picked up the chalk.

While sketching the graph of the function on the board, I found the graph that suited the problem.

From then on, I checked the conditional statements, wrote down the formula, and as time passed, wrote down the answer.

However, the number seemed somewhat ambiguous.

“486...? The number is slightly ambiguous; do you want more time?”

“Just...one moment, please! Let me double-check.”

Once again, I went through the problem, checking for any missed points.

Although the number 486 bothered me, I chose not to change my answer, holding onto confidence.

“It’s 486.”

“Are you sure? I’ll really shave Newton’s head if it’s wrong, you know?”

“It’s the correct answer, so it’s okay.”

“Really? Or else what?”

“There’s no way it’s wrong.”

As I spoke firmly, the teacher wore an inscrutable expression.

Was I wrong after all? Was it an incorrect answer? I was confident that Han-gyeol would even be okay with becoming bald!

The moment I swallowed, the teacher clapped his hands.

“Wowwww~! That’s the correct answer!”

“Woah-! Really?! It’s 486?! Han-gyeol! I got it right!”

I looked at Han-gyeol with a smile.

Without a word, Han-gyeol gave me a thumbs up.

I wanted to run over and hug him right then and there, but alas, we were at school.

Still, I was in an extremely good mood.

“Alright. What’s your request?”

It seemed like the teacher was going to keep his promise and grant my request. The vow of lifelong bachelorhood must have weighed on his mind.

“Let me sit next to Han-gyeol during math class-!”

When I made my confident request, not only the teacher but all of my classmates looked at me, their eyes wide.

I thought it would be a request anyone might make...!

The math teacher alternated his wide-open gaze between Han-gyeol and me.

I hadn’t anticipated this reaction.

It seemed like I had blurted out something immensely embarrassing.

While my face heated up in an instant, a few mischievous boys stood up.

“Teacher! My stomach hurts!”

“My stomach hurts too!”

“Teacher! My molar is sensitive! I think I need to go to the nurse’s office.”

“Aaargh-! Send me to the dentist...!”

When a few of the playful boys shouted, all the classmates laughed.

“Alright, alright- settle down. A promise is a promise, so do as you please. I mean it. You can go back to your seats now.”


I returned to my seat, doing my best to hide my blushing face.

The math teacher opened the textbook again and continued the lesson.

He picked up the chalk and began writing an equation on the board, then suddenly stopped.

He put down the chalk with a thud- and looked back at us.

“Kids. We have a big problem.”


“Ugh- I felt like someone had smacked my head with a hammer. I can’t teach like this.”

The whole class burst into laughter at the teacher’s comment.

It took quite some time before the lesson resumed.

Even though I was embarrassed for making such a bold move, now I can sit next to Han-gyeol during every math class.

As that little wish became a reality, the corners of my mouth kept rising.

I’m so happy.

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

[TL: *: In South Korea, individuals entering mandatory military service are often required to shave their heads as part of the military grooming standards. 

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