Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 36: Lord of Eternity

Chapter 36: Lord of Eternity

Everyone charge! Snatch their guns!

Seaver had been hiding in the village, and hearing the shocked outcries, he charged forwards carrying wooden spears in his hands, throwing them in front of the villagers.

The despairing villagers looked at Seaver, and then back at the spears on the ground.

Charge, if you dont want to die!

On the ground, countless black dots crawled out from the grass, madly rushing towards the armed men and going into their clothes.

Watching this sight, the villagers went from shock to joy in seconds as they crawled up from the ground with the spears in their hands.

Kill them!


Countless bullets were shot, but since none of them was aiming, the bullets flew towards the skies.

Seaver was at the forefront, piercing the neck of an armed man with his spear.

The others cried with joy as they belatedly found out that the ants on the armed mens bodies were not attacking them.

Gratitude for Gods protection!

And the enemies all fell, one by one.

Suddenly, Seaver knelt on the floor in prayer. And seeing this, everyone understood what had happened and started shouting at the top of their lungs.

Gods protection!

Gods protection!

Are you praying for gods protection?

A majestic voice boomed, shocking everyone into looking up into the air.

A black hole appeared in the skies as a human figure walked from the direction of the sun, his stride as wide as a thousand miles.


Its god!

God Boku has descended!

Everyone was trembling as they put their heads onto the floor, their bodies as low to the ground as possible. In their minds, they had originally believed in god, but none of them had seen him before.

But now, god had descended upon them!

There were people who had travelled the outside world amongst them, but none of them could explain what was going on. Was this man truly the god of their legends?

I am the Lord of Eternity, are you the ones seeking protection?

The voice spoke calmly, but it left a deep impression on all of their hearts as they trembled.

At the very end, Seaver knelt on the floor and raised his head to look at the shining figure in the sky.

God! We are willing to use our entire lives to worship and serve you, please bring us out of our misery!

He thought of how the outside world was flourishing, and the captivity of his village for the past year. After experiencing all of this, Seaver understood that the common folk were bound to suffer in a continent as chaotic as Africa.

No! The figure shook its head, to the despair of the people before him, I do not need believers, I need warriors.

Seaver looked at the trembling villagers kneeling on the ground around him and instantly understood.

Despite the fearful glances sent his way, he stood up and put one of his knees on the ground, his posture resembling a knights declaration.

Seaver will fight for god!

It didnt seem like the figure moved, it was as if it waved its hands, or a light had simply flashed. Seaver waited with an abated breath.

And a pillar of light descended from the skies, covering Seaver in its luminescence.

You will become the God of War.

Everyone had heard his voice and turned towards Seaver, who was covered in the pillar of light. Some of their eyes were filled with envy, some with hate. They regretted not taking the oath.

Seaver, who was still covered in light, felt his body float in the air as countless blots of light hovered in his surroundings, entering his body like little shooting stars.

When the pillar of light finally disappeared, Seaver landed on the floor as he felt a pang of hunger from his stomach.

I have given you the seed of strength, but I dislike those who reap without sowing, go and train!

And when it finished speaking, the figure in the sky slowly disappeared.

After a while, the people crawled up from the ground and looked at the reborn Seaver in envy.

SeGreat emissary of god, do you feel any difference in your body? The village head wanted to call his name like he did in the past, but he quickly stopped himself, Seaver was now the warrior of god!

As for Seaver, he could feel an indescribable difference, his body was now unfamiliar to him, but he knew that this was indeed his body.

There was unfamiliarity mixed in this sense of familiarity, and just as he started to inspect his body, countless memories surfaced in his mind.

Bajiquan Taijiquan Wing Chun Jeet Kune Do

Sanda Muay Thai Judo Taekwondo Grappling


Every one of his movements resembled someone who had trained for decades, the countless fighting styles were familiar yet foreign.

He! (Exhale sound.)

Seaver raised his fist in the Bajiquan style, shocking the surrounding people into retreating a step.

He recalled the movements of Bajiquan in his mind before his eyes turned sharp and an air of danger surrounded him.

The onlookers couldnt help but hold their breaths as they stared at him, not even blinking once.

And then, he moved.

His fists and legs moved relentlessly, with the sharp sound of wind and dust flying accompanying his every action. Seaver was like a grand master that had trained devotedly for decades, showing off his skills that would awe anyone.

He was just 20 years old!

Seaver didnt just stop at Bajiquan and started to practice Wing Chun next.

And after Wing Chun, was Tai Chi.

No one understood his excitement. The feeling of Gods care made him feel like he could fly.

He repeatedly practised the unfamiliar, yet familiar skills in his memory, using grass as his sword and sticks as his guns, every one of his actions resembling someone who had trained for 10 years without rest.

And suddenly, he stopped.


A strange sound came from his stomach, and his sweat-drenched body felt weak.


Seaver had never been happier, he shouted excitedly.

I want to eat!

The stunned villagers were brought back to reality by his roar, and started to cheer his name in joy.



Meng Ke had transmitted knowledge and strengthened his body with testosterone. The current Seaver had already accomplished more than what a person who trained his entire life could.

From this day forward, he would rise to the peak of the human bodys limits even without training.

As long as he lived, he would come to see that day.

Of course, if he was stupid enough to think that he could block bullets with his body, then Meng Ke would have to find someone else.

Tch tch.

Meng Ke sighed.

If anyone else knew about these, those people who visited gyms every day would be deathly envious.

Their painstaking efforts were incomparable to one subconscious guidance, this was spitting in the face of hard work!

Translators note

To be honest, I have no idea who Seaver is, I think the author changed Kenyas name to Seaver.

I will probably change Kenyas name in the past few chapters to Seaver in a few chapters if Kenya doesnt show up again.


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