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7 months ago
While standing beneath the Heavens, have you ever harboured doubts about the world you’re in?... Read more While standing beneath the Heavens, have you ever harboured doubts about the world you’re in?Some people had obtained the Scholar System and in just a few short years, they became the repository of humanity’s knowledge and became known as the master of all knowledge of the human civilisation.Then there are some that received divine blessings and embarked on a path to pursue the Dao of Martial Arts. They ended up being worshipped by millions, henceforth becoming the God of War.Then there was a person walking down the street when he suddenly stopped and looked up to the sky and roared, “God! I have returned!”Everyone is staking their life, fighting tooth and nail on their struggle on their way to the top.As for Meng Ke, who has stood at the pinnacle from the very beginning, will inevitably look down on the myriad worlds.…Illusion is reality. Reality is also an illusion.One day, Meng Ke discovered that he could create illusions and turn them into reality.But when the illusions are shifted into reality, bizarre things began to occur on Earth. Collapse Beasts, Cautious Protagonist, Cheats, Cunning Protagonist, Dark, Delusions, Evil Protagonist, Fantasy Creatures, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Level System, Low-key Protagonist, Magic, Magic Beasts, Male Protagonist, Manipulative Characters, Modern Day, Monster Tamer, Multiple POV, Psychic Powers, Ruthless Protagonist, Schemes And Conspiracies, Special Abilities, System Administrator, Weak to Strong Quote: klipI was answering on Inference of the information provided the the account that started this thread. He said no nationalism => government no like => gets banned Most times the completed ones with no nationalism will be rushed to wards the end or just axed.Some good ones are there that incorporate some blatant nationalism to keep afloat. Like top tier providence. SpoilerThere is a segment where mc sees a earth of that universe and understands that chinese are actually the superior race and blacks and whites originate from animalsOtherwise there was no nationalism whatsoever in itExample of something nice that got axed : Reverend Insanity If you want to read this novel, it's better to read it on the Chinese web, because the translation isn't much different Anyone know where to read the mtl good? Spoileruukanshu #panic#Phantom Translations have translated ch19 to 21, can be checked on Novel updates. Please Update, Thank you in advance! I'm sorry I had good hopes for this but the MTL level translation is killing the vibe. Stopped reading this ch 4. This is in my opinion pretty good. Definitely on the lower scales but still good. Hopefully this does turn to sh*t but seeing as this is a Chinese novel...I'm not that confident. Really rare to see a selfish MC with little to no nationalism Wait will definetly see him humiliate and derogate "island nation" and "random-chinese-name-with-caucasian-character-nation" write that one again. Well, the government there are very obsessive over thought radiation. They believe that all forms of thoughts fictional or dreams can effect reality, it really can. All forms of culture affects human emotions, mindset and health after all. Which is very nice if only they included all of humanity as a whole, but no. They didn't do that because they thought themselves as special children from the 'Heavens'. So there, you only got little open minded people there because the current regime was very strict on this thought pollution and they are spreading bad pollution to other nations. Well its not like they're the only ones that do this... Nah, the author seems to be a distinguished Chinese. He's pretty independent thinking, although I wouldn't complain if he went around messing with every country in the world. Ironically, the MC flipped the f#ck on his own country and went to Africa. I don't think there will be nationalism, much less racism, from what I'm seeing so far. interesting concept I liked this simply because it was very realistic. The MC had actual emotions and instead o getting strong without consequences, he lost many things. When he first got strong, he had lost his emotions and even thought he wasn’t him anymore. Also, the decisions made by the country are very realistic, they notice people getting smart without reason so they put them on watch lists, they find evidence of transmigration so they find and capture them, they find viruses that can strengthen humans so they do cruel experiments. Every things they do is something a country in real would do, not like other novels where the person is obviously a reincarnated and the country just ignores them.The Story is Crazy,There's no Nationalism,MC make Chaos everywhere especially in his Country,Chine Almost get Wiped out several time in this story I see. Seems like it will be banned pretty soon. It's already completed tho. Yup so already banned Wait did it had a rushed ending I was answering on Inference of the information provided the the account that started this thread. He said no nationalism => government no like => gets banned Most times the completed ones with no nationalism will be rushed to wards the end or just axed.Some good ones are there that incorporate some blatant nationalism to keep afloat. Like top tier providence. SpoilerThere is a segment where mc sees a earth of that universe and understands that chinese are actually the superior race and blacks and whites originate from animalsOtherwise there was no nationalism whatsoever in it Poor novel become short lived I guess this is what it means to shine the brightest for just a mere moment. If the author totally wiped China in the novel, I wonder if this story could be even published online in qidian/RR and other sites sigh, we have few authors who did this and we all loved them! Reverend Insanity is the one that hurts me the most since it's not even completed after my long arduous journey! It took so much time and stress to reach the exciting part yet IT HAD TO STOP! HMPH nice one China. so far it seems really good Rank: C- Can you say why you think this is a C-? They are novels that are almost above average and with little potential