Chapter 182

182 Chapter 182 Military Interview

It is said that the best liars are those who tell the truth, as strange as this statement may seem, this was not entirely wrong, the best way to lie is to mix the lie and the truth so much that it is almost impossible to distinguish one thing from the other.

As a career womanizer, Desmond was particularly good at doing exactly that... well, to be fair it was a skill he acquired to survive rather than seduce; it had been necessary during the year he and Claire had spent in the bunker years ago.

In any case, Desmond was going to have to use the best of his abilities in a short time as he was informed that due to the high profile of his petition an emergency board had met to review his case, the board was made up of some captains and officials who would not be easy to fool; unfortunately tricking them was exactly what Desmond had to do.

Sitting in a meeting room Desmond could see the three people in charge of reviewing his petition, two men and a woman, one of the men looked like an old retired veteran while the other was a charismatic young man with a smug smile on his face. ; Of course, Desmond was more interested in seeing the only woman in the room.

Long dark brown hair with a simple ponytail hairstyle, not too old but certainly not young, probably in her thirties, even with the thick military captain’s uniform on, the woman’s pronounced curves were still easily discernible; in short, she was a full-fledged MILF.

The older man was a government employee whose position and name Desmond decided to ignore directly, the young man on the other hand was a captain of the esper section named Elion; although the only reason, Desmond remembered his name is because the idiot kept staring at the woman indecently with lustful eyes.

It goes without saying that Desmond did not like idiots like that, ultimately the older girl was also a captain of the esper section named Sofia Evergrid, and with the last of the presentations made the meeting started.

The first person to speak was Captain Sofia who read some information from a folder in her hand.

′′ Desmond Astryd, 19 years old, was born on May 8, 2002. Your father was Eiden Astryd, an ex-military with a remarkable record, three bravery medals, and a purple heart; there are even medals that I didn’t even know existed.


Your mother was Samantha Astryd, a young musician with prodigious talent, she married your father at an early age and became a music instructor ever since; it seems like she trained some of the best violinists and pianists in the world.

The only other member of your family is Claire Lynwood, an orphan girl who was eleven years old when you became her legal guardian at the age of fourteen... shortly after your parents died.

Your parents’ cause of death doesn’t appear in the records, but at least we know they never made it to the shelter where you and Claire stayed for a year. ′′

Desmond remained indifferent during the time all the information was read, but it took everything he had to bear the anger he felt at the mention of his parents’ death, Desmond knew that the cause of death was never recorded, but someone would have to kill him to make him forget the fact that they were killed at the entrance of that shelter by a soldier.

Having read all of Desmond’s basic information, it was the cocky young captain’s turn to say the part about him.

′′ Your parents died five years ago and you only appear until now to make a request of honor... that is strange enough. ′′ The voice of the young captain was full of evil intentions and hidden accusations, Desmond did not even know how he had annoyed the conceited idiot, but the latter did not try to hide his contempt from him.

In any case, Desmond remained calm and refused to answer, after a couple of seconds of silence it was the old veteran’s turn to intervene in the conversation.

′′ Well boy, we have already read the files you brought us and corroborated with our records the validity of these, we also corroborate your identity and everything is in order so we should proceed with what brings you here. What do you wish? ′′

′′ I want to enlist. ′′ Such a straightforward answer coming from the lips of Desmond who had remained silent until now left everyone presents a bit puzzled.

′′ You do not need a request of honor to enlist. ′′ A dissatisfied voice interrupted the conversation again and Desmond had the momentary impulse to crack the arrogant captain’s skull to see if his head was as full of shit as his mouth.

Suppressing his violent urges Desmond elaborated more on his response.

′′ I wish to obtain the position of the first lieutenant directly, normally it takes years in the army to have that position in addition to the appropriate achievements and a recommendation from a superior officer; I want to directly obtain the position of lieutenant. ′′

Sofia, the only woman in the room was the only one who showed interest rather than anger at Desmond’s request; in general, the military did not like opportunists, and in the opinion of the two men Desmond was one, it was a pity that such a request was allowed under the military regulations.

′′ I see, it seems that you are familiar with some of our internal regulations, you are right normally those are the requirements for promotion of that class and with a request of honor with the class of merits of your father, it is possible to give you that position.

But you should also know that even then you will have to pass a basic military officer exam and some more tests to obtain that position. ′′

Hearing the old veteran answer, Desmond kept his stoic stance and replied simply:

′′ I do not find any problem with it, sir, I am more than prepared to take the exam for lieutenant... the complete exam sir not the special exam. ′′

Perhaps triggered by Desmond’s nonchalant demeanor, young Elion nearly jumped out of his seat to point at Desmond and mockingly say:

′′ Oh, you seem pretty sure of yourself; Do you think it is so easy to enter the army even if it is only the military section? ′′

Faced with the provocative attitude of the young idiot, Desmond answered his question as if it were the most obvious thing in the world:

′′ The military section? Sir, I think you have a misunderstanding ... I want the position of the first lieutenant in the esper section. ′′


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