Chapter 181

181 Chapter 181 In Kars City

The city of Kars was one of the 5 main cities of country F, due to all the chaos and destruction that the mutant beasts brought around the world, many small countries were completely wiped off the map while the remaining countries expanded their borders by devouring the missing countries.

But this expansion was merely symbolic, the reality was that the vast majority of countries had been severely damaged by the chaos of that year and were forced to concentrate their population in those cities that managed to remain standing during that period of time.

Walls were built and governments around the world spent most of their time trying to rebuild what they could and strengthen their defenses as much as possible, in the case of country F, it kept some cities and towns that were rebuilt little by little. .

At this time Desmond had just arrived in the city of Kars, compared to the town in which Desmond lived, this place was something completely different, if Desmond did not know better he would have thought that he had traveled in time to a city before the day of awakening; but Desmond knew well that this was only the superficial appearance of the city.

It didn’t even take a lot of research to notice the differences with the past, all one had to do was look up and look at the gigantic walls that surrounded this city, the high military presence was also difficult to ignore.

In any case, none of this was relevant to Desmond at this time, who was now heading to the city center where most of the buildings related to the administration and government of the city are located, which includes the military headquarters.

On the way to that place you could see both the good and the bad of the city, on the one hand, you could see well-dressed people, all kinds of cars traveling the streets including armored army cars and on the other hand, you could see more of one suspicious shadow in the dark alleys where no one was looking.

There was even a moment when a naive boy tried to steal Desmond’s wallet, believing that the latter was just a clueless tourist, in the end Desmond let the boy go, but that did not prevent him from noticing a particular detail ... a green handkerchief tied to the The boy’s left arm, Desmond recognized as a way to identify members of a certain city gang.

The gang was called the green ties and they engaged in various kinds of criminal activity, robbery, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, kidnapping, and extortion; they even recruited children to keep as pickpockets.


The reason Desmond knew all this is that he himself had worked for said gang a few years ago, Claire’s school costs had increased and there was a problem with the government subsidy so Desmond had worked as a thief for a couple of weeks for the gang.

Although at that time the gang was newly formed and his criminal activities had not expanded that much, in any case Desmond managed to leave the gang when the one in charge of him had mysteriously “disappeared”.

While looking at the little thief Desmond made a mental note about it for later and continued on his way, of course if Claire or Sasha were here they would have been able to recognize the kind of smile Desmond had now as he thought about the gang; it was a very familiar bloody smile.

The poor gang didn’t know that without even trying to cause trouble on their own someone had already put a target on their back, they could only blame themselves for being the perfect source of income without registering that Desmond needed for certain plans.

Leaving his plans for the future in the back of his mind, Desmond soon found himself on the outskirts of the military headquarters, taking a slow and deep breath Desmond’s attitude changed completely; From being the playful and carefree young man of all time, Desmond right now had a stoic and unyielding aura.

He didn’t even need a uniform, Desmond at this point gave the kind of impression that someone with a strong military background gives and he actually was, it’s just that those habits had long since been buried, but due to his current needs Desmond was forced to bring out the military enthusiast that he had been all those years in the past.

Having regained his old momentum, Desmond approached the building’s reception with a strict air around him, placing the small briefcase he brought with him on the receptionist’s desk; Desmond expressed his intention.

′′ I am here to make a request of honor. ′′

Desmond revealed the contents of the briefcase as soon as those words left his lips, inside there were a couple of folders with military seals painted all over the place, these were the military files of his father; in addition to that, there was a framed painting where all the medals that Desmond’s father had received throughout his career were kept.

The poor receptionist almost had a heart attack when she saw the number of medals and the pile of military files, you have to know that there are not many requests for honor today since the vast majority of people who could do them had already done many years ago; also the girl in charge of the reception had never seen so many medals at the same time.

Watching the girl nervously pick up the phone to call her supervisor, Desmond stood up straight and stoic, but inside he was smiling; The reason why he had chosen this pompous approach was precisely to be able to get through the bureaucracy as quickly as possible and seeing the uniformed man heading in his direction in a hurry Desmond knew that at least the first part of the plan of he had succeeded.

′′ It seems that now only the difficult part remains. ′′ Muttering to himself Desmond kept his demeanor calm and prepared himself for what was to come next.


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