Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 30: Accepting Burdens (1)

Chapter 30: Accepting Burdens (1)

Chapter 30: Accepting Burdens (1)

"I cannot believe I missed Avatar Kyoshi's presence!" Suki's loud groan reached the rest for the umpteenth time despite the whipping wind around them as Appa flew through the air at a shocking speed! She sat beside Nik, gently placing the cushion on her left thigh, keeping it warm since she got injured during the fight.

"Yeah, we all saw Aang turn into a woman," Sokka chuckled again as Aang's shoulder hung low even more.

"A woman who scared the Sokk-out-of you!" Katara smiled as Suki looked at the woman with an impressed expression, "That's a good one. But tell me more. What was she like? We left too quickly, and I couldn't even bid a proper farewell to others..." Suki inquired curiously.

It was as she said. The group left a little while after the Unagi retreated. Other villagers still doubted that Unagi might return to hound them. Sokka quickly quelled public unease by admonishing that it was the Islanders' desires in the first place that drove the Elephant Koi's number to descend. And as long as they kept some of it to share with the Unagi, it won't attack them unnecessarily. With the supplies gifted to the group, they left on Appa as Suki joined without Aang raising any problems. He was happy to have another companion.

"She said that I can't train in your techniques," Katara grumbled as Aang looked back.

"I think Avatar Kyoshi was right about that... I didn't want to say it because you're a little... scary," Aang breathed the last word meekly, his voice not even reaching the group behind.

"I didn't hear you," Katara spoke up.

"I mean that bending techniques follow a philosophical and a physical path. These two are needed, and no one should try walking this path without a master."

"Fine, I'll just sit back and keep on pitching tents... No!" Katara snorted angrily as Aang's lips twitched—see? Scary.

"What else?" Suki felt completely unbothered and questioned further.

"She asked me not to touch her sword again," Sokka shrugged.

"You-- what?" Suki flared as Sokka crossed his arms. "Hey, it's because of me bringing the sword that Aang could womanize."

"I didn't turn into a woman!" Aang finally scowled, "Avatar Kyoshi simply possessed me."

"About that..." Nik looked at the boy in wonder, more confused about the Avatar than ever, "How did she do it? Did you call her? Can you do that again?"

"No," Aang shook his head, "I feel that Kyoshi left me with an answer, but it feels too vague. All I know is that being close to the possessions of the past Avatars can help me contact them... probably."

"Here's a thought... why didn't you take something from Kyoshi's Shrine then? You could always call Avatar Kyoshi when things turn dangerous." Sokka posed as everyone looked at him. Once again disregarding Sokka because he did get it somewhat right, Suki looked at Nik, "And you? Did Avatar Kyoshi say something to you? The villagers said that she was right in front of you."

"Er... she said I did a good job saving you and can learn from you." Nik smiled at Suki.

"She called him a warrior," Katara lost her anger and supplanted his words with a smile as Nik shook his head. "Don't sell yourself short, Nik. A full-fledged Avatar returned from the dead to praise your actions!"

Nik shrugged. Kyoshi stated he possessed honor—something Nik didn't think twice about after the act itself. It's not like he would send himself to the jaws of a giant beast again. An Honorable man would act the same way again, right?

"Man... getting your honor praised even by an Avatar, hey Aang, say that I've got a warrior's honor!" Sokka spoke with envy before he looked at Aang as the boy looked back, cocking his head sideways.

"You do?"

Sokka's expression turned bleak as Nik couldn't help but chuckle and question, "Is it even important? Honor, I mean."

As he said this, everyone looked at him. Even the chittering Momo seemed infected by the silence and the staring as he looked at him with round green eyes. Feeling a little weirded out, Nik couldn't help but question again, "Did I say something..."

"Strange?" Suki completed his sentence and answered, "Very."

"Don't you feel the least bit honored an Avatar approved your actions?" she questioned.

"What's Kyoshi got to do with my actions?" Nik wondered, "I wouldn't have cared even if she didn't praise me. Kyoshi wasn't there when I picked you out of the water, right?"

Suki flinched and dodged his gaze. Brushing the strands of her hair behind her ear, the blue-eyed girl coughed and exclaimed, "A warrior without his or her expression of honor is simply an empty shell!"

"So it's unique to everyone?" Nik inquired. He was rightfully ignorant about the concept of honor, but Nik was also aware that he would never willingly try to save a stranger in such a situation. He would if he could kick a monster's ass with a flick of a finger! But as he was now? No.

"It's hard to describe," Sokka spoke up. "Father used to say it is his honor to fight in the war. But the other warriors said it was their honor to serve my father since he was the Chieftain before me. You're right, I guess. Until now, I didn't consider honor as anything more than just a word."

He looked at Nik, his eyes flickering with admiration and slight envy, "But I would be so happy if the next Avatar I encounter doesn't say—don't touch my sword."

Katara looked at Aang, smiling and changing the topic. "Aang, we should return to Kyoshi Island after a while. Maybe then you would find Elephant Koi Fishes to ride."

Visibly roused by Katara's words, Aang nodded and grinned.

"Anyway, where are we going?" Suki looked down, seeing they were getting close to the edge of the Earth Kingdom.

"To Omashu—"

"What?!" Suki instantly snapped, scaring the boy.

"Uh, I mean, you can't," Suki blushed, "Fire Nation controls Omashu... going there is bound to be far more dangerous."

Aang deflated visibly once again.

"Do you have the updated map?" Sokka inquired as Suki nodded.

"I thought it would be useful."

She fumbled through her baggage before tying it back to Appa's saddle and unfurling the scroll. Aang jumped back to land on Appa's back, too. Suki began explaining, "The Phoenix King controls most of the important territories as his fire nation soldier stationed in these locations alongside important nobles of the Fire Nation keep a check to political power."

"There are no rebels?" Sokka inquired with a frown.

"Even if there were, I wouldn't know."

"What about the territories not controlled until now?" Nik pointed at the few dots in the map still green and brown.

"All these are filled with complicated situations that even the Fire Nation soldiers couldn't do anything about, making them retreat eventually. There are a few rumors about ghosts, while a few villages are simply too destitute to garner any attention from the Phoenix King's forces. We can move through this route and eventually reach the northern end of the Earth Kingdom... But what are you guys going to do about the Northern Water Tribe? It's also under the Phoenix King's colors."

Katara and Sokka shook their heads, indicating their helplessness to the situation, but since they decided to ride, they would need to find a solution eventually.

"Can I ask something... what's the location of prisoners taken during the war?"

Nik pursed his lips and looked at others.

"Why?" Sokka frowned.

Not answering him with words, Nik held the scroll as it disappeared and reappeared. Momentary silence descended around the group aside from the noise of the whipped wind. Nik cleared his throat eventually, "I'm just saying. This ability is particularly useful in this situation. Aang wants to help, right? Freeing the prisoners should mean—help."

'And it will allow me to gain more AP.'

Everyone silently glanced at each other before Suki looked at the map and then frowned.

"The procession a few years ago wouldn't speak of the prisoners in detail. But I'd wager that many of these unmarked villages have their men taken as prisoners during the war and are now suffering for it. We can ask them for information," Suki's eyes revealed a glimmer, "And I'm already missing the ground under my feet."


Appa let out a growl as Aang smiled and patted Appa's back, "She wasn't talking about you, Appa. You're the best, but Suki also missed the ground."

As Aang began focusing on the 'road' ahead, Sokka smiled at Nik, "I'm just asking this out of curiosity, but can you also make... clothes disappear? Like, anybody's?"

Nik nodded calmly.

"Hmm," Sokka narrowed his eyes and let out a thoughtful hum, gears clicking inside his mind. Katara snorted seeing this while Suki looked at Nik, once again giving an impression that she had something stuck in her mind but pulled her gaze down towards the ocean again.

Everyone found their sweet spots on Appa's saddle to lean on and grew quiet, enjoying the ride and the wind as Aang, too, lay on his back with his arms crossed behind his head. Silently gazing at the clear sky, Aang recalled the steady and collected words before his consciousness darkness overcame his consciousness during the battle with the Unagi.

—"Just look deep, and we will guide you."—

Who will?

Aang questioned again.

Who is supposed to guide him?

But he slowly sat up and discreetly looked back. Gazing at Nik resting with his eyes closed, Aang once again lay down. There was another thing left in him by the same voice.

— "An Avatar brings balance to the world and the people. He is here out of a strange miracle. Bring balance to him, too."—

Aang only questioned one thing regarding this.

Where was Nik even supposed to be if not here?


"Here, let me help," Nik offered as he raised his arms. Suki jumped down, easily falling into his arms as he set her down. Suki would have trouble walking for a few days and needed assistance to climb down from Appa. The group looked around. They'd been traveling for more than 5 hours as the sun began to set, leaving an amber glare through the horizon.

"A village is nearby, according to the map. We cannot reveal ourselves this time because I doubt it will be another Avatar settlement," Sokka exhorted and looked at Aang. But they knew about Aang's stance on the matter.

"As planned, Katara and I will go and check the village. You two will stay with Suki," Nik nodded as he slowly let go of Suki's hand to give her enough time to balance herself.

"We will set camp and wait for you two. And Nik, if possible, find a replacement for my spear," Sokka glared at Nik since the traveler had broken the previous spear. Nik shrugged and walked away with Katara.

"There they go... I hope they have fun," Aang wanted to join in and explore.

"Yeah, right." Suki snorted, leaving Sokka and Aang confused. Sokka could only respond by twirling his index by his temple, indicating that Suki might have gone crazy.

Away from the group, Katara now observed Nik as they moved silently. The village was within its sights by now. Feeling Katara's gaze on him, Nik could only question, "Is something wrong with my clothes?"

A little jumpy after being caught rather easily, Katara hurriedly shook her head, "No, you just look different."

"That was the whole point in wearing clothes for men," Nik chuckled. He wore the same clothes as the residents of Kyoshi Island: A fur-lined blue tunic with a blue bandana covering his head.

"Yes, you look manlier- I meant, it suits you," Katara groaned internally while quickly correcting herself as Nik smiled and accepted the praise before looking towards the village. The duo began walking once again as Katara pursed her lips. With every passing second, she would grow more frustrated, and Nik sensed it again. After all, Katara had begun to huff purposely.

But the last thing Nik had in mind was Katara's thoughts. Recollection of the Avatar's power consumed his mind—that sense of presence that sent a shiver down his spine! The Paradise's Mission wanted him to kill THAT? Given that Nik never thought of actually harming a child but just the thought of the power categorized as a 'Rank 2 Mission' left him speechless. If that presentation of power would only be categorized as Rank 2 by the Transmigration Paradise left him speechless. If that is Rank 2, what about other ranks?

Nik had made it a goal to take more initiative, but how would he ever be capable of closing that much of a gap?

While self-doubt wrought in the mind of the recently acknowledged warrior, Katara suddenly held Nik by his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts, gesturing to remain quiet. They hid behind a tree as a young man with long brown hair and thicker facial hair, slightly unkempt and dusty, walked by them unsuspectingly. Seeing that Katara must have found something odd about the youth, Nik observed the man only to find nothing noteworthy.

"What is it?" Nik inquired as Katara replied equally softly, "He's completely covered in dust."

"Then he needs a bath," Nik looked at Katara strangely.

"No... he feels different. Look at his arms." Katara spoke again as Nik focused on the youth's hands. The first thing that came to his mind was power. The youth's exposed forearms looked wildly vascular as if his training and routine focused on the strength of his arms.

The youth soon left their vision. Nik looked at Katara for an explanation, but she didn't have any aside from a special feeling. The duo moved and soon reached the village. Despite being surrounded by a lush forest, something Katara was experiencing for the first time herself, the village was, again, 'dusty' at best. The cottages and huts could use reconstruction, and a few structures were made out of rocks as if sleek tiles were put together. But these structures could be counted on one hand.

There was no villager by the entrance to greet visitors. Indifference filled the expressions of the villagers, and even more concerning was the general lack of younger individuals in the village.

The duo stopped by a stall selling rockmelons. But unlike a ripe and full rockmelon that would drip with sweet sticky juice with each bite, the ones on the stall were merely a shriveled excuse for it.

"Yous a traveler? Come, enjoy two rockmelons. Only the price of one," An old lady attended the stall, welcoming the duo with a crooked smile. Her muddy eyes remained on Nik for a few seconds before she swooned over him.

"Oh, yous a handsome laddie. Eat one on the house. Then come to the house."

She gestured for Nik to take one of the wrinkled green balls as he silently judged that his 'bloodline' may work better on old women. But a simple recollection made him realize that he had been, pretty much, freeloading from the very beginning of his second life aside from working for Yuuko, and that, too, seemed to be a work provided out of grace.

"Thank you," Nik smiled and accepted the gesture with ease. The refusal came hard for him, especially with anything related to eating. 'No matter how it looks, it couldn't taste that bad, right?' He thought to himself.

"Could you perhaps tell us the name of the village?"

The old lady snorted a cackle, "Ooh, home is called home!"

"Where are all the villagers? And the children?"

Katara inquired as the lady shouted with surprising severity in her voice and eyes.

"What men? What children? We don't have any! You get out! Laddie, too! I bark, leave!" She growled akin to a feral menace, the intensity of her glare making Katara step back. Nik looked around, finding no response to the situation as if they all were accustomed to the old woman's temperament and this wasn't her first crazy rodeo.

"And give my melon back!" She hissed, making Nik quickly place the shriveled husk back on the stall as the duo left.

"What's with her?" Katara huffed.

"Probably old age," He replied. It was a simple observation.

Rolling her eyes, Katara refuted with a snort, "My Gran-Gran never acted like this."

"It's probably because she had you and Sokka with her."

Only then did Katara realize something. The old woman did say there are no kids here.

"Let it go," one of the middle-aged men passing by the duo advised, "The men who left for the war never returned, and the children that were later born... all of them are taken away. It's not just us... everyone from the surrounding village is the same."

"Can you tell us where the prisoners are?" Katara inquired as the man waved his hand, declining to continue to conversation.

Nik and Katara tried their luck at many places but failed to find anything of value. All the villagers seemed particularly tight-lipped about the situation, and they returned empty-handed.

"It's this bad?" Suki couldn't help but reveal a sorrowful look while Sokka, who had been planning to poke for his spear, remained quiet, too.

"And you said there was another man, who walked past you two?" Sokka questioned suddenly, and Katara answered with a nod.

Finally, comparing that man to the villagers, even Nik had to say that he looked certainly different. None of the men in the village looked close to how strong that youth who passed the two in the forest.

"There was no other clue about the children?" Aang inquired once again as Nik shook his head.

"One of them did say that all kids must go through reforms... but other than that, nothing," Nik replied.

"And this is just a small village," Aang mumbled. The boy began to feel the pit in his stomach once more. Men were taken away. Children, too. Where? Why? And this was simply a small village in the vast Earth Kingdom.

As if sensing Aang's thoughts, Sokka smiled uncharacteristically.

"This sounds like a detective's job to me," He leaned back against the tree with a calm expression, "Don't worry. I will find out where the children are. You all focus on the prisoners. One thing is clear a prison holds the benders where they can't use their elements or are simply killed off—it's common sense! It should narrow your scope of search. And there's another fact that the procession was clear about. To punish the factions who took part in the war, any prisoner caught is kept close to their home just to keep the population in check. After all, those imprisoned can be siblings, parents, or many other loved ones. So... a location close but away from the land would suit against earthbenders if they are alive."

"The sea?" Nik blinked and looked at Sokka for confirmation as the Chieftain grinned, snapping his fingers in tandem, "Bingo! I will go to the town tomorrow and try to find some things. Meanwhile, you all will search for the prisoners and help them escape."

"But wouldn't that alert the Phoenix King?" Aang inquired with a worried expression.

Sokka looked at the boy strangely and grunted, "Aang, I thought you wanted to help as many as possible."

Aang stopped speaking momentarily before rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that. I... I need to poop!"

Aang stood up, walking away as he waved at Momo to stay. The group looked at each other again, and Suki couldn't help but sigh.

"It must be hard on him, too..." She whispered.

"Now I feel like a douchebag." Sokka clicked his tongue.

"I'll go—" Katara spoke up when Nik stood up, "No, you stay. I think I have more words of wisdom to offer in this situation."

"You?" Sokka looked dubious.

Smiling casually, Nik spoke with much ease, "I know a few things about being scared. Might as well share it."

"Be quick then," Suki smiled, "I still need to train you later."



Alternate Title: Suki Missed Kyoshi; One's Honor; Nik Would The Same Even Without Kyoshi's Praise *Suki exe Stopped Working*; A Savior In Making; Need For Strength Over Benevolence; The New Destination; A Plan; The Destitute Village; Old Lady Has Crazy Rizz; Shriveled Balls; The Strange Youth; Aang's Conflict; The Voice Knows; Bring Peace to Nik, Aang—The Guiding Voice/ Butcher Dem Bald Orphans!—Transmigration Paradise; Aang is a Rank 2 Mission? Kyoshi is 3?; Aang: Katara, Nik, Have Fun! *Suki: Holy Music Stops Playing*; The Path of Bender is Philosophical and Physical. *Nik, The Future Woman Bender*: Ah, Yes. Bend Over Lassie, It's Time For Enlightenment; A Village Without a Future; The Next Tasks; Nik Has Experienced Wisdom; Katara is Annoyed? Why?


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