Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 29: Warrior (5)

Chapter 29: Warrior (5)

Chapter 29: Warrior (5)

Perched on top of a snow-covered branch and his staff set across his chest and shoulder diagonally, Aang brooded with a complicated expression while gazing at the coast, where he got a very impressionable greeting from the Unagi.

"This place used to be full of Elephant Koi Fishes and not an Unagi..."

Aang didn't know about Kyoshi Island or the Unagi. He spent his free time 100 years ago focused more on the world's marvels than the human settlements, and he was always active—not waiting for anything! He was always on the move during his breaks, from one fun adventure to another!

"Aang, you told us you'd show us how to run on water!"

Broken out of his thoughts, Aang looked down and saw a small group of girls cheering for him. His expression eased a lot as he jumped down with a bright grin. Making the girls gasp like usual, Aang made his body purposely descend slower than usual, as if a leaf gradually floated down.

"No way you're running on the water," A voice expressed dissatisfaction, and the group turned to look at a few Kyoshi Initiates along with Katara. Compared to young Kyoshi Initiates, Katara stood out not due to her skills but her height.

"Katara is right. The population of the Elephant Koi Fishes has decreased drastically, and the Unagi has become more aggressive. It would react violently to even the larger ships against its usual cautious nature. The beast is hungry, and if provoked... it may end badly," one of the Kyoshi girls spoke worriedly.

The new generation of Kyoshi Warriors had experienced this change firsthand. The Unagi attacked their larger vessels, causing many deaths!

"Heehhhhh! But he is the Avatar. He is all-powerful and can control all the elements, right? You said so!" The young girls around Aang whined and glared at the Kyoshi Warriors. Katara, in her Kyoshi attire, in return, gave Aang a sidelong stare.

"Phooh, phooh," Aang looked away with an unsuccessful attempt at whistling before he shook his head.

"I said I will help the village. Thinking didn't work for me, and I don't have the option to wait anymore. The only thing I can do is to act!"

Declaring so, Aang broke out of his group of fangirls as Katara frowned, following quickly.

"Go and call Suki and others. We need numbers to assist the Avatar since he decided to help us!" The leading Kyoshi Warrior orders one of the initiates.

"Alright, Noya," one of the girls left.

Meanwhile, Katara caught up with Aang.

"Aang, I know you're feeling impatient but heading straight forward is not the right way," Katara held his shoulder, stopping him.

"When faced with tough situations, we can either act head-on or think clever methods to avoid it or emerge victorious without being affected... there is no way the village can just evade the situation." Aang lowered his head, unwilling to avoid helping the settlement.

"Look, Sokka said that if the Unagi is hungry, it will start searching for food in other regions. Things will eventually calm down. They always do," Katara comforted Aang with a smile, but Aang shook his head.

"I thought the same thing... but troubles never go away," lowering his head, he whispered again, "They just end up being someone else's problem. Monk Gyatso said I would find a guide for my journey inside the Air Temple. But there was no one aside from the statues! I can't rely on anyone about what it means to be the Avatar. But I don't need to be the Avatar to help others! Maybe I have no one to rely on, but it won't stop me from doing what's right!"

Shrugging Katara's hand away from his shoulder, Aang began walking towards the coast when Katara sighed, "Then at least wait until other Kyoshi Warriors are here. They can help you."

Aang looked back, nodding in agreement.

The Kyoshi Warriors soon arrived, but seeing Nik missing, Katara couldn't help but question Nik's whereabouts.

"He's with Sokka in Kyoshi's Shrine." Suki explained, "Cleaning duty. I didn't bring him because I didn't want any rookies around, and it includes you, too, Katara. Everyone will go back to the village."

"But--" one of the girls aside from the Kyoshi Initiates whined as Suki glared at the little girl.

"I'll tell your mother not to bake cookies if you don't go now."

Her words affected the young fangirls as they quickly left.

"Sorry, Aang!" one of them waved and shouted while scampering off to the village.

Once the girls left, Suki eyed the remaining initiates as they dutifully retreated slightly behind but didn't leave. Katara frowned as she spoke up, "Look, I can help. There's plenty of snow here, and I might be able to waterbend away the attacks of the Unagi."

"We aren't looking for a chance of deflection, Katara. Sorry, but as you said, we might need you."

Suki patted Katara's shoulder and then looked at Aang, "The Village Chief asked me to thank you. Even if we all might fail, we all are grateful just because of the thought."

Aang nodded and took a deep breath.

However, he looked back again instead of taking action. "I don't want to kill the Unagi. I just wanted to clear that."

With that, Aang flicked his glider open and flew up. Meanwhile, Katara was left to wonder silently.

Aang said troubles didn't go away but burdened someone else until solved. The Unagi burdened the village. Driving it away meant setting it loose on someone else. So Aang's notion of not killing the beast surprised Katara since she couldn't think of any other solution.

'I'm starting to think Aang wasn't talking about the Unagi alone. He meant other troubles, too. But If he wasn't talking about the beast alone... then what else?' her gaze flickered momentarily.

As much as she would have enjoyed pondering over this cryptic conversation instead of participating in a dangerous mission completely unprepared, Katara's thoughts were cut short by the sudden eruption of water like a growing fountain the moment Aang reached further away from the land as the wide rending jaw of Unagi snapped into a quick bite barely evaded by Aang with a slight alleviation.


The sound of the snapping jaws sent a chill down the spectators' spines. As the Unagi's body lost momentum and began descending into the sea, Aang rotated his staff, closing the glider in response, and waved it downwards while breathing a lungful of air forcefully.


The furious gust of wind visibly struck down, sending the Unagi's giant, slowly falling body back and rushing down. Before falling himself, Aang maneuvered the wind around him to quickly begin gliding once again, flying straight up to pull enough distance between the beast.

Proving itself more resilient in its quest for food, even before smashing down with its heavy body now being a distracting force, the Unagi screeched loudly, shooting a jet of water from its mouth, aiming for Aang.


Everyone's eyes widened when the sudden jet of spray quick in its approach hit the unsuspecting Avatar, taking him down. The glider wing's wettened with multiple tears around its wings and the stick itself, a fate shared by Aang's clothes. The sound of water overshadowed his pained grunt.

"Aang!" Katara screamed, her armor already unbuckled as it would only serve to slow her down before she took into the water herself.

"Quick, distract the Unagi!" Suki ordered, prepared for such a scenario as three warriors good with their aims and steady arms stretched their bows. Though used to close-range combats with swords and war fans, the Kyoshi Warriors have utilized different weapons at times, too.

With Suki's words given, the three archers shot bamboo arrows chasing toward the upper body of Unagi over the surface. Unagi chased after Aang with a dive where he floated on his battered glider with injuries. The young Avatar came to be the moment he hit the water as he now swam back, quickly gaining momentum to run on the water eventually. But most probably learning from the last encounter or maybe just too impatient, the Unagi's body whipped, its large tail fin smashing towards Aang's location that he barely avoided, but he still got swallowed by the consequential wave of water.


Eyes wide, Aang quickly swam up as his hazy vision saw the beast's head rearing in his direction!

'Oh, no. Oh, no!'

Quick to escape, Aang resurfaced when Katara caught up to him.

"Just keep me a little up from the water," Aang quickly requested, and Katara began swimming back. Knowing fully well that Aang could swim, she still decided to approach not to burden the Avatar--

"Haaahhh!" She almost growled while forcefully pushing against the water. Katara sensed it again. A part of her that would eventually return escaped her body temporarily as it caused the water to press itself back with powerful momentum!


Unagi reemerged with a sharp screech, its speed far surpassing Katara's meager display of waterbending, but it had gained enough time for the Avatar to muster a deep breath. Another wave rose with Unagi's emergence, almost threatening to swallow Katara and Aang.


Exhaling, Aang used his airbending in the same manner Katara used waterbending. This time, the air escaping his lungs worked as a concentrated blast of wind that struck below its head while simultaneously blasting Aang and Katara backward!



The duo reached land, dragging back due to the force behind their escape as they gave a pained grunt together and heard Suki still shouting.



The Kyoshi Warriors cried aloud in affirmation at once, drawing their swords with a chilling and sharp sound. It confused Aang for a moment why the Kyoshi Warriors didn't feel safe even when on land, but Unagi's actions proved Suki's decision was correct when it jumped out from close to the shore and dove 'into' the land! Unagi's giant, slippery body violently smashed against the snowy shore as the Kyoshi Warriors quickly retreated.

"All of you, get back!" Suki waved at the initiates, who looked ready to join in. As teenagers, the group has always learned the philosophy of joining together. In layman's terms: Ganging up on their targets.


"Look out!"

Seeing the Unagi spray another jet of water towards him as if angriest at him, Aang quickly stood up and rotated his staff like a fan as a spiral of wind obstructed the water in its way—barely.

It came crashing down with force Aang hadn't imagined or expected. It was more forceful than before, and this time, instead of luckily landing in the water correctly, Aang was struck against the ground. His thin frame dragged against the mud and the snow before hitting something hard.


"And then the Unagi quickly began thrashing. We sent a few warriors into the waters to bait the Unagi away. We quickly brought others out once Unagi returned to the water as Katara and others distracted it. But Yona was stuck when she pulled Suki out."

The Kyoshi Initiate explained. It wasn't just Sokka and Nik she had rallied up but the entire village—those who could help picked their farming tools.

"Is that Kyoshi's sword?" The Village Chief gasped at the sight of the weapon in Sokka's hands when the young Chieftain shouted back, "Not now, old chief!"

Pursing his lips, the man only glared at Sokka helplessly. But when they reached the sight of the attack, almost all the villagers, including Sokka and Nik, had their courage deflated.


Appa growled, moving towards the shore as he saw Aang in trouble while Momo flew away for the very reason there was trouble. Nik found Momo being the smartest of them all despite being a Winged-lemur.

"Yona!" The girl cried out as they saw one short-haired girl dodging the Unagi's charge in the water!

"Save Suki!" The girl shouted without looking back. No one had any time to distract themselves.

"Sorry," Aang bit his lips as he twisted midair. His glider may be damaged, but Aang made it functional with skills alone. He struck with the glider, creating precise attacks by turning wind into the sharpest of swords slicing into Unagi's tail, which almost crushed an unconscious Suki hanging from a rock by the waters with her armor's buckle!

A long gash marking Unagi's tail made it screech painfully. Whatever injuries the swords gave his slippery body were barely worth mentioning as scratches, but Aang's attack roused its primal fear and aggression—


"W-what are we going to do?" One of the villagers inquired, thoroughly intimidated, but Sokka had already rushed past while shouting, "Nik, do some magic, will you?"

Holding the sword with two hands, Sokka wildly joined the attack as he stood by Katara.

"What were you thinking? Small eels are already dangerous! Did you think this mother of all Eels would be easy?!"

"Don't shout at me!" Katara glared in return--

"Watch out!" She kicked as the snow around the ground instantly shot up like a pillar, sending Sokka back while the Unagi's body stretched. Unaccustomed to the sword, Sokka lost his grip as he accidentally flung it away into the water.

"Oh, no... my Avatar sword!" Sokka looked distraught.

"Oh, no! Kyoshi's relic!" The village chief's emotions were several times worse!

Albeit close to the waters, the Unagi was still somewhat on land, and it would thrash and move by contracting and expanding its serpentine body in short intervals. How did the group manage to get it into the water away from them the first time? Nik and others didn't have to ponder such questions.


"Throw things at the beast! Distract it!"

Nobody knew who said it, but the villagers gathered adopted a strategy to not mingle with the Kyoshi warriors and disrupt them while trying to distract the beast.


Appa took to another strategy! The Unagi flew into the sea with a massive force at a flap of Appa's tail! It was a moment of respite for everyone except--

"For the love of sex god," Nik almost growled his birthplace's unholy insults as the Unagi smashed against the coastline of the bay where Suki was left stranded, her body only afloat because of a piece of the rock snuggling within the buckle of her armor. He was close to her. Too close to leaving her behind after reaching this far, choosing to save Suki after Sokka asked him to do some 'magic' when others distracted the beast. But as the Unagi slowly slid into the distant water, Nik held a terrible premonition.

Suki wasn't too far from the shore. Even if standing completely, the water would only reach Nik's shoulders but would submerge Suki completely. It would have been hard for others to unbuckle Suki's armor in such a state, but not for Nik.

Nik absorbed Suki's armor into his Scar of Infinity and hurriedly had her arms around his shoulders and his arm around her waist to move back. The originally calm location now felt eerie because the Eel was just a few seconds away should it wake up--


The water behind Nik turned into a wave as the beast shot out again. Nik was never really afraid of animals. Even if giant eels intimidated him slightly, it wasn't to the point of threatening to grip his mind and decisions. After all, he has been unfortunate enough to be raised by 'real beasts' of nature that elicited his fear rightfully. As the giant wave came crashing in, Nik submerged his right arm freed for such an occasion.

The water began to spiral and enter his palm mystically as his AP rose in his notification near the corner of his vision. Others would imagine it to skyrocket, but with water, especially seawater being as simple and plain as it comes, it only increased Nik's AP by decimals. He did it to reduce the water pressure around him and move quickly!

"Nik!" Katara held her breath, her body exhausted. She had never bent the elements in such quick succession, and neither was she aware of being capable of such a feat! The urgent emotions at the sight of the beast right behind Nik snapped Katara into a weird moment as the familiar 'sensations' left her body in great intensity. The water around Unagi suddenly felt heavy and restricted its movements barely, but it stopped the Unagi for a second as the water around the beast turned into a small slab of ice.


Aang flew over as the Unagi broke the ice while Nik almost reached the land. Even then, he would have to run since this beast was as dangerous in the water as on the ground.

"Ready your arrows," In Suki's absence, another warrior took charge and commanded the three archers who had collected their arrows to shoot again!

The bamboo arrows failed to pierce the beast, but they proved useful as a distraction.

"Stay away from them!"

Aang shouted, jumping down and waving his staff once again, generating a fraction of the force created by Appa that flinched the beast. Quickly diving into the water and wetting its face again, the eel charged straight at Aang.

The Unagi's dorsal fin stretched completely, indicating its agitated state. As Aang prepared for another forceful blow, one of the few things that proved to work against the Unagi, a sudden and swift slap of the eel's sneaky tail struck Aang away in the moment of the Avatar preparing his attack!

It surprised everyone. Aang flew into the water close to the shore, his body only submerged by half and close to the drowning sword that Sokka had lost grip of. Appa lost its aggression as he flew over to Aang's side without skipping a beat with a worried growl.

Nothing to stop aside from a few arrows, the Unagi locked onto a prey again. The rocks that the villagers threw were bare of any notice. Ordinarily, such a large crowd would drive away any beast well-fed and living a life of comfort, but the Unagi starved for days with anything barely noteworthy preyed upon! To the large body swiftly contracting and expanding towards Nik as he carried and ran with Suki, the entire crowd was one giant prey!


Sokka hurriedly held Katara as she, too, fell weakly. Her face was pale. Cold sweat broke out from her exhausted body as she gazed at the sight of the giant mouth snapping and barely missing Nik helplessly.

'Just let her go, dude! Just let her go!'

Nik roared internally. His seven days were up! He could retreat into the Scar of Infinity or leave this world altogether! But Strangely, the more he chanted, the firmer his grip on Suki grew. It wasn't because of fear of what the villagers would think or what the group of Kyoshi Warriors zooming in on his location might do. Every consequence of letting Suki go was in the distance compared to the fishy stench, horrifying screeches, and the dragging sound of the Unagi a few meters away from him. And with each second, it drew closer!

Nik safeguarded his armor in his personal world for mobility. He was already moving at the maximum speed his desperate mind and body could push him to, and he surely surpassed anything he could have imagined! It wasn't Suki's training that allowed him to perform such a feat but raw fear for his life!—He needs to let go!

He needs to save his life! He—

—A warrior is not someone who fails but someone who stands.—

"—Suki! Wake up! Do you want to go to a better place? Just say yes!" Nik's choice of words was questionable, but he shouted out loud, desperate for Suki to wake up. He couldn't let go. Her words stuck with him. It resonated deep inside of him! Was Esta any better than the snapping jaws of death behind him? No! He doesn't know if he's a warrior, but Nik recalled utter fulfillment in Suki's expression when she said those words. He was being stupid again, the same time when he tried escaping Esta—oh, so stupid!

But he couldn't let go!

Meanwhile, unconscious he may be, Aang still heard something.

"Just look... deep... we will guide you-- we were there-- in the temple--" It was a feminine but paradoxically warm and stern voice.

Aang's grip around the sword's handle, who knows how it got into his hand, suddenly tightened while his hand around the staff loosened. Appa's body crashed into the water at this moment.


Everything came to a standstill.

Nik escaped while carrying an unconscious Suki, the Unagi's jaws reaching for him. The desperate expressions on the faces of Sokka, Katara, and the other Kyoshi warriors froze. The rocks thrown by the villagers remained midair. The originally bright sky turned dark and gloomy, and despite only snow all around them, dust spiraled over Aang's body as he floated out of the water. The arrow-shaped tattoos on his body glowed bright, and in tandem, the eyes of the recently refurbished Kyoshi statue glowed!

But it didn't end there.

Every figure. Every painting. Every statue in the sanctuaries and every little representation of the past Avatars with their faces had their eyes glowing! Bright and piercing light shone over the war-torn world again!

And in Aang's location stood a towering woman wearing a green armored kimono, a fan-shaped headdress, and make-up much similar to other Kyoshi Warriors.


The world moved again. Or rather, the surrounding people could move again.

When the Unagi was clear to have torn off its prey, it suddenly found itself captured by locks of ice and rock with a woman standing in its way. The world still looked gloomy. Dusty sky covered everyone as the tall woman captured their visions!

"I get that you're hungry," the woman gently patted Unagi as it continued to look at the woman with a surprisingly intelligent and dazed look.

"I promised your mother when I settled here. Your nest will not be affected by humans. Forgive me and my people. It is our fault."

The woman spoke clearly, her voice traveling to every spectator on the scene.

"Let the Elephant Koi Fishes grow for a while. Once again, I promise you that the villagers on the island will only hunt one Elephant Koi every month. You shall rear the rest. Instead of destroying everything, let it thrive."

Although she spoke calmly, the woman held a stern tone that left no room for disagreement. The Unagi slowly nodded, its left barbel moving slightly towards Kyoshi as she held it and smiled.

"Thank you."

With that, the woman slid her foot slightly as the snow collected under the Unagi shifted, sending the beast back into the water. What shocked Katara was that as the Unagi turned, the giant of a woman in place of Aang waved her hand, and the small portion of the sea glowed, healing the entirety of Unagi's injuries!

Looking down, the woman gazed deeply at the sword and whispered, "Young Avatar, justice is often swift. But aside from humans, beasts are never malicious. Their problems lie in settling and eating only. When it comes to them, strive to create a balance." Her words were meant for someone they couldn't see, but the woman was sure the target of her advice heard her loud and clear.

With that, she looked at the villagers.

"Kyoshi Warriors, hear my will."

The woman spoke coldly this time as every Kyoshi Warrior fell on their knee, calling loudly, "We are at your service, Avatar Kyoshi!"

Avatar Kyoshi... Sokka, Katara, and Nik watched in a daze as the latter let Suki down, his heart thumping into his ears despite surviving the ordeal!

"Any pirate, villager, or outsider who hunts Elephant Koi Fishes aside from the allocated number will be met by a swift execution."



Kyoshi looked around, her gaze falling on Katara, and then the Avatar gazed at Nik.

"That waterbender is not meant to be a Kyoshi Warrior. None of you will muddle her path of bending even if she wishes so from now on," Kyoshi referred to Katara and then pointed the tip of her sword at Sokka, "And never touch my sword again."

The young chieftain hurriedly nodded, sweat streaming from his forehead as his views of the world shattered.

"Young man," the Avatar then turned to Nik, her gaze softer but her tone as stern as ever, "You have a warrior's honor. But I will not change my rules for you either. No man shall join the Kyoshi Warriors... but you may learn from them."

Nik looked slightly dazed. He wouldn't have even cared if the woman... or this ghost suddenly said that he couldn't learn from the Kyoshi Warriors.

'But honor? Me?' He not only mocked the Avatar but himself, too. His expression was all too evident.

"You doubt my words." Avatar Kyoshi stated as a matter of fact, "But you will understand its meaning as long as you stay."

The dust rose again. This time, instead of collecting over Kyoshi's body, it escaped from her! The sky returned to its rightful color while the being in front of Nik turned into Aang once again.

Or was it Aang the entire time?

The young Airbender silently fell to his knees and collapsed. The realization struck Nik that he felt weak in the knees.


A/N: Alright, now this is slightly AU. In the show, Aang can connect with his past life. But aside from this spiritual guidance, there are two instances where the previous Avatar possesses Aang. I think in the comics, too, Aang is no longer possessed again. The first time is by Avatar Roku during the winter solstice since it is stated that the spirit power rises greatly during that time.

The second time is by Kyoshi. But when it comes to Kyoshi, it seems like there are two things to be kept in mind. Her own will, and the situation. Kyoshi only possessed Aang to confirm that she was indeed the one to kill Chin (or whatever his name was) and it looked like she didn't have the same constraints as Roku. So, it can be speculated that to have a previous Avatar possess the new one, the situation must also be connected to that particular avatar as I showcased here when Kyoshi made the deal the Unagi's predecessor. And, the power of the said Avatar must be kept in mind, too.

Now, it's already known that Kyoshi is by far one of the strongest Avatars. Spiritually and physically. So maybe she simply doesn't need other forces to assist in possession? Anyway, this entire possession plot point was already murky to begin with once Kyoshi possessed Aang in the canon so I decided to have some fun with it.

I hope you enjoyed this episode: Warrior, too.


Alternate Title: Can't Fear Your Troubles; Facing The Unagi; A Clash Between Sea and Land; The Slippery Monster; Inexperienced Avatar; There Were No Guides? The Collected Group; Sokka Finesses Kyoshi's Sword?; Appa Can Solo The Verse; Momo Being the Smartest; The Stranded Suki; Rising AP; Wielding Great Strength; Can't Let Go; A Honorless Warrior's Resolve; To Stand; Animals Are Less Scary Than Men; Nik's First Life and Death Encounter; The Thumping Heart; Sokka: We'll Keep Your Identity Secret To Keep the World From Learning the Truth *Avatar Mode Laughs In Spiritual Light*; The Hungry Beast; Suki! Wake Up! Let's Enter Me Show You A Whole New World—Nik, Probably; The Distant Sword; The Guidance; Kyoshi's Arrival; A Spiritual Menace; Stern Woman; Aang Gets Possessed; A Warrior's Honor?; Kyoshi: Never Touch My Sword *Sokka Pisses Himself*; The Exception to No Guy's Rule; The Return of Order and Honor; Beasts Are Not to Be Killed But Balanced With the Environment; Aang's First Step; Spirits Are Very Real—Sokka and Nik Find it The Hard Way


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