Origin Seeker

Chapter 21: Last Day

Chapter 21: Last Day

Dream and Riddick discussed plans at the table.

"You said something about going to the Enchanted Mountain?"

"Yes. It was so you could do research for your weapon. Honestly, I would prefer for you to use a blade or become a mage. Your skill that has intelligence would allow you to dominate those in your class. Maybe even above. But I understand the perks of those weapons as well. Fast, powerful, and you can shoot a lot. Like an archer, but maybe better. Either way, I know some people there that can help you and it would be a good place to start for the girls."

"Indeed. Though there is something you might be misunderstanding about me."

"Oh? Do tell."

"I don't only plan to stick with shooting. I plan to learn about all fields."


Riddick looked at Dream with a confused face.

"Why? You can only get strong if you focus your attention on one type of combat. Splitting your attention can hurt your future growth."

"I disagree. I think the only way to get strong is to learn everything. Mages and archers are great in ranged combat. Melee types are the opposite. If you find someone who can do all three, they will have no weaknesses."

"That's why you have teams. You find companions to cover your weaknesses in combat. And I say you already have a good team right now. Iris is close combat, Luna is the healer and support, you are ranged. So why do you need to learn more? You can just stick to perfecting your shooting."

"That's the problem. I think you forget that my shooting skill is already maxed out. Plus, there are no profound arts to the ways of firing a straight bullet. Another reason is because I wish to incorporate everything around my shooting. I need to learn magic so I can create better bullets and guns. And I need to learn blade fighting so I can protect myself up close and move my body better."

"...Then are you sure you're able to? I don't want you ruining your future because your ambitions were too big."

"I can and I will. I already died once because of hopelessness. This time, I have a chance. That, and I also have my Title. Don't forget that I gain proficiency 5 times faster. Isn't that 100 years of training in 20 years?"

" *sigh* I forgot about that monstrous Title. Alright, Boy. I won't convince you otherwise. The Mountain will be our first objective."

"Ok. I just need to know where to go. You have a map?"

"I do. Here."

Riddick summoned out a map and laid it on the table. It had the forest and the surrounding area on it.


[Already got it]

Dream nodded at her.

"I got it. Although there's no sense of direction here so I hope you know which way."

"Of course I do. We'll be fine. I'll also let you see this."


Riddick took out another map, except this one was much bigger. He unraveled it onto the table.

"This is the map of the world. Three continents, 4 human Empires, 3 humanoid."

Dream studied the map. The Human continent was a wide oval shape. The four human kingdoms were arranged with large distances between them. The Enchanted mountain was near the top where a mountain range was. The mercenary kingdom was near the southeast 'corner' of the oval. This was also where the landbridge to another continent was. The Spire was almost in the middle of the continent while the Sword School was to the right by the coast. And around those Empires there were many other kingdoms, much smaller in size, but more plentiful.

"Do the 4 Empires like to dominate the area around them?"

"Yes. It's mainly for all the hunting grounds or dungeons. They don't like to give those up and prohibit any kingdoms from intruding."

"Wait. You said dungeons? What are those?"

"Dungeons are pockets of space that hold monsters. There are some that appear and disappear, but others will not. They're regulated and only people with the designated level can enter them. Towns are often built around them as people like to make money off of the materials from monsters. This includes mana stones."

"...Well that's an important bit of information. What can mana stones be used for?"

"Crafting mainly and sometimes spellcasting. Crafters use them for many different things, but mages can use them as a catalyst for spells."

"Very cool. There's a lot I need to learn, but that won't happen today."

"Indeed. Well, we will be heading to a village tomorrow. Our forest is located below the Enchanted Mountain. This area has nobody ruling over it. The village is actually on the outskirts of a nearby kingdom run by a 3rd class mage."

"Interesting. Will we head to the kingdom's capital?"

"Yes. It's on the way."

"Alright. Then any final preparations will be made tomorrow."

Dream got up with Riddick after ending their chat to go to bed. 


Today was their last day at the house.

The girls were rather anxious as they had never stepped outside the forest. They were trying to find things to do, but ended up doing nothing just thinking about it. 

Dream on the other hand, was in his room. He was laying on his bed with something in his hands.

"I was dropped here by someone. Someone who could save me and move me across worlds. And this letter is my lease on life..."

[Someone who gave you your abilities too. Don't forget that remark on your title. Apparently, the system is an enemy of sorts. Either way, the answers will come after you gain strength.]

Dream pondered the future while holding the letter he got when he first came here. Turns out, it doesn't wrinkle. 

*knock* *knock*

Someone knocked at the door. Dream could guess who it was.

"It's open."



"Hi, Luna."

Luna walked into the room and shut the door behind her. 

She had her headphones around her neck and was dressed in some of the clothes he got her. Specifically, yoga pants and a cotton shirt. 

Dream stared at her for a second.

"Something wrong?" (Luna)

"I should get you clothes that you don't look so sexy in."

"Wha...? Why?"

"Because the men of this world won't know how to control themselves in front of such a delicious booty."

"D-Delicious? That's an odd word to use..."

"I'll get you something. Until then, get that delicious booty over here."


Luna chuckled and walked oversetting herself down right next to Dream and started cuddling.

"What's that letter?"

"I found this next to me when I was first dropped here."

"The writing on it sure is amazing..."

Luna admired the writing as she read it. When she was done, Dream put it back in his inventory.

"So the person who brought you here gave you that letter?"

"I think so. No other explanation...*sigh*"

Dream took a deep breath and moved closer to Luna for comfort.

"Are you anxious about leaving?"

"Ya. But I'm also excited. Meeting new people, and we can fight new monsters. Everything will be new. Dad has told us many things, but I can't wait to finally see them."

"That's good. I'm also interested to see what this world has to offer."

Dream really was excited about finally exploring this fantasy world. He would get to see new people, gain new knowledge, and he was prepared for anything.

They both stayed like that for a little while. 

Although she said otherwise, Dream could feel how nervous Luna was. It made sense though. She may never come back to this place again. The home she stayed in since she was a child with her sister and dad. It was comfortable, safe. She knew she had to leave, and wanted to as well. But it was difficult.

They didn't need to talk to hear each other. He just held her, letting her know that he was there.

After almost half an hour, Dream broke the silence.

"The only thing that's gonna suck is not having toilets."


Luna thought about it for a second and realized he was right. It isn't something you really think about, but it was definitely important.

"I don't wanna go anymore..."


He laughed at her comment. He could probably figure something out for that, but things wouldn't be as luxurious as they are now. 

He was interrupted by someone though

[You could get a compact mini-house and just summon it out whenever you need to camp. That and there are portable toilets.]

'...You're a genius.'

Dream just kept Sophia's idea to himself though. He could surprise them later.

Dream and Luna both stayed together for a while because what could be more comfortable? Eventually, things got a little more heated and they made out. It was something they would do whenever they could. It was difficult though as Riddick didn't like her in his room. 

They enjoyed each other while they could until they were called.

"Everyone! Come to the living room." (Riddick)

Riddick called them all out to the room. He probably wanted to discuss tomorrow.

Dream and Luna both got up and walked outside. They were met with Iris' glare.

"What's wrong Scarlet?"

"Shut up! You know what..."

Dream chuckled and just sat down. Luna followed suit.

"Alright. I explained it to you, Boy, but not the girls. So, here's our general plan..."

Riddick started explaining to them what he planned to do. Going to the Enchanted Mountain, researching items, and whatever else they could do.

"It's mainly for the Boy that we're going. And when he gets what he needs to, I plan on moving to the Spire. One, so you guys can go training at the leveling grounds all around it. Two, so I can get back to my own training. I've been gone for nearly 20 years, and I'm not getting any younger. Any questions?" (Riddick)

"I assume we will be able to train in magic at the Spire? There's probably a school right?" (Dream)

"There is. If you all are interested, we can get you signed up. It'll be easy for you all to get in because of me, but I still want you to go through the entry exam. Don't ask me what it is, you'll find out when you get there." (Riddick)

'An entry exam huh? Do you know what it could be?'

Dream threw the question at Sophia.

[It might be anything from weaving spells to mana control. Maybe sensing mana? The ways of magic in this world are still pretty unknown.]

'They are. I should just start working on controlling and sensing mana myself. Although I have you, I at least want to understand the concept behind everything.'

[I understand. But also keep in mind I am your skill. I consumed the awareness ability and have the senses. I just use it on your behalf. You have absolute control and access to what I have. Don't be afraid to use it.]

Sophia spoke with reassurance, and she was right. She technically is Dream's skill. It's not like she's going anywhere. Why shouldn't he use his skill just because it's in a different form?

'Thanks Sophia.'

[Of course!]

After talking to her, Dream focused back on the topic at hand.

"I won't be long at the Mountain. I just need information. Plus, I'm eager to start fighting. Does the Mountain have any hunting grounds?"

"There are most likely several. I haven't been there in a long time though so I'm not sure."

"Alright. Well let's just focus on the village and capital first."

"Indeed. Girls. Start getting things organized and packed. We leave tomorrow after breakfast."

Riddick got up and walked away after reminding them. Dream had actually given them suitcases so they could easily pack their stuff. He would then just store it himself as it was all things he summoned. 

The girls went to their rooms because now they had something to do. Dream, on the other hand, went to his workshop to store everything.

Most of the stuff inside the workshop was actually just garbage. Many little experiments and many little explosions. He just summoned a big trash can and threw everything in there.

After a couple of hours, it was getting close to dinner. Dream finished packing anything useable and tossed all the garbage to the side.

When dinner finally came, everyone just sat down and ate. Nobody really said anything. And when dinner finished, they all just went back to their rooms to finish packing. Dream also went to his room to take care of the stuff in there. 


Morning came and everyone woke up earlier than usual out of nervousness. 

Since everyone was up so early, they all brought out their bags to the living room. 

Breakfast was made and ate. And when everything was finally done, they sat together one more time.

"Is everyone all packed?" (Dream)

The girls nodded their head. Riddick had been ready for a while so he didn't say anything. 

"Alright. I'll store your stuff and get the helicopter ready. Any last things you want to do, do them now." (Dream)

Dream walked outside to their makeshift helipad and summoned out the helicopter. He then told Sophia,

'Start it up.'


The helicopter went through its startup. Wind blew everywhere and scared any small animals hanging around.

Dream stared for a while before going back to the house. He found the suitcases full of clothes and other items and stored them.

Everyone was also standing around. It was time to head out.

"Everyone ready?"

Dream asked and got head nods back. 

"Alright let's board the chopper then."

Everyone took one last look and walked out of the house. They boarded the helicopter outside and found their seats.

When everyone was situated, Dream gave the command.

"Sophia! Let's get our adventure started!"


Her voice came over the speakers of the helicopter. Moments later, they began rising off the ground and into the air.

Everyone looked through the windows at the little cabin that got smaller and smaller with each passing second, until it could no longer be seen.

Their new beginning was finally getting started.


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