Origin Seeker

Chapter 20: Alcohol

Chapter 20: Alcohol

When sunset finally hit, Dream started pulling out alcohols.

Tequila, Vodka, Beer, Champagne, Whiskey, Margarita mixes, and wine. All the main categories were there.

Dream got recommendations from Sophia for the 5 best in each category and soon, nearly 50 bottles were on the table.

He set out a wine glass, a mug, and a shot glass for each person. 

As Iris and Luna saw him, they got interested in what he was doing.

"Dream? What's all those bottles for?" (Luna)

"These bottles hold all the different types of alcohol from my world. Me and your dad are going to be drinking some. And you guys are going to join us."

"Us? Why would our dad let us drink alcohol?" (Iris)

"I told him that you guys need to learn to handle yourselves while you're still around people you can trust. We don't want you two getting shitfaced in a pub one night and getting taken advantage of because you don't know what to do."

"Huh? You think we can't handle ourselves? It's just alcohol! We would never let anyone do want they want to us just because we drank some!" (Iris)

"As expected from Scarlet. Such naivety. So cute." (Dream)

"Excuse me, I know plenty! This alcohol can't do anything to me anyway." (Iris)

"Then you won't have any problems drinking with us tonight! I thought of this mainly to have a little fun before we leave. Letting you guys experience it at least once is just two birds with one stone." (Dream)

Dream finished setting things up while talking. 

At this time, Riddick walked into the kitchen.

"You got everything, Boy?"

"Yessir. Let's eat first. Can't drink on an empty stomach."

"Why not?" (Luna)

"Cause you'll get messed up faster." (Dream)

Dream pulled out the dinner he made earlier and everyone ate. 

"I saw all the bottles. Are those all the kinds of alcohol your world has?" (Riddick)

"Not even close. Theres 7 or 8 main types that everyone drinks and I summoned 5 from each type. Only the most popular and tasteful. If you don't find these satisfactory, I can only wonder what kind of godly brewmasters you have here."

"I look forward to it. Luna. Iris." (Riddick)



"Don't go too crazy." (Riddick)

"Ugh!" (Iris)

"I'll try..." (Luna)


Dinner ended quickly and it was time to get started.

Dream gave everyone their glasses.

"There's different cups for different drinks. Some you drink straight out of the bottle. It depends. Anyway, We'll start with the light stuff first. Beer is definitely the most popular drink, but most of the time it isn't strong. It's usually drunk in large amounts and this is the one you drink out of the bottle. Here you go..."

Dream handed everyone a bottle of beer. It was already popped open and Riddick was the first to taste it.

"Hmmm. An interesting taste. And what's this bubbling?"

"It's called carbonation. Just some air bubbles infused into the drink. They go away eventually."

Riddick kept drinking, pleased with the beer. The girls on the other hand had a different opinion.

"This isn't very good..." (Luna)

" *pui* This is nasty! How do you drink a lot of this stuff? It's like bubbly liquid...bread!" (Iris)

Neither of them were pleased with beer. Honestly, it wasn't Dream's favorite either.

"It's an acquired taste. I didn't expect you guys to like it. Finish it though." (Dream)

He knew they wouldn't care for it, but that's actually not why he gave them some.

What happens when you drink carbonated drinks? 

*Burrrpp* (Riddick)

"Hahaha! Nice one Old Man!" (Dream)

And soon after

*burp* *burp*

"..." (Luna)

"ugh... I don't like that..." (Iris)


Both Dream and Riddick started laughing their buts off. Dream because Luna's embarrassed face was super cute. Riddick because he never thought that sound would come from his girls' mouths.

They moved on to the next drink after Iris got pissed off and threw the bottle. The next one they tried was wine.

"This is wine. It's poured in this glass. They're made both strong and light. These aren't so strong so we'll have them."

Everyone had a glass of wine while Riddick actually drank a whole bottle. He smiled at Dream as if he was superior.

"What you want Old Man? Trying to challenge me? That can wait until we get to the stronger drinks."

"Heh, I'd like you to try, Boy."

Dream went through Champagne and then mixed some margaritas. The girls liked the margaritas because they had more taste to it. Riddick also liked it as he had never had such tasteful alcohol before. 

They all tried a glass and sometimes three. Until Dream came out with some bigger hitters.

"These have much more alcohol. At least triple. This is Vodka, Whiskey, and Tequila. It is also the drinks that we use these glasses with."

Dream pointed to the shot glass and the small cup for tequila and whiskey. Riddick wasn't impressed.

"You really use these tiny things? I guess I expected too much."

"It's normal for my world. They're called shots. You pour a glass full and then drink it really quickly. Because it has much more alcohol, most people couldn't handle the taste, but they still drank it to get them messed up. If the girls were on my world, they might be able to do 3 or 4 before getting drunk."


"But we aren't doing that here. At least, you and I aren't. I'll have the girls do some shots though."

Dream slid a bottle of Tequila over to Riddick. He then poured a couple of shots for the girls. He did one to demonstrate.

"You see this? You dump it to the back of your throat and swallow all at once. Try it."

The girls grabbed the glass in front of them and tried what Dream did. Just not as well. They basically just poured it into their mouth.

"Blehhh!! *cough* *cough* This is horrible...*cough*" (Iris)

"...." (Luna)

Iris started coughing as it tasted horrible and Luna was shaking her head trying to handle it.

"Heheheh. Old Man. You ready?"

"Anytime, Boy."

Dream picked up his bottle and Riddick did the same. They twisted off the cap and reached over to clank their bottles.




They knocked it back and started drinking.






Both of them put down the bottle at the same time.

"WHOO! That's hard stuff!!"

"Ahh...This really is strong. Boy, I have to say, your world is already impressive."

"Haha! Of course. Drinking is an adult's favorite pass time, and a teenager's most rebellious activity!"


"Yup! In our world, you have to reach a certain age to drink otherwise it's illegal. But a lot of teenagers still drink at parties or in secret."

Dream and Riddick started chatting while the girls were looking at them, mouths agape.

"Hey! I only tried one tiny glass of that stuff and I was coughing! Why are you guys okay after drinking all that?" (Iris)

The two men looked over at the newbie with smug faces.

"Hehe, look. I think even with mana she would still be a lightweight." (Dream)

"Hahaha!" (Riddick)

"Shut up! Don't laugh at me!" (Iris)

Iris tried reprimanding her dad for laughing at her with a red face. 

"Iris, they both have probably drunk a lot of alcohol before. Dream said it's an acquired taste." (Luna)

"Ugh! I don't care! This stuff is nasty anyway. Only the margarita was good."

Dream had made a lot of margaritas as they tasted better. So the girls just sipped those. 

Meanwhile, the men were over to the side competing.

"Old Man. You dare try a glass of fireball?"

"Fireball? Is it strong?"

"Maybe not strong, but it sure gives a kick. Here."

Dream brought a whiskey glass over and poured out some cinnamon fireball. He hated the drink because of the cinnamon, but maybe Riddick would like it?

He slid the drink over and Riddick drank it. The next moment,

*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*


He started coughing and Dream started giggling with an evil look on his face.

"What's wrong? Is it too strong for you?"

" *pui* That's not strong. But what in the hell is that taste?! That burn was horrible! This is a disgrace to alcohol!"

"Hahaha! It's made with cinnamon! That's what causes the burning. Fireball is a popular drink for crazy people. I hate it too so I guess I won't fault you. Girls! You wanna try?"

He looked at the girls.

"No! If even dad can't handle it what makes you think I can? (Iris)

Iris yelled at him for even suggesting it. Luna was more adventurous though.

"Umm. I guess I'll try it?"

"Oh? Here, take a glass."

Dream poured her half a glass and set it in front of her.

Luna picked it up and sniffed it before taking a sip.

"...It's not too bad. It burns a little but at least it covers up the alcohol taste."


Dream and Riddick looked at her with complicated faces

"Old Man. Are you sure you're daughter is normal?"

"Not if she can drink that and be fine."

"I-I'm perfectly normal! What's so bad about it?"

Luna got embarrassed from being teased. Meanwhile, the boys didn't want to think much about why she liked it.

Dream kept going through and pouring different alcohols. The girls eventually just stayed with the tastier stuff while the guys went with the whiskey and tequila.

Dream's favorite is actually tequila. He would drink a lot of that stuff back on earth. But Riddick came to like bourbon the best, a type of whiskey.

They kept drinking and got buzzed. Everyone would start hysterically laughing over stupid things and doing some funny stuff.

Eventually, Dream brought out one last one.

"This! Is! Moonshine! It has lots of alcohol! But you don't taste it! Try some!"

He handed out jars after overenthusiastically introducing it. Everyone opened it up and drank some.

"Wooowww!! You really don't taste much! This is good! (Iris)

"Impossible..." (Luna)

"It tastes like the margaritas just less fruity. How much alcohol is in here?" (Riddick)

Riddick asked after discovering Dream was right. 

"Easily very strong. Maybe more! It's actually reallyyyy illegal in a lot of countries because it's easy to make. Or something like that?"

Strange but understandable explanations came from Dream's mouth. Riddick nodded his head in 'understanding' and drank some more.

By this time, the girls had already got drunk off of the margaritas. But the moonshine really sealed the deal.

"Dream...Dream!" (Luna)

"What?!" (Dream)

"Hehehe I loooovvveeee youuu hehehe" (Luna)

"You shouldn't say that in front of the old man. He might yell about how old he is." (Dream)

"I'm not old punk. I'm experienced!" (Riddick)

"Dad is old..." (Iris)

"Not old!" (Riddick)

"Gimme a kiss Dream!" (Luna)

"If you're gonna kiss anyone kiss your daddy!" (Riddick)

"Ew! Don't say that! You're too old for that." (Dream)

"Say what?" (Iris)

"Daddy. It was a very SEX-ual-IZED word on my world! Luna can call me daddy!" (Dream)

"Daddy Dream!" (Iris)

"No! Nevermind! I take it back!" (Dream)

"Why?!" (Iris)

They talked about very random things. It was a couple hours into the night when they decided to stop.

"Alright! *burp* Now we need to clean out the poison." (Riddick)

"It's not poison..." (Iris)

"Luna." (Dream)

"Huh?" (Luna)

"What's cooler than being cool?"

"Ice cold!" (Luna)

"I can't hear ya! I said, what's cooler than being cool?!" (Dream)

"Ice cold!" (Luna)

"AlrightAlrightAlrightAlrightAlrightAlri-" (Dream)

"Shut up!!" (Riddick)

Riddick stopped them and had everyone start filtering their bodies. Mana was able to restore the body to its original condition, and alcohol was not part of that.

After 10 minutes or so, everyone was back to normal.

Riddick then sent the girls to bed because it was actually close to morning.

When they were gone, it was just the two men at the table.

Dream brought out some water for both of them. Mana wouldn't rehydrate them.

Riddick took a sip and asked a question.

"How are your preparations, Boy?"

"I think I'm all good. Transportation, gear, food, got it all."

"Alright. Then we can head out soon."

"I was thinking we could leave after tomorrow. We can have one more day in the house."

"That sounds good. I was going to let you know some of the plans I have in mind."

Dream nodded to him. This was important for their journey.


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