Origin Seeker

Chapter 17: Want you Both

Chapter 17: Want you Both

Iris was in her bed, but couldn't seem to sleep.

She was thinking about Luna and Dream. How they were being all lovey-dovey with each other.

Not that it was obvious. But she knew Luna well enough to notice those subtleties. 

That, and Iris had felt it.

'After me and dad left the shed, they did something. I've never sensed that from Luna before.'

Iris felt the heat from her sister. It was distinct because neither of them has had that feeling before.

'And when Luna came out, she was... happy. Not that she isn't a happy person, but that was different. She was also embarrassed when I asked about it. She tried brushing it off. And during dinner, she was constantly glancing at Dream. Talking all sweetly with him. Just...what got Luna so excited?'

Iris was racking her brain about the possibilities. They had never had experience with the matters of a man and woman other than what their dad taught them about. But hearing about it was way different than it was happening in front of them.

But Luna was definitely getting closer to Dream. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing but...

'What about me?! I'm here, aren't I?! Why is it only her that's getting attention from him? I mean, I know she's always going to him for petting or whatever, and I know I keep more distance...I just wouldn't mind something more. Like what they're doing. That idiot, he was so bold when we first met, what happened?'

Iris would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous of their closeness. She just wasn't as straightforward as Luna with what she wanted. 

She may be fiery on the outside, but as she was Luna's opposite, she was quieter on the inside. She hoped Dream would see that and accept her too. 

'I have the same feelings anyway. Our connection makes it so that we affect each other. It'll get complicated if we fight each other. Whatever. Maybe I can talk to Luna later.'

After Iris decided to put away matters of love, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. This shouldn't be hard, if not for that fact that she noticed something

'Luna? She's with Dream? Maybe she's going to get pet again.'

Iris didn't think much about it at first, until she sensed the same emotions from earlier today.

'What're they doing? This is that same feeling...But it's stronger. Way stronger. And it's not just my soul connection. I can even sense their mana. Their mana is...Bonding? Seriously what are they doing? And...Wait. His soul. I can feel his soul? Luna?!'

Iris started panicking after realizing that their soul connection was being tampered with. Whatever was going on, she felt it could be dangerous. She had never felt anything intrude upon the connection between her and Luna

Iris jumped out of bed and opened the door, where she was met with another face.


"You felt the mana too?"

"Yes. But there's also something going on with our connection. I can sense it..."

Iris' face started to flush as she felt the emotion coming through over the connection. It was loving, trusting, and a little lustful. And it was very intense.

She wasn't lying about feeling the same things as Luna. Their emotions were partially shared, and they balanced each other out. But in the case where both of them felt the same thing, the feeling was strengthened. This was that situation.

"Your connection? What is your sister doing?"

Riddick walked down the hall to where waves of mana were coming from. He stopped in front of Dream's door.

"That Boy. What the hell is he doing?"

*knock* knock* *knock*

"Dream? Luna? What's going on?" (Riddick)

Riddick knocked but no answer came.

"No choice then."

He opened the door and walked into the room. When he passed the barrier that blurred senses, he was astonished.

"Why are you assimilating mana? Hey! Snap out of it!"


Dream was fully entranced by the amazing feeling that came with 'feeling' Luna. They could feel each other's happiness. It was pure bliss.

But after a while, Dream sensed something else. Or, someone else to be exact. 

He could feel a bit of jealousy, but also a tinge of sadness. And he had a feeling he knew where it came from.

'Iris? She's jealous?'

Dream thought to himself, but he wasn't expecting to be heard.

'Dream? That's you?'

'Luna? But...'

'Ya. I think our minds are connected. This feeling....It's weird but...amazing.'

Of course it was. He felt it too! But before that...

'Hey, I can sense Iris. I knew you guys were connected, but this deeply? I can feel her emotion through you...'

'We share emotion with each other. And yes, her feelings for you are almost the same as mine. Although not as deep, but they are there.'

'....Are you okay with that? The last thing I want to do is cause a divide.'

'I am. And so is she. We are considered one person with two minds. You don't need to worry about that. Just give her the love you're giving me...'

'I will. If that is what you wish for.'

'It is. I...I really like you. Or...I think I love you. And I want us to stay together when we leave this place. I know you've only been here for a couple of months...but I don't want you to leave me when you go. I hope that's okay...'

'It is. It's great actually. I'm happy that I'll get to have you by my side. Though I can't believe someone as gorgeous as you would fall for someone like me...'

'Y-You....Saying such embarrassing things...And you're good looking! Especially your body...I've never seen such strong muscles.'


Dream laughed in his head sheepishly. He did have an amazing body. Even before he came to this world, he was known for how shredded his muscles were. You could even see the muscle fibers rippling under the skin when he flexed. And his muscles weren't huge either from gaining the strength stat. They were instead compacted some, and it was truly a sight to behold. 

Dream and Luna continued to bond while their minds became connected. They couldn't sense anything going on outside. Luckily, there was still someone who could snap them out of it.

[Hey you two! This can't go on for much longer! You guys also have company and this could get dangerous.]

'Huh?! Who's that!' (Luna)

'Don't panic. That's my skill [Sophia]. It looks like we took it a step too far Luna.'

'Y-Ya. Maybe we did. But it was just...so...'

'Amazing. It definitely was.'

Dream finished it for her. He could almost sense her thinking.

'But before we separate...'

'What is it?'

'I really like and love you to0.'


Dream confessed his love as he couldn't leave her hanging. 

Luna was surprised, but tremendously happy. She thought he might not say it as they got sidetracked, but he did.

However, they couldn't well up in emotion now. Dream spoke to Sophia privately.

'Cut it, Sophia'

[Okay! Be prepared for some explaining.]

With one last comment, Sophia started sorting and separating the mana of the two. She then carefully cut the connection between souls that they developed.

Once it was dropped, Dream and Luna both started waking up.




Dream and the family were sitting at the kitchen table. 

To say the least, it was super awkward. 

"So you guys don't know what happened? You just...started assimilating mana?"

Riddick spoke to them. Dream and Luna were sitting across from him and Iris.

"Well...It happened naturally as we were together. We were just listening to music, and at some point our mana mixed. I started to feel Luna's connection to Iris after some time, so that's probably how she got alerted. And you felt the mana?" (Dream)

"Yes, I did. At first I thought you were working with a skill or one of your devices. But I felt Luna's mana mixed in and got confused. When I walked out, Iris was there panicking. And now I get it. There was a connection built between you two. Hell, I can still see the connection. When exactly did you guys get so close?" (Riddick)

Riddick was baffled by what happened. He just couldn't get how they were able to feel each other so deeply. It's not like they had a kid!

"I...I really don't know. But it wasn't intentional. It's good that I had my skill, or else it would have gone farther..." (Dream)

"That's the thing, Boy. You don't know this, but souls have the inherent instinct to avoid anything that can affect it. This includes other souls. How your souls became so trusting of each other is beyond me. I had known something was between you two, but I didn't think it was so intense..." (Riddick)

Riddick rubbed his temple in complicated thought. He wasn't at all naive about how close Dream and Luna had gotten. His senses were keen and he wasn't stupid. But it had gotten this bad? He's taking his daughter! What father wouldn't be conflicted?

"You don't need to worry. The only people I'm worried about are you and Iris. I won't back down easily, but I respect you. I won't take anything away from you." (Dream)

" *sigh* " (Riddick)

Riddick stayed silent as he watched the two across from him. Luna's face was still red as she hung her head down, and Dream sat there with his arms crossed. He had made his position clear.

"When we finally leave this house to travel, we will meet many people and the girls won't be so naive anymore to society. When they meet others, they will finally make some friends and become socially experienced. If a day comes where we split, their decisions will be made on whether they will come with me, you, or someone else. Maybe even go alone. But we need to get out before anyone starts making promises. No offense, Boy, but they might not fall for you after meeting some of the men out there. The ones I know in the mage community are very exceptional."

"Oh? Is that a challenge, Old man?"

Dream perked up after being pitted against other men. 

"Heh. You can see it as you wish, Boy."

"Hah! You haven't seen all of me yet, Old man. And neither have they. I will lose to no man! Do you think my death and reincarnation was for nothing?"

"Big talk. Hopefully, you'll be able to back it up. Anyway, I won't press anymore on this, but I hope both of you can keep it in check. Can you do that?"

Riddick wasn't exactly keen on his daughter and new boyfriend making babies while he was around. So he asked if they could keep it in their pants.

"W-We weren't gonna go that far..." (Luna)

"Hah! I saw exactly what was going on. Hehe, it almost reminded me of when me and your mother first starte-" (Riddick)

"Ok! I got it! No more!" (Luna)

"Hehehe..." (Riddick)

Riddick had fun teasing Luna and stood up. It was still the middle of the night, and they needed sleep.

"Alright, Luna. Let's head to our own beds." (Riddick)

"Ugh..." (Luna)

Luna, red as an apple, got up and walked out with her dad. 


Iris and Dream were left alone at the table. Nobody talked for a minute, until she broke the silence.

"You really love her that much?" (Iris)

"I think you know the answer to that."

Iris nodded her head. They had felt it through the soul connection. She didn't know why she asked.

Iris was looking down. She had a depressed aura that Dream could easily sense. He could tell that she was conflicted

"I know she loves you too. Since we have the connection, I can't exactly just split and leave, but I can leave you two alone. You won't have to worry abo-" (Iris)

"You know, there was something that I failed to mention to your father a second ago."


"You and Luna are two sides of a coin. I realized that when we connected. What I failed to tell your father, is that I don't only plan to fight for one of you."

"....What? You mean..."

"I mean I'm a greedy person who doesn't want to give you up to some random shmuck from off the streets. Catch my drift?"


Iris didn't respond. She was trying to process what he said.

"Scarlet? You got a loading icon on your face..."

"W-Wait. You mean you like...want us both? Like..."

"Yup. I like you both so I want you both."

"But you can't!"

"Yes I can. Who put a rule saying I can only take one! I. Want. You. Too. So I'm going to fight for you."

Dream spelled it out for her very clearly, but she didn't seem to accept it. So he forced her hand.

"Do you not want me? I mean it would hurt, but I can respect it-"

"No! No, that's not...! It's just, I can't do that to Luna..."


Dream put on a serious face and stared right at her, smiling in his mind. Iris got nervous from the stare and turned her gaze away. 


"....You really are the shy one aren't you?"

"Wha..? Shut up! I am not!"

"Hoho, you sooo are. Comere."

After messing with her, he stood up from his seat and walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

He put her into a nice bear hug. And after a little, he faced her.

"Your sister and I already knew you would be like this. So she wanted me to tell you that it was okay. I mean, she's your sister. She would never push you away. And I would never be the one to separate you two. You got that?"

"I...okay. I understand..."

At Dream's firm declaration, Iris gave in and buried her face in his chest in happiness and embarrassment. She was sorry that Luna would have to share, but happy that her sister was okay with it. 

Dream was also overjoyed.

"Hahahaha! You're so cute!! Gimme a kiss you beautiful thing!"

"A kiss?! I- mmph!"

Dream interrupted and sealed her mouth with his.


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