Origin Seeker

Chapter 16: It’s a Classic

Chapter 16: It’s a Classic



Luna pulled her face away from Dreams chest

Luna's beautiful face was in full view right in front of his. She was looking away in total embarrassment.

"C-can I...I don't know..."

She started hesitating but Dream knew what she wanted to do.

'Does she?! I don't know 100%!'

[She does! Either way it doesn't matter!]

'It definitely does!'

[Use that mouth for something other than talking! Kiss her you fool!]


There was much going on in Dream's head but none of it showed.

But he decided to go for it.

Dream lifted her chin with his finger. They stared into each other's eyes, and then closed them.

Their lips met.

Dream screamed in his mind as he kissed Luna

'Holy shit I did it!'

It wasn't that he had never kissed a girl. It's just that he truly could never get over how nerve-racking a first kiss was. Especially when it was with a supermodel level beauty such as Luna.

They lightly kissed for over a minute. After which Dream then started slipping in a little tongue. 

After that, things started getting more heated, and Luna showed no signs of wanting to stop. Learning how to use her tongue took a little practice, but she didn't have much of a problem. At some point even, she pressed deeper. 

After some time, they were in a full-blown make-out session, and Dream started getting curious.

'Luna is way more gentle of a person than Iris, but could she unexpectedly be the more sexual one? Maybe Iris is the shy one when it comes to this stuff. I would love to see that.'

[You gotta get her first. But handling both of them may be a challenge.]

'I know it may be weird but it's even weirder seeing them apart. I've also noticed something, they seem to be connected. Similar to a mana channel, but not the same. Since I'm so close to Luna, see if you can detect it without her noticing.'

[On it.]

Dream gave the command and continued with Luna. Although he was talking with Sophia, it only took splits of seconds for their conversations to happen. Not enough to distract him.

Unfortunately, they couldn't continue forever. After almost 10 minutes of french kissing, they separated.

Saliva bridged between their lips as Luna's tongue was still partially out. Her eyes showed just how much she loved it as they stared at each other for a second. 

And after staying like that for a bit, the heat died down and they both got out of their trance. They separated their bodies that were still fully pressed up against each other.

During this time, Dream had obviously gotten full measurements while she was against him.

'I was wrong, that's a D.'

He corrected himself on a crucial fact and switched his mind to other topics.

"...I guess It is almost time for dinner."


Luna's face was flushed red. It especially stood out with her perfect white skin. 

Dream turned and picked up the phone to hand it to her. 

"You'll find a lot of songs you like on here. I'll also be able to send you some."

"Ok. Do you have anything else to get done today?"

"I only need to check out one thing. But it won't take long."

"Alright. I'll be preparing dinner."

"Oh, I think I put some frozen pizzas in the freezer if you guys want that."

"Ok. I'll go ask the others."


Saying bye, Luna left the shed. 

When she closed the door, Dream plopped down into his chair and closed his eyes. There was emotional processing to do.

"I didn't think she would actually want to do that. "

[Aren't you glad you went for it though? Now you don't have to be one of those protagonists that doesn't even make eye contact with a girl until the end of the story.]

"Of course I'm glad, who wouldn't be. Now I just have to worry about Iris. Speaking of, what're the results?"

[You were right about the connection. But it may be even deeper than expected. They're almost like two halves of a whole. This would be easier to figure out if we could see the mother. Either way, Iris takes after the father and Luna should have taken after the mother. When the girls were born, It is likely that they started as one child. But the child couldn't be created with both skillsets of opposing types, so the types of skills, dark and light, were split among two daughters. Creating Luna and Iris.]

"But since they were split from one, they retain a connection. Do you know what kind of connection?"

[It might be a connection of two souls. That's my best guess.]

"That can be good and bad. Well, no use stressing over it. Sophia, tell me about my inventory."

Dream asked Sophia about something he noticed when he woke up. The inventory tab was no longer locked. He hadn't noticed until recently but it'll probably be very important.

[Sure. Your inventory comes from your summoning skill. It hasn't unlocked until now because of your low mana. But now that you can maintain the subspace with mana, you can use it. It allows you to store a limited amount of external items, and all of your summoned items.]


[Yes, all of your summoned items.]

Dream didn't respond and just rubbed his temple. All of his summoned items? That's a lot.

"Well, that makes things very convenient. But I will indeed have to pick up many external items. At least I can live completely off of my summoning ability now. That's good to know."

Dream experimented with the inventory and found that it was true. He really could store everything he summoned. And taking them back out was just like summoning too. But he came across a problem while testing things out.

"If my mana signature is erased from the item, it counts as an external item. And if I want to re-store it, I have to spend mana for almost as much as I bought it for."

[Just make sure the signature doesn't get erased and you'll be good.]

Dream nodded and stood from his seat. He could smell the pizza from the house and knew it was time for dinner.

3 pizzas were made and eaten. The surprising part was that during dinner, Luna wasn't embarrassed about anything.

Nothing showed on her face and they talked fine. She was definitely sweeter to him than before though. He wondered if she just took making out lightly, but the conclusion Sophia came to was...

[She's a sex fiend.]

'She is not! Where did that come from anyway?! What are you looking at on the internet?!'

That totally absurd! It would be hot, but still!

Dream just disregarded that comment and moved on. 

Not long after, night fell and everyone went to their rooms to sleep.


Dream was in his big bed that had a couple of very comfortable sheets. 

As he gained stats, he started to become less affected by temperature change. It almost made him wonder if the AC in the house was ever necessary. 

But it also meant that he didn't have to worry about getting hot at night and could enjoy how soft everything was while bundled up. Which is what he was currently doing.

Dream had his headphones on listening to music while pondering about the future, like how he would level up and develop his weapons. Especially the weapons. He had no idea about any of the materials of this world. So there was much to be found out.

It was about 3 hours after everyone went to bed when he got a notification from Sophia

[Theres a guest at your door]


[Oh, I don't know...Maybe someone who just wants more love.]

'I got it...'

Dream got up and opened the door after he heard a soft knock. Sure enough, Luna was standing outside. Dream didn't even need to say anything as he welcomed her in. This wasn't the first time she had come to him to help her sleep. 

Once he had the door closed he spoke to her.

"How's your night going?"

"It's alright. I was just thinking about some things."

'So she wanted to talk?'

Dream guessed and went to the bed. Luna followed and they both sat down, getting comfortable. 

As they sat down, Dream couldn't help but marvel at how truly beautiful she was.

The light from outside shined down through the window against half of her face. The lit half of her hair glistened with a pearl white, while the dark half glowed with a blue hue. Her stunning face that's never been tainted by makeup was one of the most gorgeous he had ever seen.

Her grey eyes looked straight at him. They truly were like pieces of jade. She also wore some simple pajamas that Dream summoned for her. It was basically a long shirt that went down past her waist, but it wasn't baggy. 

Dream gave it to her saying it was just the pajamas that girls wore on his world. She liked it and started wearing it and Dream was thrilled. She just looked way too sexy in that. Her perfect curves and a shirt that let him see most of it was the best for the eyes.

After clearing his throat, Dream spoke up

"So what's up? Something on your mind?"

"I was just thinking about what we're gonna do after we leave here. I've never been out of the forest, not to mention meeting other people. I just don't know how things are gonna go."

'So she's nervous about leaving? I kinda get it though.'

Just imagine if you've only lived in the countryside all your life and suddenly get thrown into a nightclub. It would be scary.

"Things will most likely go well. With our power, we should be able to get by rather easily. I'm more concerned actually about getting our classes."

"Ya, although dad said it might not be too bad for us, it's different with your skillset. I've never heard of your weapons and to get a class with them, I doubt there's much help you can get."

"*sigh* Yea. It'll be interesting though. To experience what this world has in store. How did the phone and music work out for you?"

"I like it! The songs were cool. Although some had words going too fast for me to understand..."

"So you heard some rap huh? Yea those guys are rather impressive. It was never my favorite, but I still got some on there."

"I also noticed though that most songs were about love and relationships. And some talked about...specific things..."

"Oh, right, I know what you're talking about. That's just how most of them are. Hehe, I kinda forgot about that. I'm just so used to it. Sorry about that."

"No, it's alright. It wasn't all that bad, just caught me off guard. There were still some I liked."

"That's good."

Dream could notice red creeping up on Luna's face as she talked about those songs. It definitely would be a culture shock to be hearing some of the things being said.

They sat there in awkward silence for a bit before he broke it.

"You wanna lay down? Assuming you're sleeping here..."

"S-sure. Thanks."

She got a little embarrassed but they both got under the covers and found a pillow. There was one thing different about this time than all the other times Luna has stayed the night though.

'She didn't turn into a fox. This'll be an interesting night.'

Luna always turned into a fox and cuddled with Dream so he could pet her, but she didn't and obviously had other plans this time.

"You know, you usually come and cuddle with me as a fox."

"Do...Do you want me to transform?"

Her mood noticeably dropped after she said that. She didn't transform for a reason. But of course, Dream knew that.

"I didn't say that."


"Comere you cute lil thang."


Dream beckoned her to come over and she scooted into his arms. It was awkward at first and they needed some adjusting, but they eventually fell into place.

She laid her head on his arm and he wrapped her up. Their legs intertwined so they could get even closer. Soon, they were totally pressed up against each other.

"Hey, I know a really great song. It's a classic."

"A classic?"

"Ya. It basically means that it's kinda old but everybody still loves it."

"Ok. I didn't bring my headphones though..."

"That's alright. Hang on."

Dream grabbed his phone and summoned wireless earphones instead of headphones. He gave one pair to Luna and one for himself. 

"You just put them inside your ear. Like this."

"Oh. Ok... Got it."

"Good. I'll play the song."

Dream then picked up his phone and scrolled to the perfect song for this mood. 

*Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling in Love*

He pressed play and the song started. Dream got nice and comfortable with Luna.

As the song played, he stroked her silky smooth hair. Her body relaxed little by little along with each comb of his fingers, until both of them were absolutely serene. 

The song kept playing, and they kept getting immersed in it. It began to feel as if they connected through it. Dream could feel some of her love with his senses. And she could feel his through her innate ability. Both knew that their feelings were laid bare, but that only strengthened the emotion.

They were so immersed with each other that they didn't even notice when the song ended.

As they lay there in silence, they became more and more attuned to each other. They sensed more deeply the emotion of the other as the seconds ticked by.

They first sensed each other with their ability, then the emotion started permeating into their mana as it freely passed between them, creating a bubble of mana. The emotions for one another soon became the only thing they could sense. And at some point, their souls began to communicate on a deep level.

But as their souls began to affect each other, it alerted the attention of someone else.


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